无锡市中宝节能设备有限公司成立于 1993 年,座落于风景秀丽的太湖之滨——无锡东郊,南北沪宁高速、 312 国道,东西锡沪路,地理位置优越,15分钟到无锡飞机场,交通方便。公司成立后一直为国内外制冷企业提供优质的冷库板及相关的配套服务。公司设有生产部和工程部,对外承接库体工程安装。

  公司已通过 ISO9001-2000认证,拥有固定资产 510 万元,厂房占地面积 2300 平方米,员工 35 名,技术人员 5 名。具有九年生产历史,引进澳大利亚夹芯冷库板生产流水线,用上下两块彩涂钢板与聚苯泡沫板或聚氨酯板一次性复合而成,年生产能力可达 13 万平方米。




  售后服务: 安装工程提供一年的免费维修服务和材料(人为损坏除外)。


   Wuxi Zhongbao Energy conservation Equipment Co. LTD.; in Wuxi City was found in 1993 It is located in bank of the Taihu Lake with beautiful scenery-east suburb of Wuxi City ,to the north and south are Shanghai –nanjing hiqh road and 312 state-class ,to the east and west is Xihu road ,geographical position is superior and it takes 15 minutes to go to Wuxi airport,the traffic is convenient. The corporation provides the cold room board of high quality and the necessary relative service for refrigeration enter –prise form home and abroad all the time after being founded .The corporation has set up product departmentand enqineering department, and under takes the installmen6 of cold room .

  The corporatin has passed the certification of ISO9001-2000,and possesses 5100 thousand yuan offixed assets,and the factory covers an area of 2300 square metres,and population of staff is 35,and population of technical pemonnel is 5.Possessing the production history of 9 years,and use coldroom board production Line imported from Australia,and is made through the combination of two blocks of colored steel plates and PE or Pu panels in a lump,our factory has a production capactiy or 130 thous and square metres in a year.

   At present our company can produce various cold room panels,refrigerat box,cold romm leve-moving door,half hidden floor-sweeping door and the free recurrence door,motor-driven level-moving door,heat insulation roller-blind door,the design and development of solar energy,secondarycell,optoelectronic,advertising light box,Electronic DisplayPanel,and the various parts used in cold room according to customer's requirementis.

   Our promise:High quality product,reasonable price and customer satifying service
   Our slogan:Quality first,prestige first and customer first
   After-service:The installing project provides 1 year of free maintenance service and the material(except artificial damage)
   We expect to cooperate with your company,and hope to satisfy your requirements,and serve for you.
Welcome to our company to give us instructions!

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