

2010-03-08 15:06:02 阅读6 评论0 字号:

1.前言 阀用于管路系统中,处理液体之控制装置,选择阀的{dy}步骤是必须了解各种阀之功能及我们所希冀的阀,在装妥之后能完成我们所托付的任务与功效。 2.阀之分类 (1)阀依其功能,分类如下: A.开关阀类:闸阀、塞阀、球阀。 B.节流阀类:球型阀、针阀、角阀、碟型阀、隔膜阀。 C.止回阀类:摆动、升降及双片式逆止阀,底阀。 D.压力控制阀类:减压阀、释压阀、安全阀。 E.特殊阀类: a.取样阀 b.流量控制阀 c.排放阀 d.其它各式样阀 (2)依材质分类 A.非金属阀类:PVC、塑胶(钢)、特氟龙等。 B.金属阀类 a.铁金属:铁、钢、不锈钢、合金钢等。 b.非金属:铝、铜等。 (3)程方式分类 A.铸造阀类:砂模、壳模、脱腊模、压铸等造模法,生产之阀类件。 B.锻造阀类:由模锻或自由锻或丸(方)材值接加工,生产之阀类件。 C.焊接制造阀类:体、盖分别由若干部分组合焊接制造而成,此类阀必须注意焊接程序规范及其鉴定(WPS与PQR)。 D.射出成型阀类:一般用之于PVC、塑胶待非金属阀类之制造。 3.各类阀之特性 (1)闸阀(GATE VALVES) 闸阀是为了于一管线上某一部位系统需要“全开、全关”控制且流体流过仅能以微少之压力降产生时而设计使用的。当一系统中某一部份需予隔离,而不须考虑流体节流(THROTTING)的控制时闸阀是非常理想而适合的。因当节流使用时,则流体会产生高速流经门座,而造成流体之冲蚀门、座及壳体(产生拉丝现象),或引起震动而损伤。 (2)球型阀(GLOBE VALVES)、角阀(ANGLE VALVES)、针阀(NEEDLE VALVE)球型阀因球体有球柱状的外形而称之,主要是为须紧闭,经常开关及当流体须控制流量之节流作用而设计,其最主要特点是有效的节流,使拉丝现象减到最少因而减少阀门及阀座之浸(冲)蚀,但因阀座是平行于流线,流体流经该类阀座时流向之改变,将在阀中产生扰流,以及降力的下降,仅适合不荷求因压力降所造成扬程失时,方可使用。 角阀的结构,特性是由球型阀修正而来,仅是出口与进中成90度直角之区别。 针阀亦是由塞式球型阀修正而来,阀塞为细长型有锥度的针状,特别适用于低流量范围的流量控制。 (3)逆止阀(CHECK VALVES)-----摆动式(SWING TYPE)、升降式(LIFT TYPE)、斜盘(门)式(TILTING DISC)、双片式(DUALPLATE)、底阀(FOOT VALVES)。 此类阀其作用为容许流体朝一方向自由流动,而限制其反流动,当流体通过系统时的压力,把阀门开启,任何流体的反向,会把阀门关闭,关闭的完成,是赖止回机构的重量或赖反压,或赖弹簧或赖以上几种的组合。 (4)球型停止逆止阀(GLOBE STOP-CHECK VALVES)止阀类似3.3项之升降式逆止阀,但加装阀杆及手输(或别的辅助操作装置)做为流体之关断及止回用,止阀不能以任何机械传动方式打开,只靠上游流体压力将阀门升举,离开阀座面。 (5)塞阀(PLUG VALVES) 此阀由插入阀体中之阀塞(门),为一具有锥度中间开槽的塞件而得名、结构简单属古老型式之阀,由全开至关只须转90度即可、阀塞(门)之流口可为任何尺寸与形状,也可作成多孔型式来配合三或四条管线连接,而能有不同的流向组合。一般用于全开或全关,不作节流使用(除非开口特殊钻石形状并经处理过)。 (6)球阀(BALL VALVE) 球阀是由塞阀修改而来,以球塞代替柱塞,来控制液体、阀塞(门)内通道截面积,则与配合管线的管径相同,流体作直线通过阀体,且吸有微小之压力降。现一般均使用PTEE、EPDM等材料,为阀座,因此,气泡密封性佳。且改良为防火及防静电之安全设计,被广泛使用,但因阀座为PTFE材质,其使用温度一般受限于250度以下。 (7)蝶形阀(BUTTERFLY VALVES) 此阀的构造,是根据管子挡扳的原理,其流动控制元件是一有倾角的盘(门)(其材质可为金属或金属外缘包上塑胶、特氟隆等),圆盘固定在心轴上,并以能旋转的心轴来控制开闭(开、闭只须90度之旋转),阀座可为金属、橡胶、特氟隆等材料,而固定于阀体壁上,此阀构造简单,其阀体为薄饼(WAFER)型、重量轻,不占空间适合于节流及开闭之用。尤其用于大流量之控制(不适用于小流量)。 (8)隔膜阀(DIAPHRAGM VALVES) 此阀实际上不过是“钳夹”的阀,一个弹性的,可扰的膜片,用螺椿连接在压缩件上,压缩件是由阀杆所操作而上下移动,当压缩件上升,膜片就高举,而造成通路,当压缩件下降,膜片就压在阀体堰上(假使为堰式阀)或压在轮廓的底部(假使为直通式),此阀适用于开关及节流之用。 隔膜阀是特别适用于运送有腐蚀性,有粘性的流体,例如泥浆、食品、药品、织维性粘合液等,因管线中,此阀的操作机构,是不暴露在运送流体中,故不具污染性,也不需要填料,阀杆填料部也不可能会泄漏。 (9)安全阀(SAFETY BALVES)、泄压阀(RELIDF VALVES)、安全、泄压阀工厂中,使用高温、高压气体的机会相当大,尤其在电厂、化学工厂,由于压力异常而造成塔槽、锅炉、管线等压力容器、设备被破坏而生泄漏,火灾或爆炸的机率相当高,为了防止此类意外事故之发生,使制程稳定操作,依美国机械工程师协会(ASME)之规定,必须在所有高压设备均装设此等安全排放装置之阀类。 此类阀之构造类似角阀,依其作动方式之不同可分为弹箕负载式(SPRING LOADED TYPE)及辅助阀作动式(PILOT OPERATED TYPE)。基本上是依力平衡方式作动装置。一旦阀盘(门)所受之压力大于弹箕或辅助阀之设定压力时,阀盘就会被此压力推开,其压力容器内之气(液)体会被排出,以降低该压力容器内之压力。 安全阀须设计成有全开急泄的作用,其容量超压以及冲放必须受ASME法规的规定。 泄压阀,设计成在初压力增加时,阀慢慢开启,且没有法规作依据,亦不必需立刻开启到全开位置,但压力增加时,它要继续不断的开启。 (10)冷冻阀类(CRYOGENIC VALVES) 用于在冷冻场所之运送液化气体(氧、氮、氢、氦)通常是用青铜或300系列不锈钢材质制成,阀的形式,可以是闸阀、球型阀、球阀、针阀、碟形阀等,该阀类异于上述各普通阀类之处理,其一是有延伸式阀盖,如此设计,是要有一足够之气室,防止阀杆填料冻结,而影响操作与密封性,及减少了通通阀杆的热泄漏,也在管线与手输之间,提供了绝热的空间,其二是在双阀座之密闭式空穴内在关闭时,必须考虑排泄掉入之液化气体,避免汽化时产生过高之压力。 (11)其它特殊阀类,列举如下,不作一一介绍。 A.取样阀 B.底槽冲冼阀 C.减压阀 D.反压调整阀 E.电磁阀 F.控制阀 4.阀之选用要点 选用适宜阀类需依下列程序,逐一检核,如此被选取用之阀才能符合其功能,执行所交付之任务。 (1)阀之特性与主要执行功能 了解各类阀之特性及其执行功能,为选用合适性阀类之{dy}步骤,其各类阀之特性,分类及主要执行功能前面第2、第3节已述及,现归纳整理为表一、表二、供其选用参考。 (2)口径或流(容)量“表三所示” A.阀之公称直径,与流道之直径不一定一致,其选择之大小,由输送流体之条件算出需求Cv值,然后由Cv值(参考制造厂商目录)选定适合阀之口径。 B. Cv值之定义为在华氏60度下之水流经阀后,其压力降在1时,其每分钟测得之美国仑,即为该阀之Cv值。 C. Cv值可以计算出流经该阀之流量(Q)。 Q=CvΔP=7.9Cv P=液体的密度,LB/FT3 ΔP=通过阀之后的压力降,PSI (3)温度VS压力 阀的“温度VS压力”是指阀在某一定的温度下所规定的允许且安全的压力(但此压力为在没有冲击下的{zd0}允许压力)。 5.阀之结构材料阀类结构上材料的选择,在阀之功能寿命上可说极其重要,然一般阀之结构材料主要区分为二大类:A.压力主体材料:阀体、阀盖、底盖、螺栓等。 压力主体材料选择所考虑之主要因素: a.流体之温度、压力: A)高温使用:金属材料一般在高温环境中,其抗拉强度与寿命随温度之升高而有所降低,其潜变之强度亦有所影响。 B)低温使用:金属材料在低温之使用场合中,其破坏之韧性急剧降低产生低温脆性的现象。 b.材料之腐蚀抗性: 阀结构金属发生腐蚀之原因: (A)流体之种类(B)浓度 (C)温度 腐蚀损害之形式:(A)均匀腐蚀(B)孔蚀(C)脱锌和剥离(D)晶粒间腐蚀(E)破裂c.材料之冲蚀抗性:通常耐冲蚀材料必须具备以下之特点:A)强大的氧化被膜材料B)降伏点、耐力之材料C)疲劳界限高之材料D)硬度值较高之材料B.主要配件材料(TRIIM):阀门座面、阀座座面、阀杆、导套及内部小零件等主配件材料选择所考虑之因素:a)流体之温度b)材料腐蚀抗性c)材料冲蚀抗性d)材料之抗磨损与抗黏滞性(6)阀盖形式一般阀盖与阀体结合方式,有下列数种,依阀之尺寸,使用状况,温度压力及泄漏造成的危险性等条件,供其评估选择。 A.锁牙结合式(SCREWED BONNET) B.螺栓结合式(BOLTED BONNET) C.围焊结合式(SEAL WELDED BONNET)D.压力密封式(PRESSURE SEAL BONNET)E.由令结合式(UNION TYPE)(7)阀结构特殊需求依使用温度,场所不同,而有所特殊的要求列举如下:A.防火与防静电设计——在球阀设计时与使用须特别注意。 B.延伸式阀盖设计——应用于冷冻阀、输送液化气体。 C.噪音与空蚀之限制——尤其应用于控制阀设计与使用之特别考虑。 D.防填料泄漏之伸缩囊之引用设计——须{jd1}封闭不外场所考虑。 4.8操作方式 一般限于安装环境、操作、运转条件或次数,而有电动、气动驱动装置之考虑,且因电脑之应用普及,现及发展至整个系统制程之连线与监控,无须人为驱动。但因于轮或加装齿轮减速装置之经济性与耐用性,仍大部份被人所乐意采用。

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1. Preface Valves used in piping systems, liquid handling of the control device, select the valve first step is to understand the function of various valves and valve we wish, in the installed later to complete the mandate entrusted to us and efficacy. 2. Valve Classification (1) The valve in accordance with its function, as follows: A. Switching Valves: gate valve, plug valve, ball valve. B. Throttle categories: ball valve, needle valve, angle valve, disc-type valves, diaphragm valves. C. Check categories: swing, lift and two-piece check valve, bottom valve. D. Pressure Control Valves: pressure reducing valve, pressure release valve, safety valve. E. Special Valves: a. Sampling Valve b. flow control valve c. discharge valve d. other style valves (2) By Material Classification A. Non-metallic valves: PVC, plastic (steel), Teflon and so on. B. Metal Valves a.-ferrous metals: iron, steel, stainless steel, alloy steel and so on. b. Non-metal: aluminum, copper and so on. (3) Cheng way classification A. Casting Valves: sand mold, shell mold, lost-wax mold, die casting mold making method, etc., the production of the valve parts. B. Forged Valves: forged by the forging or freedom, or pill (side) then the value of timber processing, production of the valve parts. C. Welding Manufacturing Valves: body, covered by a number of parts made of combination of welding, such valves must pay attention to and identification of welding procedures specification (WPS and PQR). D. Injection Molding Valves: general should be used on PVC, plastic to be the manufacture of non-metallic valves. 3. The characteristics of various types of valves (1) gate (GATE VALVES) Valve on a pipeline to a certain part of the system need to "fully open, full-off" control and fluid flow through the pressure drop only in order to generate the meager and sometimes the design used. When a certain part of the system need to be isolated, without having to consider the fluid throttling (THROTTING) when the control valve is a very ideal and appropriate. Because when the throttle to use, then the flow experience produced high-speed flow through portal, which leads to fluid erosion of the door, seat, and the shell (to generate the phenomenon of drawing), or damage caused by vibration. (2) ball valve (GLOBE VALVES), angle valve (ANGLE VALVES), needle (NEEDLE VALVE) ball valve ball has the ball because of columnar shape Moreover, he is mainly to be closed for regular switch and when the fluid the need to control the flow of cutting the role of design, its main characteristic is effective to reduce expenditure, so that to minimize the phenomenon of drawing thus reducing valves and valve seat of the Baptist (Wash) loss, but seat is parallel to the flow line, Fluid flows through the valve seat when the flow of such changes, will be produced in the valve spoiler, as well as a decline in lower power, only suitable for non-Dutch demand due to the pressure drop caused by head miss the season, before being used. Angle valve structure, characterized by a ball-valve amendment to come into the export and only 90-degree angle of the difference. Needle also supported by the plug from the ball-valve amendment, valve plug for the slender taper of the needle there, especially for low-flow range of flow control. (3) check valve (CHECK VALVES )----- Swing (SWING TYPE), lift (LIFT TYPE), oblique plate (gate) type (TILTING DISC), two-piece (DUALPLATE), at the end of valve ( FOOT VALVES). Such valves whose role is to allow the free flow of fluid towards one direction, while restrictions on their anti-flow through the system when the fluid pressure, the valve open, any reverse flow, the valve will close, complete, yes Lai body weight, or just return Lai anti-pressure, or spring, or which rely on a combination of several. (4) Ball-type check valve to stop (GLOBE STOP-CHECK VALVES) only 3.3 of a similar valve lift check valve, but the installation of stem and hand-lose (or other auxiliary operation device) as the fluid of the turn-off and only return to use, only the valve can not open any mechanical transmission means, rely on the upstream fluid pressure to move the valve up and leave the valve seat surface. (5) Plug Valves (PLUG VALVES) This valve body by the insertion of the valve plug (the door) for a slot to plug the middle with a taper piece is named, simple structure, is an ancient type of valve, from fully open to 90 degrees can be closed only to change the valve Cyprus (gate) and the like I can be of any size and shape, but also could be made into porous type to match three or four pipe connections, the flow can have different combinations. Are generally used for fully on or off, no throttling to use (unless a special diamond-shaped openings, and treated them). (6) Ball (BALL VALVE) Ball valve changes from the Cyprus come to the ball plug instead of the plunger to control the liquid, the valve plug (gate) within the channel cross-sectional area, then the diameter of the pipeline and with the same fluid as a straight line through the valve, and smoking are The small pressure drop. Is now generally used PTEE, EPDM and other materials for the seat, so good bubble tightness. And modified for the safety of fire prevention and anti-static design, is widely used, but seat of PTFE material, its use is subject to the temperature 250 degrees below normal. (7) butterfly valve (BUTTERFLY VALVES) This valve structure is based on the principle of the tube block pull its flow control element is a disk with inclination (doors) (the material can be metal or metal outer edge of the packets on the plastic, Teflon, etc.), disc fixed heart axis, and to be able to control the rotating spindle opening and closing (open, closed only 90 degrees of rotation), the valve seat for metal, rubber, Teflon and other materials, and fixed in the body wall, this valve simple structure, its body for the pizza (WAFER)-type, light weight, non-space-suited to cutting and opening and closing purposes. Especially for large flow of control (does not apply to a small traffic). (8) Diaphragm Valves (DIAPHRAGM VALVES) This valve in fact nothing more than "clamp" the valve, a flexible and interference of the diaphragm can be used to connect the compression screw piling pieces, compression fittings and operated by the valve stem moves up and down, when the increase in compression fittings and membrane the CD, we hold high, which leads to access, when the compressed pieces fall weir diaphragm valve on the pressure in the last (if the weir-type valve) or the pressure in the outline at the bottom (if the straight-through), this applies to switch and throttle valve purposes. Diaphragm Valves are particularly applicable to transport corrosive, sticky fluid, such as mud, food, medicines, woven-dimensional bonding liquid and so on, because of the pipeline, this valve operating mechanism is not exposed to the delivery of fluids, so non-polluting and does not require packing, valve stem packing department is also not likely to leak. (9) safety valve (SAFETY BALVES), pressure relief valve (RELIDF VALVES), safety, pressure relief valve factory, the use of high-temperature, high pressure gas is a big opportunity, especially in power plants, chemical plants, due to the pressures caused by tower tank, boiler, pipes and other pressure vessels, equipment was destroyed, but the Health and leakage, fire or explosion rate was quite high, in order to prevent the occurrence of such accidents, so that stable operation process, according to American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) provisions, you must high-voltage equipment are installed in all of these safety valves discharge installations. The structure of such a valve similar to the angle valve, depending on their method of actuation can be divided into shells of different Ki-load-type (SPRING LOADED TYPE) and the auxiliary valve actuation type (PILOT OPERATED TYPE). Is basically in accordance with the methods for the dynamic force balance devices. Once the valve disc (gate) is greater than the stress suffered bomb Kei or auxiliary valve of the set pressure, valve disc will be pushed to this pressure, the pressure vessel within the gas (liquid) experience has been discharged, in order to reduce the pressure on the pressure within the container. Safety valve must be designed into an emergency vent fully open the role of overpressure in its capacity as well as the impulse discharge must be subject to ASME regulations. Pressure relief valve, designed to increase the pressure in the beginning, the valve opens slowly, and no law to rely on, do not need to be immediately open to the fully open position, but the pressure is increased, it is to continue opening. (10) Refrigeration Valves (CRYOGENIC VALVES) Used in place of the delivery of frozen liquefied gases (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium) are usually bronze or 300 series stainless steel is made in the form of valve, which can be gate valve, ball valve, ball valve, needle, plate shaped valve, the valve type is different from the above-mentioned common valve of treatment, one is an extension-type valve cover, so the design is to have enough of an air chamber to prevent the valve stem packing the freeze, which will affect the operation and tightness, and reduce the heat leakage of the valve stem them altogether, but also between the pipes and hand input, provides insulation space, the second is the double seat of the hermetic closure of the inner cavity must be considered fall into the liquefied gas discharge, to avoid the vaporization generated when the pressure is too high. (11) other special valves class, listed below, no description 11. A. Sampling Valve B. At the end of wash-tank valve C. Valve D. Anti-pressure adjustment valve E. Solenoid F. Control Valve 4. The selection of valve points Valves suitable for use in accordance with the following required procedures, one by one check, so the valve can be selected for use consistent with its function and carry out the mandate entrusted to. (1) The valve of the features and the main executive function Understanding of the characteristics of various types of valves and executive functions, in order to select the appropriate type of valve the first step, the various types of valves of the characteristics, classification and main executive function in front of paragraphs 2, 3 which have been described and are summarized in Table Finishing 1, Table 2, for its use for reference. (2) The caliber or flow (capacity) capacity, "as shown in Table 3," A. Valves of the nominal diameter, and do not necessarily match the diameter of flow channel, the size of their choice, the conditions calculated from the transmission fluid needs of Cv value, and then Cv value (refer to manufacturer directory) selected to fit the valves of the caliber. B. Cv value is defined as 60 degrees Fahrenheit under the water flow through the valve, its pressure drop at 1, its measured every minute of the United States Lun, shall be the value of the valve's Cv. C. Cv value can be calculated flow through the valve of the flow rate (Q). Q = CvΔP = 7.9Cv P = fluid density, LB/FT3 ΔP = pressure drop through the valve after, PSI (3) Temperature VS Pressure Valve's "Temperature VS Pressure" refers to the valves in a certain temperature under the pressure of permitted and safe (but without the impact of this pressure is the maximum allowable under the pressure). 5. Valve of the structural materials structural valve material selection, the functional life of the valve can be said is extremely important, natural valves of the structural materials in general is divided into two main categories: A. Pressure of the main materials: body, valve cover, bottom cover, bolts and so on. The pressure of the main material of choice for the main factors taken into account: a. The fluid temperature, pressure: A) high-temperature use: metal materials in general in high-temperature environment, its tensile strength and longevity vary with the temperature rise reduced the strength of its creep is also influenced. B) low-temperature use: the use of metallic materials at low temperatures occasions, its destruction resulting low-temperature toughness dramatically reduce the brittleness phenomenon. b. Materials Corrosion Resistance: Valve structure of metal corrosion of the reasons: (A) the types of fluid (B) concentration (C) Temperature Corrosion damage to the form of: (A) uniform corrosion (B) Pitting (C) zinc and peel off (D) grain intergranular corrosion (E) Erosion resistance breakdown c. Materials: Usually erosion-resistant materials must have the following Characteristics: A) a strong oxidation of coated materials, B) yield point, endurance of the material C) of the material fatigue limit of high D) the higher hardness values of the main parts of the material B. Materials (TRIIM): the valve seat surface, seat seat surface, stem, guide sleeve and internal small parts such as the main components of the factors considered in choice of materials: a) the temperature of fluid b) Materials Corrosion resistant c) material erosion resistance d) anti-wear materials and anti-viscosity (6) The general form of valve cover valve cover and valve combination of methods, there are several kinds, depending on valve's size, usage, temperature, pressure and the risk of leakage caused by other conditions for its assessment of options. A. Combination of the lock tooth type (SCREWED BONNET) B. Bolt with type (BOLTED BONNET) C. Wai welding combined type (SEAL WELDED BONNET) D. Pressure sealed (PRESSURE SEAL BONNET) E. By the Order combination-type (UNION TYPE) (7) valve structure in accordance with the special needs of the use of temperature, the venues are different, but have special requirements are listed below: A. fire and anti-static design - the valve design and use to pay special attention to . B. Extensible valve cover design - used in refrigeration valves, conveying liquefied gas. C. The restrictions on noise and cavitation - particularly applied to control valve design and use of special consideration. D. Anti-packing leakage bellows of the reference design - no more than is absolutely closed spaces to consider. 4.8 mode of operation Generally limited to the installation environment, operation, or number of operating conditions, while electric, pneumatic drives of the consideration of the application and popularization of computer is to the whole system and development process of the connection and monitoring, without human drivers. But at the wheel or gear device installation and durability of the economy are still the majority are people willing to adopt.


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