儿童益智玩具钻标准缺失的漏洞« oursolo.net
















Puzzle toys children missing loopholes drilling standards

In recent years, with parents of children EQ, IQ cultured gradually attention Puzzle popular toys quietly. As for the domestic production of a wide range of educational toys category judged the lack of industry standards, uneven quality and other issues, many parents were deterred from applying. Some foreign brands toys Puzzle systemic foreign language, in shopping malls, bookstores sell high-priced, rare Chinese note, parents are wondering who is. China Toy Association, said, need to develop children’s Puzzle toys market access standards for their children to provide the most safe and reliable toys. Chinese-made toys

: hold high the banner of

yizhi Journalist in the market to see some children’s toys, toys toys Puzzle Medium Area have been placed on a more prominent location, a variety of chess , puzzle-type, assembly-type toys everything. Sales staff recommend products to their customers, which are always intentionally or unintentionally disclose Puzzle toys not only suitable for children to play, equally suitable for adult play. Observed a different shape beads connected component after the pyramid, watched the parents have said that the toy even for adults it is very difficult to master splicing principle, let the kids play together, really difficult.

“The children’s toys can be tempered geometric logic capability, are Taiwan’s best-selling.” salespeople skillfully playing with the toys that many children in a few months time will be a skilled operator. And which “popular” toys sold at 398 yuan.

Similarly, journalists in Beijing Shopping Mall 4th Floor, New Providence District to see the toys, many stores are in sales under the banner of “enhanced children logical reasoning,” “Let your child smarter” and other publicity to promote their Puzzle toys. Some of the traditional puzzle-type toys, such as puzzle, Kongming locks and all kinds of puzzles, the general price of 20 yuan, but are relatively easy packing, and some even manufacturers, address and other basic information are not the whole; still packing Comparison of beautifully assembled a variety of new toys, plush toys, and so smart.

foreign goods:

popular foreign accent was also obvious in the toy district location yang Puzzle toys from the United States, Belgium, Switzerland and other countries of the original Puzzle toy prices Philippines. Small-to three-dimensional books, large e-learning machine, baby rooms, all are full-yang flavor. Belgium producing a jigsaw puzzle from the packaging to use, children’s picture books are all in English logo, only the back of the very bottom of the packaging only a small part of the Chinese mark of the product specific information agents.

“In fact, this specification should be translated into Chinese, and” buy a Puzzle toys Lee said he is itself engaged in Chinese teaching, the five-year-old son had, she felt that this puzzle toy from the perspective of still very desirable, not only the Chinese that always feel that in product design unsatisfactory. On the other hand, Puzzle toys children can not go beyond the scope of the normal development of Chile, in fact, children instinctively Chile beyond the scope of the toys will not be interested.

a sales staff with enthusiasm from the United States introduction of a e-learning machine, but the packaging of the same uncommon for the Chinese. Go buy a lot of parents also think, in spite of studying English is to teach children learning machine, but also from the Chinese point of view should be packaged in modified to allow foreign toys and Chinese children were more interactive. The series早教study during the application of machine near the lowest price of 300 yuan, the highest near thousand dollars, the functional is also very limited, cost is not high.

sales staff revealed that some product is actually produced by the Chinese but the use of a foreign packaging, go-yang line, want to play nothing but premium prices for imports of the banner. Rather a matter of fact, parents are more concerned with whether the child has to help, is it more secure.

Status: Hundreds of toys Puzzle abused

It is understood that, at present, domestic and overseas markets Puzzle has thousands of toys, including more effective Puzzle toys only 200 variety, so that a large number of products, the cloning of foreign and traditional Chinese Puzzle toy products are more uneven product quality, lack of appropriate standards and local brands, has hampered China’s development of Puzzle toys. National Standardization Technical Committee toys A staff member told this reporter said that at present China’s toy industry to implement mandatory national standards for the main “national technical regulations on toy safety,” “electric toy safety,” “plush, cloth toys for Security and quality “, has just revised” consumer toy instructions for use “and so on, but did not specifically for Puzzle Toy established criteria.

Experts: toy market need to standardize the

China Toy Association, the person also said that the country is currently no Puzzle toys on the development of uniform standards, so toy manufacturers and sales of businesses should be based on the production toys category name, and can not put some of the more interesting new toys are toys called Puzzle. One of the participating enterprises from Guangdong to remind staff that parents buying children’s toys should be based on actual demand, rather than believe that the so-called “advanced educational” role.

if two three-year-old child to play 89-year-old child’s “over-age toys”, you can not have targeted a variety of child care training capacity, and may make the child miss the ability to develop the best period. In his view, the next Puzzle toys should not only set up the appropriate standards, and should be in the age groups broken down somewhat. Puzzle toys to really succeed in reaching the effects of recreation, toy manufacturing enterprises for independent innovation and R & D design is also very important. Puzzle toys A significant feature is that people do minds, in the course of play for learning. (07-11-15)

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