
1、外观 我们所说的外观,就是指产品表面是否光洁,有没有碰伤划痕之类的缺陷。如果是本色的产品,那我们要看是否有砂眼,气孔,缺口这类的缺陷,其实,球阀的选购大家不用去买抛光电镀的产品,可直接去买抛砂电镀的产品,因为两者价格的相差很大,而在使用上是一样的。 2、开启的手感 你在选购球阀时也一定要去打开,关闭试试手感如何,开关过程有没有卡阻现象。手感好的产品,在使用上次数上就会多。内部密封件不易磨损 3、产品的重量 现在铜的价格都在上涨,所以各家厂商都在想办法减轻产品的重量。当然,我们要看清楚,壁厚太薄的产品肯定是不行的。一般1/2-3/4的壁厚有1.65-2mm之间就可以了 4、产品使用的材料 球阀的材料有黄铜的,青铜的,有塑料的。一般家用。我个人认为黄铜的产品比较好。使用的年数要比较长。不易损坏的。当在黄铜的比塑料的要贵一些,这个就要看你在买的时候是不是很在意价格啦 5、配件的材料 配件的材料,一直都有是我们在选购时容易忽略的。要知道配件的就会关系到产品的使用寿命。密封件是聚四氟乙烯的比较好一些。手柄要用铜的或钢的就好一些。螺丝螺母都是要用黄铜的。

“ Ball valve of the purchase ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国球阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。



An appearance What we call the appearance, refers to whether the smooth surface, there are no bumps scratches and the like defects. If it is true colors of the product, then we have to consider whether there are blisters, pores, gaps such defects, in fact, the purchase there is no need to buy a ball valve plating polishing products, can be directly thrown sand plating to buy products, because two those prices vary widely, and in the use of the same. 2, the open feel Valve when you purchase must go open, try to feel how close the switching process has no name the phenomenon of resistance. Feel good products, there will be more on the frequency of use. Not easy to wear and tear of internal seals 3, the product of the weight of Now copper prices are rising, so a variety of vendors are seeking ways to reduce the weight of the product. Of course, we have to understand that thin wall thickness product is definitely not work. Generally 1/2-3/4 of the thickness of a 1.65-2mm can be had between the 4, products, materials used in The materials are brass ball valves, bronze, there are plastic. General household requirements. I personally think that brass products better. Use the number of years longer than the. Easily damaged. When the brass to be more expensive than plastic, it depends on when you are buying is not very concerned about the price 啦 5, parts of the material Parts of the material, is that we have always been easy to overlook when purchasing. Need to know parts will be related to the product life. Comparison of PTFE seals are better. Handle to use copper or steel like some. Screw nut is to use brass.


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