
不锈钢隔膜阀它是最早的调节阀之一,它有如下使用特点: (1)软密封橡胶隔膜阀能切断介质做到不漏。 (2)因橡胶有一定的耐蚀性,在60年代前,还没有更好的耐腐蚀材质,它通常又被当作耐腐蚀材料来推广应用,甚至还延续到今天。 (3)流路简单,有“自洁”作用,可用于不干净介质。 (4)开特性,但作为耐腐蚀调节阀用时, 只好用快开特性的前部分,其有效行程短,调节品质差。 (5)尤如一个疲劳试验件,强迫它上下折叠,容易破坏,因为隔膜是一个不可靠的零件,导致阀寿命较短,这是致命缺点。正由于此,作者近几年都在强调:应该淘汰隔膜阀,用球阀、全功能超轻型阀取而代之。 (6)关闭时,介质作用力把膜片往上顶,不平衡力较大,需要较大的执行机构推力,因此,必须选用特别大的又笨又重的执行机构,使阀重量变得非常笨重,是球阀的2倍,是全功能超轻型阀的3—4倍。 (7)尤其需要强调的是:耐腐蚀材质越来越多,尤其是80年代末衬氟塑料工艺得以解决,衬氟球阀问世。由于氟塑料比橡胶耐腐蚀、耐温,而球阀的球芯又远比隔膜阀隔膜的刚度强十倍百倍,所以建议在腐蚀介质的切断和调节场合,尽量不选用隔膜阀,选用耐腐蚀衬氟球阀、蝶阀和全四氟单座阀。不妨举一个例子说明:在水处理系统中,脱盐水装置上使用的阀,10年前,无论是国外还是国内装置,都选用了衬氟塑料的隔膜阀,其使用寿命长则一年左右,短则3~6个月,因此,不断地在更换隔膜。后选用我们推荐的水处理专用球阀后,此问题被很好地解决了,寿命长达7~8年,一般也能用到3~5年。

“ Stainless Steel Diaphragm Valve Features Introduction ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。



Stainless Steel Diaphragm Valve It is one of the first control valve, which has the following use characteristics: (1) soft-sealing rubber diaphragm valves to cut off the media so as not to leak. (2) the rubber have a certain corrosion resistance, in the 60 years before, there is no better corrosion-resistant materials, it is usually also used as corrosion-resistant materials to promote the use of, and even continued to this day. (3) The flow path simple, the "self-cleaning" effect that can be used not clean media. (4) open properties, but as a corrosion-resistant regulator valve, the only thing with the quick opening characteristics of the first part of its effective stroke short regulating poor quality. (5) just like a fatigue test pieces, forcing it to fold up and down, easy to damage, because the divide is an unreliable part, resulting in a shorter life span valves, which is fatally flawed. Precisely because of this, the authors have been emphasized in recent years: It should be out of diaphragm valves, with the ball, full-featured ultra-light valve replaced. (6), closed, medium force the diaphragm up top and a larger unbalanced force, a larger thrust of the implementing agencies, therefore, must be chosen very big You Benyou re-implementing agency, so that the weight valve becomes is very heavy, is 2 times the valve is full-featured ultra-light valve 3-4 times. (7) In particular, needs to be emphasized is this: more and more corrosion-resistant materials, especially the late 80's lined plastic process is resolved, lined ball valves come out. As the fluorine plastic than rubber corrosion resistance, temperature, and the ball valve core also stronger than ten times the stiffness of diaphragm diaphragm valves a hundred times, it is proposed to cut off the corrosive medium and regulation of occasions, try not to use diaphragm valves, selection of corrosion-resistant Lining ball valve, butterfly valve, and PTFE-wide single-seat valve. Might give you an example: In the water treatment systems, desalination of water using the valve device 10 years ago, both foreign and domestic installations, all chosen plastic lined diaphragm valves, its long service life is about one year Short was 3 ~ 6 months, therefore, constantly replacement diaphragm. After the selection of the treatment we recommend special valve, this problem has been well resolved, life for up to 7 ~ 8 years, the general will also be able to 3 ~ 5 years.


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