

2010-02-21 13:32:14 阅读2 评论0 字号:

摘要:本文介绍了国内外径向柱塞泵的研制,生产情况。重点叙述了高太低噪声机电控制式径向柱塞泵毓产品的结构特点及性能指标,并对该产品的发展前景与适用场合进行了简要的分析与展望。 关键词:径向柱塞泵 结构特点 性能指标 随着科学技术的不断发展,现代设备的自动化水平越来越高。而液压传动及控制系统以其传递功率大、控制精度高、响应速度快、易于实现机电液一体化控制等优点,被广泛应用于各行各业中。对作为液压系统动力源——液压泵的要求也愈来愈高。径向柱塞泵以其工作压力高、抗冲击。寿命长、控制精度高、噪声低等优点,引起国内外液压泵生产厂家的重视和使用厂家的青睐。它被广泛应用于冶金、矿山、锻压、注塑、船舶、重型等机械设备中。 1、国内外径向柱塞泵的研制和生产现状 径向柱塞泵可分为阀配流与轴配流两大类。阀配流径向柱塞泵存在故障率高、效率低等缺点。国际上70、80年代发展的轴配流径向柱塞泵克服了阀配流径向柱塞泵的不足。由于径向泵结构上的特点,陕定了轴配流径向柱塞泵比轴向柱塞泵耐冲击、寿命长、控制精度高。使其成为一种优良的高压泵,代表当今国际上液压泵制造的先进水平。但是,它技术含量高、加工制造难度大,国际上只有博世(BOSCH)公司、沃依特(VOITH)公司等少数几家公司能够生产。而博世公司只能生产90mL八以下规格的泵,沃依特公司只生产110一250mL/r规格的泵。 我国从80年代末90年代初有很多科研机构与生产厂家开始研究开发这种产品,但都没有取得实质性进展。主要因为在理论上有待深化,在实际生产中不能解决转子与配流轴、滑靴与定子两对摩擦副烧研的问题。有些生产厂家在转子内孔通过浇铸轴承合金等方法来克服烧研,但效果并不理想,这种办法在小排量泵中使用,虽然能够防止摩擦副烧研的问题,但泵的使用寿命不长。由我国xx的液压专家卢望研究员和材料专家闰秉均教授及其课题组经过多年研究与开发,取得了“过平衡压力补偿方法及双排径向柱塞泵”和“一种新型高压大排量双转子径向柱塞泵”两项技术专利,“合金奥氏体一贝氏体球铁开发应用研究”一项国家新材料技术成果。这些技术成果的取得,使我国径向柱塞泵的研制在设计理论与材料工艺方面取得突破性进展。兰州永新科技股份有限公司以上述两项专利与一项新材料技术成果为支持,成功地开发生产的JBP系列机电控制式径向柱塞泵,是国家科技部“八五”攻关和国家科技部火炬计划项目。该泵在多家企业进行了2—3年的工业考核试验,性能优良。 2、工作原理及结构特点 2.1、工作原理 驱动扭矩由驱动轴1通过十字联轴器2传递给星形的液压缸体转子3,定于不受其它横向作用力。转于装在配流轴4上。位于转子中的径向布置的柱塞5,通过静压平衡的滑靴6紧贴着偏心行程定于7。柱塞与滑靴球铰相连,并通过卡簧锁定。二个保持环8将滑靴卡在行程定子上。泵转动时,它依靠离心力和液压力压在定于内表面上。当转子转动时,由于定于的偏心作用,柱塞将作往复运动,它的行程为定于偏心距的2倍。定子的偏心距可由泵体上的径向位置相对的两个柱塞9、10来调节。 油液的进出通过泵体和配流轴上的流道,并由配流轴上吸油日控制,泵体内产生的液压力被静压平衡的表面所吸收。摩擦副的静压平衡采取了过平衡压力补偿方法,形成了开环控制(发明专利)。支承驱动轴的轴承只起支承作用,不受其他外力的作用。 2.2、结构特点 (1)该泵的设计结构简单合理,零件数量少。 (2)变量行程短泵的变量是在变量柱塞和限位柱塞作用下,改变定子的偏心距实现的,而定于的{zd0}偏心距为5—9mm(根据排量大小不同),变量行程很短。且变量机构设计为高压操纵,由控制阀进行控制。故该泵的响应速度快。 (3)径向结构设计克服了如轴向柱塞泵滑靴偏磨的问题。使其抗冲击能力大幅度提高。 (4)过平衡压力补偿设计使摩擦副的静压轴承刚度增强,克服了摩擦副研伤胶合的问题。不仅使该泵的抗冲击能力与抗污染能力大幅度增强,而且也减少了磨损。从而使得泵的寿命延长。 (5)泵的核心材料采用了奥贝合金球墨铸铁并经过特殊热处理工艺,使主要运动部件的抗热咬合能力与耐磨性有很大程度的提高,其耐磨性能为国际上同类产品的2.7倍。进一步保证了该泵的使用寿命。 (6)变量控制方式模块式设计使该系列泵很容易实现恒压、液压远程恒压、电液比例、负载敏感、恒功率等多种控制方式。既能满足开式系统,也能满足闭式系统。 3、性能指标 排量:10~25OmL/r 工作压力:31.5MP {zg}工作压力:35MPa 峰值压力:42MPa 容积效率:90%-96% 总效率:85%-90% 响应时间:变量50—80ms;反馈80—120ms 吸油日{zd1}压力:0.08MPa({jd1}压力) 环境温度:-15—+60℃ 油液粘度:10-76CSt 工作介质:矿物油或其它液压介质 允许{zg}转速:1800~2500r/min 噪声级:250mL/r泵在31.5MPa压力下<80dB(A)

“ High-pressure low-noise characteristics of the radial piston pump JBP Series”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Abstract: This paper describes the radial piston pump at home and abroad for the development, production. Focuses a high-low-noise electromechanical controlled radial piston pump Yu-structural characteristics of the product and performance indicators, and prospects for the development of the product and application of a brief analysis of situations and prospects. Key words: radial piston pump structural characteristics of performance indicators With the continuous development of science and technology, modern equipment, increasing the level of automation. The hydraulic transmission and control system for its transmission power, and the control of high precision, fast response, easy to implement an integrated electro-hydraulic control, etc., are widely used in all walks of life. As the hydraulic system of the power source - hydraulic pump requirements are rising as well. Working pressure radial piston pump with its high impact resistance. Long life, high control precision, low noise, the advantages of hydraulic pump manufacturers home and abroad about the importance and use of manufacturers of all ages. It is widely used in metallurgy, mining, forging, injection molding, shipbuilding, heavy machinery and other equipment. 1, radial piston pump at home and abroad for the development and production status of Radial piston pump can be divided into valve equipped with flow and axial flow of two categories. Radial piston pump with flow valves there is a high failure rate, efficiency, and low defects. 70,80 years the international development of the axial flow of radial piston pump with a valve to overcome the lack of radial piston pump with flow. As the radial pump structural characteristics of Shaanxi set the axis radial piston pump with flow impact resistance than the axial piston pump, long life and high control accuracy. Making it an excellent high-pressure pump, hydraulic pump manufacturers on behalf of today's international advanced level. However, it is high in technology, processing and manufacturing of great difficulty, only a Bosch (BOSCH) company, Voith (VOITH) companies, few companies can produce. The Bosch only produce the following specifications 90mL eight pumps, Voith company produced only 110 a 250mL / r pump specifications. China from the late 80s early 90s, many research institutions and manufacturers began research and development of this product, but have not made substantive progress. Mainly because, in theory, to be deepened, in the actual production does not resolve the rotor shaft with the assignment, slip boots and two pairs of friction pairs of stator burning research questions. Some manufacturers through the hole in the rotor bearing alloy casting and other methods to overcome the burn research, but the effect is not ideal, this approach, the use of small-displacement pump, although able to prevent friction pairs burning research issue, but the service life of pump did not last long. By the well-known researcher of hydraulic experts, Lu Wang and materials experts, both professors and their research group Run-Bing After years of research and development, has made "off balance pressure compensation method and two-row radial piston pump" and "a new type of high-voltage large Dual-rotor displacement radial piston pump, "two technology patents," a bainite ductile cast iron austenitic alloy development and application of research "of a national new material and technological achievements. Of these technological achievements of the acquisition, the development of our country radial piston pump design theory and material technology breakthrough. Yongxin Technology Co., Ltd. Lanzhou, the above-mentioned two patents and a new material and technological achievements to support the successful development and production of the JBP series of electromechanical controlled radial piston pump is the country's Ministry of Science, "85" tackle key problems and the national science and technology Department of Torch Program. The pump at several companies in 2-3 years of industrial assessment test, excellent performance. 2, the working principle and structural characteristics of 2.1, the working principle Driving torque from the drive shaft 1 passes through the cross-coupling two star-shaped rotors of hydraulic cylinder 3, is scheduled from other lateral forces. Turn on the shaft 4 mounted on the assignment. In the rotor of the radial arrangement of the plunger 5, through the hydrostatic balance close to the sliding shoe 6 is scheduled for 7 eccentric journey. Boots the ball plunger and sliding hinge connected through circlip lock. 2 maintain the ring 8 will slide shoe stuck in the itinerary on the stator. Pump rotates, it relies on centrifugal force and hydraulic pressurizing scheduled within the surface. When the rotor rotation, due to the eccentricity will be held on the role of the plunger will make a reciprocating motion, it is scheduled to travel to two times the eccentricity. Stator eccentricity on the radial position by the pump relative to regulate the two plunger 9,10. Entry and exit of oil flow through the pump and distribution of the flow channel axis by the axis of oil-absorbing day with flow control, pump fluid pressure produced by the body being absorbed by the surface of hydrostatic equilibrium. Friction has taken over the static pressure balance equilibrium pressure compensation method, the formation of the open-loop control (invention patents). Bearing drive shaft bearing only play supporting role, not subject to any external role. 2.2, structural characteristics (1) The simple structure of the pump design is reasonable, a small number of parts. (2) variable stroke short of the variable is the variable pump plunger and plunger under the action limit to change the stator eccentricity to achieve, while the maximum eccentricity is scheduled for 5-9mm (According to displacement of different sizes), variables travel is very short. Mechanism Design and the variable high-pressure manipulation, by the control valve to control it. Therefore, the response of the pump speed. (3) The radial structure of axial piston pump designed to overcome such as the sliding shoe eccentric wear problems. The ability to impact a large margin. (4) was an equilibrium pressure compensation designed to make the friction pair of hydrostatic bearing stiffness increased, to overcome the friction glue, deputy research injury problems. Not only impact the ability of the pump with the ability to significantly enhance the anti-pollution, but it also reduces wear and tear. Which makes the pump life expectancy. (5) The pump core material used austempered ductile iron alloy and after a special heat treatment process, so that the main moving parts of the heat capacity and wear resistance of occlusion there is considerable improvement in the wear resistance of the international similar products 2.7 times. To further ensure the life of the pump. (6) The modular design of the variable control method so that the series of pumps is very easy to achieve constant pressure, hydraulic remote constant pressure, electro-hydraulic proportional, load sensitive, and a variety of constant power control mode. Both to meet the open loop system, but also satisfy the closed system. 3, performance indicators Displacement: 10 ~ 25OmL / r Working Pressure: 31.5MP The maximum working pressure: 35MPa Peak Pressure: 42MPa Volumetric efficiency: 90% -96% Total Efficiency: 85% -90% Response time: variable 50-80ms; feedback from 80-120ms Oil Daily Minimum pressure: 0.08MPa (absolute pressure) Ambient temperature: -15 - +60 ℃ Oil Viscosity :10-76CSt Working medium: Mineral oil or other hydraulic media To allow maximum speed: 1800 ~ 2500r/min Noise level: 250mL / r pump 31.5MPa pressure <80db>

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