

A Brief Introduction to Chongqing Sino French Tangjiatuo Wastewater Treatment Company Limited

Chongqing Sino French Tangjiatuo Wastewater Treatment Company Limited is a joint venture established by Sino French Water Development Company Limited and Chongqing Water Group. Each party invested 50% of a total of RMB 470 million. The inauguration of the company on December 16, 2006 signified another milestone of the collaboration of Sino French Investment Company Limited and Chongqing Water Group in infrastructure business. The company has an area of 23 hectare and is located at Taipinchong, Tangjiatuo, Jiangbei district, Chongqing on north bank of Yangzi river. The company is a modern、large-scale wastewater treatment plant with complete processes and sophisticated equipment. The current treatment capacity of the company is 300,000 m3/d,the final capacity will be increased to 400,000 m3/d and the service area is 90 km2 .The plant utilizes A2O process and chemical dephosphorization to achieve nitrogen and phosphorus removal,the plant is also equipped with the sludge digestion unit. The quality of treated water meets the first level of national discharging standard.

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