宁夏回族自治区探索乳品加工企业为龙头设置乳制品合作社,促进了奶牛业 ...













- - -中所面临的问题,发展新的奶制品合作社





的已用于公园,科学和技术完成了奶牛,畜牧部门将集中于技术和财政支持,如奶牛合作社,奶农协会,更好地发挥主导作用的模式,建立保护奶农的利益,这取决于它们在提供适当的财政支持企业发展。鼓励企业,牛奶协会,个人投资和机械化挤奶单位,其中20亿美元的投资,建成并正常运作建设,1 500.00万元的资助。鼓励技术人员参加农村专业合作组织,帮助规范管理,提高技术服务。鼓励和支持奶业协会加强指导,根据市场情况和当地生产成本,定期对原料奶收购参考价格,并探讨了原料奶定价机制公布。

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to explore dairy processing enterprises to set up as the leading dairy cooperatives to promote the dairy industry development

In recent years, the rapid development of China’s dairy industry. Dairy products in order to adapt to market demand and price changes, Ningxia some dairy products processing enterprises with their own set up as a leader, have separate legal personality of the new dairy cooperatives, it should produce a stable supply of milk collection business, but also objectively led industrialization of agriculture to help farmers to realize income. The new dairy cooperatives to promote the healthy development of dairy industry a new mechanism.

- new dairy cooperatives to assets as a link, have a legal personality

dairy cooperatives emergence of the concept of long-standing, traditional dairy cooperatives are registered in the civil affairs departments loose non-governmental organizations, non - with legal personality should not bear the corresponding legal responsibility, these co-operatives in general in order to “concentrate on keeping, risk sharing, the interests of co-existence” as the basic features. Developments in the dairy industry under good conditions, milk product sales are not a problem, but if the dairy industry downturn, sales of dairy products face difficulties, but also a separate dairy farmers cooperative bank loans to the lack of uniform protection of the reputation.

in the industrial development process, set up different mechanisms will produce different results. Dairy processing enterprises to set up as the leading dairy co-operatives be able to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional dairy cooperatives. Ningxia Yinchuan Jinhe original Sun Dairy Co., Ltd. by Paul said that in repeated milk prices Product process, have emerged to sell dairy cattle, the phenomenon of杀牛; In addition, some dairy farmers in a time when prices on the torn up with the Cows entered into a contract, a serious impact on dairy farmers, milk companies to co-operate. To this end, the Golden River Dairy farmers actively guide companies to set up new dairy cooperatives. SUN Lian Zeng told to remember this “new” dairy cooperatives in the asset as a link, with an independent legal personality.

It is understood that Jinhe dairy company in the vicinity of large镇乡launched xinxiang and keeper of the dairy farmers set up cooperatives, farmers apply for entrance to their dairy cattle, cattle, housing, property price of shares, then the election a responsible person, according to Agriculture Cooperatives Act enacted statute, the Trade and Industry Bureau reported that register, become a legal personality independent entity. As required by the statute, dairy farmers in the actual production and operation activities, the farmers for their dairy cattle, cattle farm owned independent autonomy to the individual cost-effectiveness of all. Cooperative Dairy Jinhe fixed and signed a contract Jinhe dairy farmers responsible for providing a range of services. If the default has occurred, then the cooperative as a legal entity responsible for compensation, breach of contract farmers to become shareholders re-mortgage assets to the cooperative compensation.

Currently, Jinhe dairy companies have set up a 16 dairy cooperatives. Other dairy products in Ningxia have also set up such enterprises dairy cooperatives, Dairy Group宁夏夏into the party secretary马国忠introduce the company to invest more than 8000 million building various types of aquaculture park, and guide the farmers to join cooperatives.

- new dairy cooperatives to promote the development of dairy industry

In this mode, an enterprise corresponds to a fixed number of dairy farmers. Enterprises and farmers to benefit from double to avoid the downturn in the dairy industry dairy farmers benefits the development of the case of an injury and is conducive to the development of agricultural industrialization.

SUN Bao-Zeng said that in the business point of view, this model ensures that enterprises have adequate and stable supply of milk collection, and enhance the enterprise in the market’s competitiveness. Ningxia

The largest dairy farming region Wuzhong City, has been set up 48 professional dairy Economic Cooperation Organization, breaking splitting reared culture model, and gradually to the milk association, care, such as cattle pasture by breeding methods transition to further improve the milk production capacity and quality of the urban area will be built into Ningxia Wuzhong biggest production base of high-quality milk collection.

With the support of leading enterprises will help realize the industrialization of dairy industry. Cooperatives to implement a unified management and unified culture, technology updates, can be stabilized to increase production, thereby increasing revenue. Yinchuan City Jinhe dairy company in each of the park to build a mechanized milking units, the single milking. To do so is to ensure milk quality and reduce labor intensity and improve labor efficiency. Enterprises have also introduced international advanced total mixed ration feeding system, in accordance with scientific formulas, the corn, cake, subsection skin, silage, blind hostel, straw and a mixture of trace elements in the full, unified supply to the dairy cooperatives. Feed monthly subsection shall be deducted from the milk. To do so to ensure the nutritional needs of dairy cattle to ensure the quality of milk, a decrease of cow disease, improve the yield, an increase of income.

马国忠to say that with this kind of economic organization, the external has an independent legal personality, thereby reducing the risk of bank loans, banking on the courage to invest in the cooperative to help the rapid development of cooperatives. gold and silver

Wuzhong City Town Village Mission dairy Ma Xuejun Yang, 24 head of cattle, dairy cattle milk production an average of 25 kilograms per day, a cow a day can earn 30 yuan, “I raise cattle for more than 20 years , and has always been free-range, but add on the large dairy cooperatives to Park after the culture, whether it is milk, or vaccination, have greatly improved, and cooperation of non-cooperation is not the same ah. “

— - new dairy cooperatives in the development of the problems faced by

the same time, some enterprises and farmers to reflect that the development of dairy cooperatives is also facing some problems. First of all, the enterprises to their own as collateral for loans dairy cooperatives, if the co-operatives in a considerable part of dairy farmers operating can not be sustained, then the operation can not be full recovery of loans, businesses will have to bear the credit risk.

Secondly, in the dairy products market under conditions of intense competition, small and medium-sized dairy processing enterprises in operation at any time to do this risk, then fixed and enterprise contract dairy farmers will also be damaged.

again, some dairy farmers in the benefits of driving under the contract may be outside the enterprise and the dairy for milk processing enterprises signed contracts, which would cause the original contract business litigation.

Wuzhong City Deputy Secretary for Animal Husbandry张忠祥think, agricultural industrialization leading enterprises take the lead in the formation of new dairy cooperatives, are in the new situation of the dairy cooperative changes. Such cooperatives set up for building a modern dairy industry to build a new platform to enhance the dairy industry, cattle industry, feed industry as a whole plant growth. Wuzhong City

of cows that have been completed for the park, science and technology, the livestock sector will be focused on technical and financial support, where the establishment of dairy cooperatives, dairy farmers association and better played a leading role model to protect the dairy farmers the benefits, depending on their business development in the provision of appropriate financial support. Encourage enterprises, milk association, personal investment and construction of mechanized milking units, where the investment of 20 million, was completed and normal operation, and a 5 million yuan subsidy. Encourage technical staff to participate in professional cooperative organizations in rural areas to help standardize the management and improve technical services. Encourage and support the dairy industry associations to strengthen and guide, according to market conditions and local production costs, published on a regular basis the acquisition of raw milk reference prices, and explore the establishment of raw milk pricing mechanism. (07-11-15)

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