青海省将试行村级公益事业建设一事一议筹资筹劳财政奖补政策。旨在推进农村牧区综合改革,促进农村牧区公益事业健康发展。 据省财政厅有关负责人介绍,开展村级公益事业建设一事一议筹资筹劳财政奖补试点工作,是统筹城乡发展,促进城乡公共服务均等化的重要举措。通过实施财政奖补,调动农牧民参与公益事业建设的主动性,有利于完善新形式下财政支农机制,引导民间和社会资金投入,形成对农村公益事业的支持合力。今年我省将选择1个至3个县试点,待条件成熟后适时在全省全面推开。 开展财政奖补政策的申报范围是县级所有建制行政村。财政奖补范围是村内农牧民直接受益的社会公益事业,以农牧民通过一事一议筹资筹劳和村集体投入为基础,政府给予一定的财政奖补资金。主要包括:村内骨干道路、行政村到各自然村(社)或农牧民居住较集中的人行便道、人行便桥的道路(沙石路、柏油路、水泥路)建设;村内过河桥梁的新建、扩建和改建;村内人畜饮水工程的新建和改造;村内农田排水、灌溉用防渗渠、涵管及农田排灌用泵站改造建设;村容村貌改造,包括垃圾存放点、公共厕所等公共环卫设施建设;村内主道路两侧、公共绿地和村庄周围等的植树造林(不包括经营性造林)建设;其他符合一事一议财政奖补条件的村级公益事业和建设项目。
“ Investment in village-level farmers and herdsmen in Qinghai Province will receive public welfare reform provincial finance awards complement the building of pumping stations to include ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。
Qinghai Province, will build the pilot village public welfare workers regarding a proposal to raise financing for the financial awards complement the policy. Designed to promote comprehensive reform of rural and pastoral areas to promote the public welfare and healthy development of rural and pastoral areas. Provincial Department of Finance, according to the person in charge to carry out the construction of village-level public welfare workers regarding a proposal to raise financing for the financial awards complement the experimental work of co-ordinating urban and rural development, and promote the equalization of urban and rural public services, an important measure. Complement through the implementation of the financial award to mobilize the farmers and herdsmen participate in the construction of public welfare initiative, helps to improve the financial support for agriculture under the new form of mechanism to guide private and social capital investment, the formation of public support for the cause of rural force. This year our province will select 1-3 counties pilot until the conditions are ripe in the province comprehensively implement a timely manner. To carry out financial awards complement the scope of the policy's declarations that all county-level administrative villagesformed. Complement the scope of the financial award is a direct benefit of farmers and herdsmen in the village social welfare undertakings, to farmers and herdsmen of the adoption of a funding proposal to raise the collective input and village-based workers, the Government for some financial awards complement funds. Include: the backbone of village roads, administrative villages to various villages (community) or the concentration of farmers and herdsmen who live in the sidewalk, pedestrian path temporary bridge (Shashi Lu, asphalt, cement road) construction; the village a new bridge across the river , expansion and alterations; village drinking water project of new and reformation; village farmland drainage, irrigation seepage drains, culverts and pumping stations transformation with the construction of farmland irrigation and drainage; village appearance transformation capacity of the village, including garbage storage, public toilets and other public sanitation facility construction; the village on both sides of the main roads, public green areas and the surrounding villages, such as tree planting (not including operating afforestation) construction; other line with a proposal regarding the conditions of the financial awards make up village public welfare undertakings and construction projects.