

2010-03-09 13:12:45 阅读5 评论0 字号:

在物理化学实验中,经常要用到氧气、氮气、氢气、氩气等气体。这些气体一般都是贮存在专用的高压气体钢瓶中。使用时通过减压阀使气体压力降至实验所需范围,再经过其它控制阀门细调,使气体输入使用系统。最常用的减压阀为氧气减压阀,简称氧气表。 一 氧气减压阀的工作原理 氧气减压阀的外观及工作原理见图Ⅱ-2-7和图II-2-8。 氧气减压阀的高压腔与钢瓶连接,低压腔为气体出口,并通往使用系统。高压表的示值为钢瓶内贮存气体的压力。低压表的出口压力可由调节螺杆控制。 使用时先打开钢瓶总开关,然后顺时针转动低压表压力调节螺杆,使其压缩主弹簧并传动薄膜、弹簧垫块和顶杆而将活门打开。这样进口的高压气体由高压室经节流减压后进入低压室,并经出口通往工作系统。转动调节螺杆,改变活门开启的高度,从而调节高压气体的通过量并达到所需的压力值。 减压阀都装有安全阀。它是保护减压阀并使之安全使用的装置,也是减压阀出现故障的信号装置。如果由于活门垫、活门损坏或由于其它原因,导致出口压力自行上升并超过一定许可值时,安全阀会自动打开排气。 二 氧气减压阀的使用方法 1按使用要求的不同,氧气减压阀有许多规格。{zg}进口压力大多为 ,{zd1}进口压力不小于出口压力的2.5倍。出口压力规格较多,一般为 ,{zg}出口压力为 。 2安装减压阀时应确定其连接规格是否与钢瓶和使用系统的接头相一致。减压阀与钢瓶采用半球面连接,靠旋紧螺母使二者xx吻合。因此,在使用时应保持两个半球面的光洁,以确保良好的气密效果。安装前可用高压气体吹除灰尘。必要时也可用聚四氟乙烯等材料作垫圈。 3氧气减压阀应严禁接触油脂,以免发生火警事故。 4停止工作时,应将减压阀中余气放净,然后拧松调节螺杆以免弹性元件长久受压变形。 5减压阀应避免撞击振动,不可与腐蚀性物质相接触。 三 其它气体减压阀 有些气体,例如氮气、空气、氩气等{yj}性气体,可以采用氧气减压阀。但还有一些气体,如氨等腐蚀性气体,则需要专用减压阀。市面上常见的有氮气、空气、氢气、氨、乙炔、丙烷、水蒸气等专用减压阀。 这些减压阀的使用方法及注意事项与氧气减压阀基本相同。但是,还应该指出:专用减压阀一般不用于其它气体。为了防止误用,有些专用减压阀与钢瓶之间采用特殊连接口。例如氢气和丙烷均采用左牙螺纹,也称反向螺纹,安装时应特别注意。

“ The most common Regulator: Oxygen Regulator Introduction ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国减压阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。



In physical chemistry experiments, often use the oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, argon and other gases. These gases are generally stored in a dedicated high-pressure gas cylinders in the. When used through the valve so that gas pressure down to test the required range, and then fine-tuning through the other control valves, so that gas entered the system. The most commonly used valve for the oxygen valve, referred to as oxygen table. The working principle of an oxygen valve Oxygen valve appearance and working principle of Figure Ⅱ -2-7 and Figure II-2-8. The high-pressure oxygen chamber and the cylinder valve connected to low-pressure chamber for gas exports and access to use the system. Table showing the value of high-pressure storage of gas cylinder pressure. Low table outlet pressure adjustment screw can be controlled. When you first open the cylinder using the master switch, and then the table clockwise rotating low pressure regulator screw to compress the main spring and the transmission film, spring pads, and push-rod and open the trap door. This high-pressure gas imports from the high-pressure chamber through the throttle after decompression into the low-pressure chamber, and the exit leading to the working system. Turn adjustment screw to change the valve opening height, thus regulating the passage of high-pressure gases to achieve the required amount of pressure value. Valves are equipped with safety valve. It is to protect the valve and make the safe use of the device, is also a valve failure signal device. If, living doormat, valve damage, or due to other reasons, resulting in increased outlet pressure, and exceeds a certain permission on their own value, the valve will automatically open the exhaust. Two oxygen valve to use 1 according to the different application requirements, oxygen valve has many specifications. The maximum inlet pressure the most part, the minimum inlet pressure of not less than 2.5 times the outlet pressure. Outlet pressure specification more, generally, the maximum outlet pressure of. 2 valves should be installed to connect to determine whether the cylinder specifications and the use of the system connector is consistent. Valve and the cylinder with hemispherical connections, tighten nut to rely on the two fit together well. Therefore, the use of the two hemispheres should be to maintain the smooth surface in order to ensure good gas-tight effect. Before installation can be high-pressure gas blowing addition to dust. When necessary, can also be used to make Teflon and other materials, gasket. 3 oxygen valve should be forbidden contact with grease, so as to avoid fire accidents. 4 stop working, should I air release valve in the net, and then loosen the adjustment screw so as to avoid long-term compressive deformation of elastic components. 5 valve should be avoided shock vibration, can not be in contact with corrosive substances. 3 Other Gas Regulator Some gases, such as nitrogen, air, argon gas and other permanent gases, oxygen valve can be used. But there are a number of gases such as ammonia and other corrosive gases, you need special valve. Common market are nitrogen, air, hydrogen, ammonia, acetylene, propane, water vapor and other special valves. The use of these valve methods and precautions with the oxygen valve basically the same. However, it should be noted: Private valve is generally not used for other gases. In order to prevent misuse, and some special valves and the cylinder using a special connection between the mouth. For example, hydrogen and propane are used thread left teeth, also known as reverse-threaded, the installation should be special attention.


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