2014年,全球系统和设备天线市场将达133亿美元- 全球视野- zuosixinxi ...
2014年,全球系统和设备天线市场将达133亿美元 [翻译 2010-03-12 18:18:54]   









Wellesley, Mass. – According to a new technical market research report, ANTENNAS FOR SYSTEMS AND DEVICES: TECHNOLOGIES AND GLOBAL MARKETS (IFT073A) from BCC Research (www.bccresearch.com), the global market value of antennas for systems and devices was an estimated $10.1 billion in 2009, but is expected to increase to more than $13.3 billion in 2014, for a 5-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8%.


Global shipments for antennas for systems and devices are expected to be more than 15.4 billion units in 2014, after reaching an estimated 7.2 billion units in 2009. That indicates a 5-year CAGR of 16.6%.


Antennas may represent the most underrated components in telecommunications. While the focus of stakeholders is rightfully on improving the transmission and reception faculties of their devices, they are less focused on the components that make this happen.


Antennas form the cradle of wireless communications. They are indispensable components of any wireless device. The explosion in standards and technology on wireless personal area network (WPAN), wireless local area network (WLAN), and wireless wide area network (WWAN) has exerted enormous pressure on antennas. Clearly, the antenna is undergoing a metamorphosis in technological terms, making it important to translate the impact of this upheaval on market size.


This report analyzes the various classification criteria: technologies (flat-panel/medium-range directive antennas, miniature without fractal, miniature fractal, medium-gain directional antenna, high-gain reflector, and smart antennas), materials (metal, ceramic, PTFE, and electrified gas) and geographical regions (Americas, Europe Middle East Africa [EMEA], and Asia-Pacific [APAC]).


The section on sector-specific analysis breaks down the antenna market for each of the sectors (aviation, telematics, TV/radio infrastructure and user equipment, satellite communication infrastructure, mobile phones, wireless telecommunications infrastructure, computing applications, medical applications, defense and surveillance applications, and residential/industrial/commercial premises and user devices) along with antenna technologies, and antenna materials.


The report will be of value to the following industry players:

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and contract manufacturers of antenna systems and components in identifying the size and regional distribution of the antenna market

OEMs of products that embed antennas in understanding the technology and material pricing trends for antennas in their sector



北美移动设备天线市场研究报告——North American Antenna Markets for Mobile Devices

全球微波元件和设备(包括天线,管,半导体)市场研究报告——The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Microwave Components and Devices Excluding Antennae, Tubes, and Semiconductors

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