

,关于开幕式前夕工业展览,陶瓷行业协会,大专院校,以及企业举行了一系列的产业论坛。 6日下午,记者参加了中国(传统)陶瓷科技发展—新材料,新技术与产业互动论坛。从国内高校知名专家和教授们把当前陶瓷企业节能自己的新课题,环保,节能新材料的研究和新技术。陶瓷工业的希望会有所帮助,并希望有关企业完成这些研究课题,使他们能够一起真正成为现实,为企业创造更多的价值,以便作出更大的贡献的产业。


















据张总介绍,现在每泰国每年有固定一个新的水平,这些技术创新是一个企业发展的动力。今年,泰国xx发起了重大液压自动YP3500,并YP4000按两个新产品,以优良的结构,新技术,高速的客户已得到普遍承认。可能很多人都做在泰国恒力YP7200中期后开始按做感到很奇怪。事实上,目前市场上的抛光到600 × 800 ×六十点〇八〇万{zlx}的规格,作为销售市场的大型砖在欧洲中产品规格和美国300 × 300400 × 400的标准砖是最欢迎的。这是泰国今年常数,两个新产品推出这个原因,这两个印刷机非常适合中等规模的砖,销售适合于中等规模的印刷机,并在其工作程序的同时,结构优化,产生更好的结果。佛山市新思维




Chinese traditional new modern industrial production of ceramic

- The fourth China (Foshan) International Ceramics Industry Exhibition Forum

new concept with the feelings of something more to say, said goodbye to the 2007 Autumn Fair ceramic, full of exciting feelings of pleasure ushered in the Fourth China (Foshan ) International Ceramics Industry Exhibition. The current industrial exhibition principles of “energy saving, environmental protection and energy” as its theme, with the current rising prices of raw materials, national cleaner production policy introduced, enterprises are facing greater environmental pressures, the theme seems more delay.

in the November 6, the industrial exhibition on the eve of the opening ceremony, ceramic trade associations, colleges and universities, as well as enterprises held a series of industry forum. Day 6 afternoon, this reporter attended the Chinese (traditional) Ceramics Science and Technology Development — new materials and new technologies interactive forum with industry. From domestic colleges and universities well-known experts and professors are bringing their own new topic for the current ceramic enterprises energy saving, environmental protection, saving the study new materials and new technologies. Hope for the ceramic industry can be helpful, and hopefully together with the enterprises to complete these research topics, so that they can truly become a reality for enterprises to create more value, in order to make greater contributions to the industry. Jingdezhen Ceramic

Dean Professor Zhou Jianer made of coated aluminum titanate research process and its modification. Professor Zhou to the participants a detailed introduction to the coated aluminum titanate process conditions, coated aluminum titanate thermal and mechanical properties. According to Professor Zhou’s research was informed that the process will be applied to impregnated coated aluminum titanate modified fields are very feasible.

Wuhan University of Technology, Graduate Director Professor Wu Jianfeng ceramics and environmental status of solid waste in our country this topic. Professor Wu introduced the steel slag, sludge and other solid waste used in ceramic industry, new technologies, introduction to the U.S. environmental protection characteristics of ceramic filter media, environmental protection, such as ceramic装饰砖, Professor Wu also pointed out that the use of solar thermal energy are the future development an important process.

industries in this interactive forum, the domestic well-known university professor also suggested a low-cost re-crystallization of silicon carbide materials manufacturing equipment and new materials, as well as the world’s hottest ceramic ink-jet printing equipment, computer equipment and materials . Materials and Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University Dean Professor Yang Hui put forward the “Green Building and Green Building Materials” is the direction of development of green building materials. Xiamen University School of materials science Professor Xiong Zhaolin Wen proposed the use of school ring ceramic products to improve the quality of sintering. Analysis of the School Professor Xiong Wen ring in box-type electric furnace application, but also can be used in roller hearth kiln, magnetic materials and so on.

independent innovation, technological innovation has been in shouting slogans, but despite some well-known enterprises of innovation the industry has reached a certain level, but the country introduced the relevant awards are not very clear. China Building Ceramic and Sanitary Ware, vice president of industry history Zheming brief introduction at the meeting the Chinese Ceramic Society Building Materials Science and Technology Award and its award-winning building sanitary ceramics brief introduction, at the same time introduce the Building Materials Science and Technology Award of the establishment and development of country in 2004 Association for Science and Technology Awards Office approved the establishment of a unified, in three years time, China Building Materials Industry Association award a total of 131, of which 121 scientific and technological progress awards, 13 categories of technological invention, seven types of basic research, award a total of 830 people. At the same time, Professor Shi also briefed the participants a detailed introduction of these awards assessment criteria and methods, formulated the relevant regulations.

to new technology, new equipment, mainly by pushing new ceramic

11 on 7 Day Afternoon, Keda Electrical hosting a Chinese (traditional) Ceramics Science and Technology Development — New technology, new equipment and an interactive forum for industry. Now China is the world of traditional ceramic products and equipment production, consumption, exports the largest country, but it is also a country’s current high-energy consumption, high-pollution industries overheating. In view of this situation, South China University of Technology Professor Chen Fan proposed a new type of modern production. Professor Chen put forward the traditional Chinese ceramics technology and equipment to develop the direction of research are “energy conservation, energy, emission reduction, environmental protection, the strategy (industry), and innovation”, goal is to realize a new type of traditional Chinese ceramics in modern industrial production, civilized production, cleaner production .

enterprise to break the original thinking, new ideas, enterprises must recognize the process technology and equipment advances in promoting the ceramic industry has played an important and key role. At the same time, the modernization of the production of new types of targets the feasibility of ways, Professor Chen pointed out that his own views, “First of all, to the sustainable development of the industry * Industrial Policy and a number of highly qualified personnel; followed by energy conservation, energy, emission reduction and environmental protection such as technology improvements directly related to the efficiency of enterprises; once again innovation is the driving force behind the development of enterprises, while industrial development strategies, as well as industry information and academic exchanges, special are new materials and new technology research and development enterprise of scientific development are essential After the road. “

in an interactive forum, some experts and professors of colleges and universities against the state,” eleven “special plan for energy conservation, bringing their own equipment in the field of ceramics some new viewpoints and new technologies. Kilns are energy-saving emission reduction technology companies need to solve the problem, especially in the face of current market demand and supply of resources between the challenges, improve the people’s awareness of environmental protection challenges, such as contradictory, the experts put forward their technical standpoint.

professor of South China University of Technology PhD supervisor Professor Zeng Lingke Ceramic Kiln proposed new energy-saving emission reduction technology, he introduced the ceramic industry, the status quo energy materials and asked to readjust the industrial structure, energy, economic growth, structural change way to curb high energy consumption and high pollution industry growth. Professor Zhou Peng resources for the current challenges and the realities of energy technology applications, made use of waste heat recovery technologies, as well as IGCC clean energy technologies. Professor Zhou IGCC makes the concept of clean energy technologies, at the same time that the technology has a high thermal efficiency, environmental performance, fuel adaptability, can be used to fuel combined cycle unit transformation. Forum
Finally, in Keda Electrical吴跃飞Assistant General Manager under the auspices of, the participating experts and professors, entrepreneurs held a forum, at which Professor Shi Zheming ceramic enterprise view of the current relocation has made a very real problem . Professor Shi said: “Migration is a normal development of the law, but it is not easy to go to existing businesses to move out, find a resource-rich places on the list, entrepreneurs have a sense of duty, the Government also has environmental awareness, not for immediate economic development in the region the neglect of local sustainable development, not to build a new base here, there is also almost the demise of the old base had. “

in the forum, Professor Zhang Guoqing of enterprises in the industrial policy adjustments that Enterprise decision-makers must not only have the sense of innovation, but also have the courage to break through old ways of thinking, to do the first person to eat crabs. Professor Zhang cited an example, continuous ball mill are successfully developed our own, but also in Turkey better than the production and application, China is now used in some ceramics factory is not bad, but is unable to promote themselves. Why? The most important business decision-makers do not want to do are the first to eat crab people, because many enterprises there is a psychological lead to Chinese pottery equipment at least until a few years. Shanghai CIMIC

, Foshan欧神诺are in the industry is big, big enterprises in the forum, according to Smick person in charge, since 1999, business began to change into clean all production package of equipment, the use of 3G means dust, cloth technology, selection of energy saving and environmental protection equipment, at the same time not only in production technology on energy saving, production has been going on Cleaner Production of energy saving route. But also in land-use is also possible to save the land.欧神诺by virtue of its technological innovation and market stone, Ian Van Stone, glaciers 99, new products, new technology development, the direction of enterprise development are also the driving force behind the development of enterprises, equipment innovation a direct impact on business of new product development speed. Weekly Introduction Materials Qing president, business machinery and equipment in recent years, technological innovation is indeed an alarming speed, but chemical-color glaze and the development of enterprises are not optimistic. In this industrial exhibition has 100 enterprises, but only five are colored glaze ceramic chemical enterprises, these chemical enterprises combined annual output value of Kodak, I am afraid, can catch up with Thai forces. Product technological innovation of enterprises can not keep up, there is no such machinery and equipment category have developed rapidly.

new products, new technologies, a strong attack

“energy saving, environmental protection, energy” is this year’s exhibition theme of Ceramic Industry, held on the afternoon of 8 new products, new technology development seminar, God from Beijing fog thermal Technology Co., Ltd., Foshan Hengli Machinery Co., Ltd. and Foshan Thai Modena Machinery Co., Ltd., have demonstrated their new products and new technologies. God fog

firm has made a new energy-saving technology in the development and application of ceramic kilns. Regenerative high temperature air combustion furnace, you can improve a variety of industries to maximize the thermal efficiency of the furnace, substantially improve a variety of industrial furnace temperature uniformity, will be a variety of low calorific value or poor fuel quality, and substantial savings quality fuel, a significant reduction in carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides and other harmful gas emissions, atmospheric pressure gasifier is fog God introduced new products. Constant

Thailand in this forum in 2007 demonstrated the new products, new rapid ceramic Press-YP3500, Hengli Thailand are applicable to existing specifications Press the most extensive classic models of 1. Can be used sophisticated *, pleasing in appearance beams Siamese tank structure; Optimize innovative structure of the main fuel tank; under the rear-mounted liquid-filled cylinder valve, greatly improved the work of hydraulic oil, and improve the work of a number of press; four Top push-rod to use the device stability can be *, the high positioning accuracy can be significantly reduced parallel adobe error; reasonable working hydraulic oil circuit design and application of variable pump and save energy consumption, lower system temperature. Modena Machinery

a five-drying kiln, it is understood that five-drying kiln specifications for large polished very well and at the end of the device will be in Shanghai CIMIC ceramic enterprises put into operation. Five-drying kiln using hot gas heating, drying排湿pipeline design to ensure that the dryer temperature control within the framework, while in dry form a reasonable length of internal temperature of the drying system and a very small cross-sectional temperature, five the relative length of the dry kiln drying kiln double the 30%, 15% of single-layer, but this product has its own disadvantage, that is, comparing the design of many fans, power consumption is particularly high. PowerPhone

show business look

listening to the sound transmission轰隆隆machines, watching the technicians busy debugging machine figure, as well as the patience to explain to customers, the industrial exhibition are the most eye-catching landscape. Many exhibitors said that the overall perspective, this is still quite popular Industry Exhibition is true that much better than in previous years, this industrial exhibition has several exhibitors from foreign enterprises. Exhibitors and enterprises are in charge of enterprises, technical equipment installation personnel, in the booth arrangement also gives a fresh and new feeling, new technologies, new products has also grown. At the same time, enterprises are now a strong sense of self-protection, many companies do not how to put their new products come out, more are afraid of peer copying. Foshan Constant

According to Thailand Zhang Sales Manager Tim introduction: “China’s machinery and equipment companies to imitate from the past to develop, indeed blazed a path of its own innovation, at least a lot of Chinese products are exported to foreign countries this may not be do not illustrate this point, but companies should take its own road, if someone else has to follow behind to do the processing, are not engaged in OEM status, have no market. “
According to Zhang overall introduction, and now each year are Thai Constant a new level, which of these technological innovations are a driving force for the development of enterprises. And this year, Thai forces launched a major hydraulic automatic YP3500, and YP4000 Press the two new products to the excellent structure, new technologies, high-speed customers has been generally recognized. Many people may have to do a Hengli YP7200 in Thailand after the medium began to press to do find this very strange. In fact, currently on the market polished to 600 × 600,800 × 800 specifications of the most popular, the market as sales of large-sized brick Medium Product specifications in E…

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