Guilin, the most I would like to ask to see what the three spots ...

Guilin to ask the three most scenic spots to see what?

look at the three most scenic spots are: Li, Yang Plastic (银子岩), Longsheng Terraces Like other
Cheung Pei Shan,伏波山, Seven Star Park, the sedan chair, Camel Hill, Forest of Stone Tablets桂海, also can look at.

Cheung Pei Shan, boomline Hill, Hill叠彩. belong to the original

’s Cheung Pei Shan Cheung Shan Area,伏波山, Hill叠彩three spots (spots in Guilin legend) re-combination, constitute by Cheung Pei Shan Cheung Shan scenic attractions,叠彩Hill伏波山and out, while the composition of Riverside Area (Guilin attractions legend). The morning of September 10, Xiangshan, Guilin Guilin scenic area management office and the restoration of Riverside Area Management Office formed, respectively, the official listing. Riverside

Guilin scenic area management office under the Tourism Development Corporation (Guilin Travel, Guilin Tourism Center is scheduled), formerly known as Riverside Park in Guilin. Resources due to the need for approval by the relevant government departments in Guilin, in 2001 with the merger of the Xiangshan Park, set up the scenic spots in Guilin Xiangshan Management Office (including叠彩Hill,伏波山, Cheung Pei Shan) (Guilin attractions legend ). Guilin

With the continuous development of the tourism industry, the tourist attractions of the relevant (point) (Guilin attractions legend) for the adjustment of the building has become increasingly important. Guilin Tourism Development Corporation (Guilin Travel, Guilin Tourism Center is scheduled) to the resumption of the two original scenic management system, in order to facilitate future construction of a special tourism.

xiangshan after the restoration of scenic spots formed (Guilin attractions legend), will be more emphasis on culture as mining and water amusement project development, to build the core of first-class scenic spots in Guilin, the city played the role of the emblem; Riverside Area will focus on the human landscape of building, to create the bright future that lies lijiang Sea Pearl (Guilin Travel, Guilin Tourism Center is scheduled).

attractions the city I think it is, after all, Cheung Pei Shan Guilin
second sign is the big boat tour of Lijiang (Mopanshan - Yangshuo) This is the Li River landscape
the best part of the third a relatively new银子岩stalactite cave side of the diamond like silver
as the essence of this landscape in Guilin hole region can see a complete cave
guests have the option of the hole - Reed Flute Cave and the first hole of Asia - Lipu Fung fish rock

customs of ethnic minorities if we look at Longsheng can see where the village can also look at hot springs terraces

If young people can also go further than Hong Kong Disneyland Park, a large theme park in Montreal at the same time music can be played Golf

historic Xing’an can then look at the three major water conservancy projects in China, one of the famous灵渠2008-03-02



原来同属于象山景区旗下的象鼻山、伏波山、叠彩山三景点(桂林景点传说)重新组合,由象鼻山景点构成象山景区,伏波山和叠彩山则分出去组成滨江景区(桂林景点传说) 。9月10日上午,桂林市象山景区管理处与桂林市滨江景区管理处恢复建制,分别正式挂牌。

滨江景区管理处隶属于桂林旅游发展总公司(桂林旅游咨询,桂林旅游预定中心),前身是桂林市滨江公园。后因资源整合的需要,经桂林市政府有关部门批准,于2001年与当时的象山公园合并,成立了桂林市象山景区管理处(含叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山)(桂林景点传说) 。



市内景点 我认为是象鼻山 毕竟是桂林标志
第二个 是船游大漓江 (磨盘山-阳朔)这个是漓江山水最精华的部分
第三个 银子岩 比较新的洞 里边钟乳石 似银子像钻石
这样桂林地区的精华 山 水 洞 都看齐全了
山洞的备选的还有 国宾洞-芦笛岩 和亚洲{dy}洞-荔浦丰鱼岩

如果看少数民族风情可以去龙胜 看村寨 也可以在那里看梯田洗温泉

如果是年轻人 还可以去比香港迪斯尼公园还大的 乐满地主题公园 同时也可以打高尔夫

历史古迹的话可以去兴安看中国xx三大水利工程之一的 灵渠2008-03-02

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