30岁后的女人如何延缓衰老? » 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网









1 、补水是关键:选择水分滋润的产品,坚持每天涂抹防晒霜。

2、开始紧肤: 寻找“紧肤”护肤品,每次涂抹时要连带上颈部,并由下向上推抹,防止肌肤下垂松弛。

3、避免: 如果天生毛孔粗大,可以经常做清洁护理,保持毛孔清洁,防止xx感染,避免毛孔更加粗大。

4 、使用清爽型眼霜:眼霜属于营养型产品,营养成分较多,质地比较厚重,而三十岁并不需要过多的营养,只须要确保水分充足,可以选择质地轻薄的着哩(zheli)状眼霜。

5、 每天吃维生素:维生素C有助于淡化和分解已形成的,还能抑制新生的黑色素,并加速黑色素从表皮或经血液排出体外。

6、 参加有氧运动:适当的运动如慢跑、游泳能加快皮肤的血液循环,有助于细胞吸氧,每周3~5次,每次20~30分钟的有氧运动会让肌肤变得红润。

7、 睡眠要充足:当你熟睡时,皮肤的代谢工作才真正开始,进行不断的新陈代谢和自我调整。

8 、远离烟酒:吸烟者皮肤出现皱纹的年龄要比不吸烟者早十多年之久,主要是因为尼古丁对皮肤血管的收缩作用;喝酒会减少皮肤中油脂数量,加快水分流失,间接影响皮肤的正常功能。






4、 每天洗澡,确保肌肤表皮的滋润,洗澡后立即涂抹身体护理乳液,让补充的水分封存在肌肤内。

5、 每天外出都使用防晒品,阳光中的UVA是导致肌肤老化的元凶。


After the 30-year-old woman how to slow down aging?

Enter the 30-year-old woman, there is a sense of crisis, because 30-year-old means that your body and skin conditions will decrease day by day is the beginning of aging. About to enter the 30 women, we must be careful care of your precious skin, in order to make your longer-lasting youthful.

30-year-old woman’s skin condition

Cell turnover rate began to slow down, eye week of fine lines, skin condition is a turning point. Signs of aging: aging beginning of another. Although the damage caused by sun exposure or lack of care and the consequences of the skin surface can not see it, but by the collagen and elastic fibers of organizations have begun to slowly lose their elasticity, microcirculation is no longer functioning at full speed, the cell update is also the fastest elapsed time, the skin in the sunlight, moisture and elasticity are beginning to reduce skin began to relax.


Will soon enter the 30-year-old woman, the key is to fight against wrinkles moisture replenishment, select the mineral-rich formula helps the skin’s self-healing, it can make the skin to maximize the absorption of oxygen in the cells, sufficient reserves, energy. Containing ginkgo, ginseng, soybeans, natural extract, witch hazel and other plants extracts such as cell protection formula can speed up blood circulation, cell protection formula can also prevent premature wrinkles.

Anti-aging preventive measures

1, replenishment sun is the key: Select the water moisture of the skin care products, adhere to smear sunscreen every day.

2, began to Lift: Search for “Lift” skin-care products, jointly and severally, on each smear when the neck, pushed by the bottom-up wipe to prevent the sagging skin relaxation.

3, to avoid the pore thick: If the natural pores thick, you can always do mask cleaning care, to keep pores clean and prevent bacterial infections, to avoid the more coarse pores.

4, using fresh-type cream: Cream are nutritional products, nutrients more, relatively heavy texture, while the three-year-old does not need too many nutrients, only to ensure adequate moisture, you can choose a lightweight texture mile (zheli )-like eye cream.

5, eat vitamins: Vitamin C help to weaken and break down the melanin already formed, but also inhibit nascent melanin, and to accelerate the melanin from the epidermis or blood excreted.

6, to participate in aerobic exercise: Moderate exercise such as jogging, swimming can accelerate the skin’s blood circulation, helping cells, oxygen, 3 to 5 times a week, every 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic sports so that the skin becomes rosy .

7, sleep should be enough: When you are asleep, the skin metabolism of the work began in earnest to carry out continuous metabolism and self-regulating.

8, away from alcohol and tobacco: Smokers skin wrinkles than non-smokers as early as the age of 10 years old, mainly because of nicotine on the skin blood vessels of the contraction; drinking will reduce the amount of skin oils and accelerate water loss, indirectly affect the normal function of the skin.

Beautiful 30-year-old law

This age is the stage you are responsible for multi-tasking should be more actively take care of themselves. Focus on nutrition, diet, regular exercise, do skin care. You can spend more money in the application of cosmetics do you think the investment budget for your beautiful hair and hair colors.

1, to formulate a proper skin care procedures, selecting appropriate for their skin care products.

2, to enhance awareness of choice a good sunscreen lotion (SPF 15 and above).

3, the efficacy of regular use of a variety of mask, for cleaning, providing nutrition, water, even water and oil balance, so that the skin becomes slack dim luster moisture and restore skin elasticity.

4, daily bathing, to ensure the epidermal skin moisture, take a bath immediately after the smear body care lotion to add moisture to the skin inside the sealed.

5 out use sunscreen every day, the sun’s UVA is the culprit leading to skin aging.

6, must-make-up products for the eye cream, concealer, foundation, two Cheek (a yes to a natural integration into the cheeks color; a is the color the more light, make cheeks distributed dishonorable ), neutral shades of lipstick.


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