what kind of vehicle would you like to have ?

Do you need a new car or a truck ? there is a lot to think about ,do you have children ? a compact car (小型轿车)maybe too small ,people with children often drive large vehicles (车辆,交通工具)like station wagons ,sedans (小轿车)and SUV ,do you like to camp(露营)? an RV maybe good for you ,do you like adventure(冒险)?you might like a motorcycle (摩托车),do you often need to move   large things ? you maybe want a pickup-truck(小型敞篷载货卡车)。there are so many vehicles to choose from !!

vehicles name

school- bus   校车

tow-truck    拖车

garbage- truck 垃圾车

pickup-truck 小型敞篷货车

RV (recreational   vehicle ) 娱乐车

minivan 小型货车

limousine / limo 豪华轿车

sedan 小轿车

van 有蓬的货车

dump-truck 自动倾卸卡车

SUV (Sports utility vehicle)多功能运动车

trailer 拖车/挂车

sports car 跑车

semi/ tractor-trailer 半拖挂车

police car 警车

ambulance 救护车

fire engine 消防车

station wagon 旅行车

compact- car 小型汽车

convertible 敞篷车(有活动折蓬的汽车)

motorcycle 摩托车。

part of the vehicle

a child car seat 儿童车辆座椅

a jack 千斤顶

a trunk汽车尾部的行李箱

a tire 轮胎

a taillight 尾灯

a brake-light 刹车灯

a gas tank 油箱

a license plate 牌照

a bumper 保险杠

an air bag 气囊

a rearview mirror 后视镜

a seat belt 安全带

an oil gauge 油位表/油量计

a speed-meter 速度计

a gas gauge 压力计

a dash board 仪表盘

a radio 收音机

a glove compartment 汽车仪表板上的小柜

air conditioning 空气调节装置

heater 加热器

a horn 喇叭

an ignition (汽油引擎的)发火装置

a gearshift   变速排挡

a steering wheel 方向盘

a clutch 离合器

a brake-pedal 刹车踏板

an accelerator / a gas pedal 油门踏板

an emergency brake 紧急刹车

a windshield wiper 刮水器/雨刷

a hood 汽车发动机罩

a fender 挡泥板

an engine /a motor 引擎

a battery   蓄电池

jumper-cables 跨接电缆

a radiator 散热器

a turn signal 方向灯

a hea- light 车头灯

a spare tire 备胎

a flat tire 漏气的轮胎

sun roof   天窗

leather seats xx座椅

seat warmer

alarm -system 报警系统

standard 已有的/标准的

extras 额外的


open the hood

close the trunk

check the battery

check the rearview mirror

drive an SUV

ride a motorcycle

ride in a limousine

ride on a bus

get a speed ticket

turn on the headlight

slow down

get off the highway

look at a map

get on the highway

pass a truck

honk (the horn)

get gas

check the oil

wash the windshield

put air in the tires

have an accident

pull over 靠向路边

have a flat (tire)

change the tires

pay a toll(通行费)

arrive at (the destination )

park the car

ask for directions

speed up 加速

into the tunnel

through the tunnel

out of the tunnel

behind the building

toward the rocks (toward /away form )

around the trees

upside down

under the waterfall

over the water

across the river

along the river

go through /go straight /go across

turn left

make a right

over the bridge

cross the street

get on the bus

get off the bus

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