

2010-03-12 13:57:46 阅读5 评论0 字号:

一、掌握一定的产品知识和信息: 随着采暖制度的改革,分户热计量及分室控温已开始进入实施阶段,在散热器上安装温控阀已经是非常普遍的了,用温控阀实现分室温度控制,既能{zd0}限度的节约能源,又能{zd0}限度地满足不同用户对室内温度调节的需要,是一件利国利民的好事,但是如何选择温控阀并没有xx让用户掌握,如果不能正确地选择产品,不仅不能满足需求,而且可能会给用户带来不必要的经济损失,在此向您介绍一些选择小窃门。 下面就市场上所常见的阀体和阀头分别的作一简单介绍,供选择自动温控阀时作参考。温控阀体:铜铸造的优势在于能铸造形腔复杂的产品,模具费用少,生产成本较低,但缺点是铸造缺陷多,材料耐压强度差;与之相反,铜锻造阀体因模具价值高,锻造设备复杂,生产成本高,但是却能获得高强度的产品,耐压能力较铸造件也高得多,同时又有效地避免了铸造缺陷。 温控阀是指在散热器供水管上安装的温度调节(实际上是流量调节)的一种装置。分为手动温控阀和自动温控阀两种,自动温控阀又称自力式温控阀或自动恒温阀,也有简称为恒温阀的。 自动温控阀是由感温传感器的自力式执行机构和特制的配套温控阀体组成。温控阀阀体的结构形式常有直通、角通阀两种最常见的两通阀。两通阀主要用于双管系统或经特殊设计的新型单管系统。 近些年来,根据单、双管系统的差异,又研究生产出了专门适用于单管系统的三通式温控阀和用暗安装的适合单、双管系统的特制四通阀。这些四通阀目前多见于进口产品,如意大利杰科米尼(GIACOMI-NI)的四通阀,它不仅适用于各种散热器,而且适用于单、双管系统,同时还具备了能满足暗装的多种管材的连接方式。 温控阀通常有手动、自动两种,其阀门动作原理有很大的不同。手动温控阀通常采用螺旋升降阀芯,手柄的旋专经由螺旋变成阀芯的直线位移。而自动温控阀为了适应温控传感器的自力执行机构的所特有的直线移动方式,阀芯的移动通常直接设计为能自动复位的直线位移,所以两种阀体一般情况下不能互换。 二、细心挑选、多做比较 但是也有可互换的特殊设计的阀体可以通用,即采用自动温控阀的阀体,附加一个适宜手动螺旋升降机构,即可实现手动、自动两者的通用互换。这一改进特别适合中国的国情,非常具有实用价值,在目前很多项目中,为了节约开发商初期的投资,先装一个具有自动温控功能的阀体并附带有特殊的螺旋升降手柄,这样既实现了用1/3的自动温控阀费用(该价位基本等同于手动温控阀)实现了手动温控阀,又给用户在将来实现自动温控留下升级换代的空间。这种产品即使在进口产品中也不多见,意大利杰科米尼在这方面走在了市场的前面,提供了这种介于手动、自动温控阀之间的一种称之为双调节温控阀,八档设定,室内温度随您设定,方便至极。不愧为世界较大的暖通阀门供应商。正因为这种介于手动和自动温控阀之间的阀门的特殊性,所以选择将会复杂一些,这种复杂性给一些业务不精的人员和投机的业务员造成了"鱼目混珠"的机会。 在目前的市场上有很多自动温控阀的供应商的业务员将带有一个简易调节手柄的纯自动温控阀体充作为双调节功能的温控阀向用户推荐,也有的用户采用了这样的温控阀,这是不甚恰当的,存在着很大的隐患,这样的自动温控阀阀体上虽附带了简易调节手柄,但该手柄的设计思想中是为了满足在自动温控阀阀头安装之前,临时用于系统调节以满足工程试压试水而已,在试压试水过程完成以后,将其取而代之的是自动温控阀阀头,由于它的临时性,所以该简易调节手柄借用了阀体上原有的用于固定温控阀头的普通螺纹作螺旋升降用。 我们都知道简易调节手柄由于其临时性、一次性,一般采用塑料制造,如果将其作为最终频繁调节用,其螺纹的磨损是很快的,更何况在采暖系统正常工作时,阀芯的上下升降是在有一定的压力情况下进行的,即使是在没有压力的系统中,单是阀芯自身的弹簧压力都将大大加速手柄螺纹的磨损,所以用该产品作为可升级为自动温控阀的手动温控阀是不恰当的。 意大利杰科米尼的可升级为自动温控阀的称为双调节的温控阀,与其它品牌的{zd0}不同的是,它的调节手柄不是临时的一次性产品,而是专门设计的具有耐久应用的最终产品,螺旋升降的螺纹的牙形是特制受力耐磨的梯形,螺距达4.5mm。长久使用是没有任何后顾之忧的,当然临时使用就更没有问题。而一般临时的调节手柄所借用的螺纹为细牙固定螺纹,螺纹的牙形为普通三角形,其螺距仅为1.5mm。这种临时手柄转动三圈。 阀芯的位移才能与4.5mm螺距的梯形螺纹一圈相当,这也就是说在您将阀门从最小开至{zd0}需要三倍的时间,这对经常需要调节的温控阀来说调节不便也是显而易见的。 下面我们来研究一下自动温控阀,自动温控阀通常分为阀体和阀头两部分,阀体一般采用铜铸造或热锻方式生产,阀头的温度传感器一般有液体和固体之分:固体的又分为两种:一种是腊制,一种是热记忆合金。目前市场上流行的固体传感器介质多数为石腊,很少有热记忆合金的。 因而对形状不太复杂的阀体来说,专业的生产商均采用热锻的方式生产阀体。但也有一些生产商采用铸造的方式生产,这一点需要用户细心的辨别。我认为在暖气上所使用的温控阀属于简单阀体,采用热锻是非常合适的。在选择阀体时还有一个细节应该注意,很多阀体的设计为了更简单,直通阀的阀体进、出水口处于同一轴线上,这样设计固然是简单,但阀芯的位移空间将会受到影响,所以这类阀体阀芯位移一般仅为2-3mm。 意大利杰科米尼的自动温控阀体,其直通阀体设计非常独特,在保证了出、入口在同一轴线的情况下,内腔通道采用了错位设计,有效增加了阀芯位移空间,使得阀芯位移高达4-5mm,这在日前的自动温控阀的设计上是不多见的。阀芯位移的增大对较脏的暖通水质来说是非常有利的,过小的阀芯位移在较脏的暖通水和结垢严重的情况下将很容易出现堵塞的情况。 温控阀头:温控阀头内的感温传感器的内充介质一般有液体和固体两种,液体和固体因生产工艺不同,一般的生产商通常因受到生产规模的限制,往往只采用其中的一种工艺来生产液体或固体阀头,只有一些大型的生产商会同时生产两种阀头来方便客户选择。 至于两种阀头的不同之处,我认为在暖通应用领域应该说没有太多区别,如果一定要说出不同之处的话,我认为在以下方面: (一),体积上不同。液体的一般来说要达到同样热膨胀位移需要较大量的液体,因此感温传感器体积较大,所以阀头体积较大,与小阀体成套后的比例有点不协调,因此不如用固体式的阀头更美观些。 (二),液体的密封技术要复杂一些,生产成本相对固体的要略高一点,所以销售的价格也往往会高一点。 三,液体阀头要较固体的更敏感一点,这一点是液体与固体相比的{wy}优点,但在暖通领域这个典型的大滞后系统来讲,这种优势没有多少作用。总而言之,无论是液体还是固体的温控阀头,只要是合格产品,均能xx满足EN215的标准中对敏感时间的要求。 我曾对意大利杰科米尼的两种介质的温度传感器在国家建设工程质量检测中心进行对比测量,没有发现明显的差别。值得一提的是意大利杰科米尼的温控阀头的安装也很独特,一般温控阀头的安装均采用螺纹连接的方式,而杰科米尼却采用了自己的专利技术,快速卡压式连接,既快又安全,有效避免了手动螺纹连接容易松动的缺陷。在阀体的连接活节上,杰科米尼也有自己的专利,即在连接的活节上烫上了聚四氟的自密材料,便利安装时不用缠生料或麻绳,有效提高了安装的效率,并做到了有效的密封。 三、根据自身需要,选择适合的产品: 综上所述,当您想选用温控阀时要细心调选,这样可用最少的钱来做{zj0}的选择,无论是采用手动、双调节还是全自动的温控阀,意大利杰科米尼可谓是尽善尽美的可供选择的合作伙伴,齐全的产品,周到的服务,均使您能得到满意。 一般来说,如果出于投资最省做为选择原则,不考虑自动温控阀节能带来的益处,也不考虑将来升级为自动温控阀的话,可以选择纯手动的温控阀。如果出于用很少的投资,考虑到将来由业主自己升级为自动温控阀,那么可选择双调节温控阀,这种双调节温控阀与纯手动温控阀价位基本相同。如果是想做出一步到位的选择,那么就可以直接选择自动温控阀,大体上价位是手动温控阀的三倍左右。

“ High-quality low-cost temperature control valve of the purchase and pay attention to matters of ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国气动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

First, acquire a certain amount of product knowledge and information: With the heating system reform, household heat metering and sub-room temperature control has entered the implementation stage, the temperature control valve is installed in the radiator is already very popular, and with the temperature control valve to achieve sub-room temperature control, both the maximum energy conservation, but also satisfy different user needs for indoor temperature regulation is a good thing benefits the country, but how to select temperature control valve did not fully allow users to grasp, if not the right choice of products, not only can not to meet the demand, and may give users an unnecessary economic losses take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the options of small theft door. Here's the market that are common to the respective valve and valve head to make a simple introduction to automatic temperature control valve for selection for reference. Temperature Control Valve Body: Copper casting has the advantage of casting-shaped cavity can be complex products, mold cost less, lower production costs, but the drawback is more than casting defects, materials, compressive strength is poor; In contrast, the copper body by forging dies high value and complexity of forging equipment, production costs are high, but was able to obtain high-strength products, pressure capability is also much higher than the casting, while effectively avoiding casting defects. Temperature control valve is installed on the water pipes in the radiator temperature regulation (actually flow regulation) of a device. Manual and automatic temperature control valve is divided into two kinds of temperature control valve, automatic temperature control valve is also called Self-operated temperature control valve or automatic thermostat valve, are also referred to as the thermostat valve. Automatic temperature control valve is a temperature sensor Self-executing agencies and special supporting temperature control valve body composition. Thermostatic valve valve's structure often straight, angle valve two of the most common two-way valve. Two-way valve is mainly used for two-pipe system or a specially designed a new single-pipe system. In recent years, according to single and double pipe system differences, but also post-graduate output of a single-pipe system specifically applicable to the three links-style temperature control valve and the use of covert installation of suitable single-, double-tube system, a special four-way valve. The four-way valve is currently more common in imported products, such as Italy Jiekemini (GIACOMI-NI) of the four-way valve, which applies not only to all kinds of radiators, and it applies to single and double control systems, but also the ability to meet the Dark filled with a variety of pipe connections. Thermostatic valve usually have manual, automatic two kinds, the principle of the valve movements are very different. Manual temperature control valve usually spiral lift spool, rotating handle designed a straight line through the spiral into a spool displacement. And automatic temperature control valve in order to meet the temperature sensor specific self-implementing agency of the straight-line moves, spool movement is usually designed to automatically reset the direct linear displacement, therefore the body under normal circumstances are not interchangeable. Second, carefully chosen, and do more comparison But there are also interchangeable, a specially designed valve can be generic, that is, automatic temperature control valve of the valve, attach a suitable manual screw lifting mechanism, can be realized manually, automatic common exchange between the two. This is particularly suitable to improve the situation in China have great practical value, in the present, many projects, developers in order to save the initial investment, first install a valve with automatic temperature control feature along with the spiral movements with special handles, so that both the achieved with 1 / 3 the cost of automatic temperature control valve (the price of basic equivalent to manual temperature control valve) for a manual temperature control valve, and gave the user automatic temperature control in the future to upgrade the space left behind. Even in the imports of this product is also rare in this area of Italy Jiekemini walk in front of the market provides such a range of manual, automatic temperature control valve of a call between the pairs of adjustment temperature control valve, eight stalls setting, the indoor temperature as you set up, extremely convenient. Worthy of the world's larger HVAC valve suppliers. It is this range of manual and automatic temperature control valve of the valve between the particularity of, so choice will be complex, this complexity is not fine for some business people and caused speculation salesman "fish in" opportunities . In the current market, there are a lot of automatic temperature control valve suppliers salesman will carry a simple adjustment handle automatic temperature control valve body of the net charge as a dual regulatory function of the temperature control valve to the user recommendation, and some user adoption of such The temperature control valve, which is not very appropriate, there are great risks, so that although the automatic temperature control valve body with a simple adjustment on the handle, but the handle design idea is to meet the automatic temperature control valve valve first before installing the temporary works for the system adjusted to meet the test of water pressure test only, test the water pressure in the test process is completed, be replaced by automatic temperature control valve valve head, because of its temporary, so the simple adjustment valve handle on the original borrowed for fixed thermostatic valve head for helical screw lifting the ordinary use. We all know that simple adjustment handle because of its temporary, one-time, generally use plastic, if used as the final frequency adjustment, the thread wear is very fast, not to mention working in the heating system, the spool up and down movements where there is a certain pressure circumstances, even in the absence of pressure systems, the spool itself alone will greatly speed up the spring pressure on the thread handle wear and tear, so use this product as can be upgraded to automatic temperature control valve of the Manual temperature control valve is not appropriate. Italy Jiekemini that can be upgraded to automatic temperature control valve known as the dual regulation of the temperature control valve, and other brands the biggest difference is that it is not a temporary one-time adjustment handle products, but designed with a durable application the final product, spiral movements of the thread-shaped teeth are trapezoidal wear special force, pitch up to 4.5mm. There is no worry about long-term use is, of course, temporary use of more no problem. The general regulation of the handle of the temporary borrowing of the thread teeth fixed for the fine thread, thread for general triangular-shaped teeth, the pitch of only 1.5mm. Three times for such temporary handle rotation. Spool displacement of talent and 4.5mm pitch lap rather trapezoidal thread, which means that you will open the valve from the smallest to the largest three times the time required, which often requires adjustment of the temperature control valve for regulating the inconvenience is obvious. Let's look at automatic temperature control valve, automatic temperature control valve is usually divided into two parts, valve and valve head, valve commonly used method of production of copper casting or hot forging, valve head temperature sensors are generally divided liquid and solid: solid is divided into two kinds: one is the La-system, a hot-memory alloy. Currently on the market the popular media, most of paraffin solid sensor, with little heat memory alloy. Thus less complex shape of the body, the professional manufacturers adopt traditional methods of forging body. But there are also some manufacturers to use traditional methods of casting, this requires the user to distinguish carefully. I think the use of a radiator temperature control valve on the valve body are simple, using hot forging is very appropriate. In the selection body should pay attention to detail when there is a lot of valve design in order to be more simple, straight-through valve body inlet and outlet in the same axis, so that while the design is simple, but the displacement of spool space will be subject to We, therefore, the general type of valve spool displacement is only 2-3mm. Italy Jiekemini automatic temperature control valve body, its straight-through body design is very unique, guaranteed entry and exit axis in the same circumstances, with the dislocation channel cavity design, effectively increase the displacement of spool space, making spool displacement of up to 4-5mm, which in a recent design of an automatic temperature control valve is rare. Spool displacement increases the more dirty HVAC water is very beneficial, too small spool displacement in a relatively dirty water and scale HVAC serious cases will be very prone to gridlock. Thermostatic valve head: Temperature Control Valve head temperature sensor inside the inner filling of liquid and solid media are generally two types of liquid and solid production process due to different manufacturers in general are usually a result of restrictions by the scale of production, often using only one A process to produce liquid or solid valve head, only a few large-scale production of both types of valve head chamber of commerce to facilitate customer choice. As for the difference between the two valve head, I think it should be said in HVAC applications, there is not much difference, if we must point out the difference of the Department, I think in the following areas: (A), different size. Generally speaking, the liquid to achieve the same thermal expansion, a larger displacement of the liquid, so temperature sensor larger, so larger valve heads, with a small proportion of valve sets a little after the lack of coordination, so is preferable to use solid-type valve something more beautiful head. (B), liquid sealing technology to be more complex, the production costs are relatively solid to be a little higher, so sales prices are often higher. 3, the liquid valve head to be a little more sensitive than the solid and this is the only liquid and solid advantages in comparison, but in the HVAC field in terms of a typical large-delay system, this advantage is not much effect. All in all, whether liquid or solid thermostatic valve head, as long as a qualified product, can fully meet the EN215 standard in the time sensitive requirements. I had two Italian Jiekemini medium temperature sensor in nation-building project quality inspection center to compare measurements and found no significant differences. It is worth mentioning that the Italian Jiekemini the installation of thermostatic valve head is also very unique, the general temperature control valve installation of the first threaded connections are used, rather Jiekemini they used their own patented technology, fast card pressure-type connections, fast and safe, effective and easy to avoid the loose screw connection manually defects. In the body of the connection alive Festival Jiekemini also has its own patent, that is connected to hot on the live festival PTFE self-dense material, to facilitate the installation or hemp rope without wrapping raw materials, effectively increasing installation of efficiency, and achieve an effective seal. 3, according to their own needs, select the appropriate product: To sum up, when you want to use temperature control valve should be careful when you transfer the election, so that money can at least make the best choice, whether it is manual, dual-adjustable or automatic temperature control valve, Italy Jiekemini can be called perfect alternative partners, and complete products, attentive service, all so you can get satisfaction. Generally speaking, if the most efficient as a choice for investment principles, without regard to the benefits of energy-saving automatic temperature control valve does not consider future upgrades for automatic temperature control valve, then you can choose a purely manual temperature control valve. If, for with very little investment, taking into account the future by the owners themselves to upgrade to automatic temperature control valve, then the optional dual-adjustable temperature control valve, a dual-adjustable thermostatic valve with pure manual temperature control valve is basically the same price. If you want to make a one-stop choice, then can choose automatic temperature control valve, generally prices are about three times the manual temperature control valve.

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