3DYK Paint Library For 3DS Max 2008 And Later (模型库插件 ...

this plug-in is for Autodesk 3ds max, the library tools help up the user  to put the objects in scene very easily.
this plug-in built on max-script technology, so it working in 3dsmax  2008 and any versions after this.
the rendering with this plug-in is fast in the (Default-Mental-ray-Vray)  renderers .
And It's Supporting fast view in viewport.
this plug-in include objects that can follow up active cameras.
all Materials of all the objects is editable.
all Objects can be edit after creation with 3ds Max tools.
also this plug-in have some animated objects.
It has many parameter so the user can adjust them any way he wants.

此为3dsmax的模型库插件,包含了数以千计的各类常用植物及城市建筑模型,用户可以很方便的在自己 的场景中添加库中的各类模型。
插件采用脚本技术,能够很好的支持 3dsmax 2008及以上版本。

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