Peek At The Mercedes-Benz GLK 350 九脉网_首页汽车搜索{zx1}汽车报价 ...
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A 濂ヨ开 闃挎柉椤柯烽┈涓?
B 鏍囪嚧 姣斾簹杩?濂旈┌ 瀹濋┈ 瀹惧埄 鏈敯 淇濇椂鎹?鍒厠 鍖楁苯 甯冨姞杩?
C 闀垮畨 鏄屾渤 闀垮煄
D 澶т紬 涓滈 澶у彂 涓滃崡 閬撳 甯濊豹
F 涓扮敯 椋炵 绂忕壒 娉曟媺鍒?鑿蹭簹鐗?
H 绾㈡棗 娴烽┈ 鎮嶉┈ 鍝堥 鍗庢櫘
J 浣虫槦 姹熷崡 鎹疯惫 鍚夊埄 鍚夋櫘 鍚夊ゥ 閲戞澂 姹熸樊 绮剧伒
K 鍑开鎷夊厠 鍏嬭幈鏂嫆
L 璺檸 鍏板崥鍩哄凹 闄嗛 閾冩湪 鏋楄偗 闀夸赴鐚庤惫 闆疯 鍔涘竼 鍔虫柉鑾辨柉 闆峰厠钀ㄦ柉 鑾茶姳
M 椹嚜杈?鍚嶇埖 杩蜂綘 鐜涜帋鎷夎拏 杩堝反璧?
O 娆у疂 璁存瓕
Q 璧蜂簹 濂囩憺 闈掑勾鑾茶姳
R 鏃ヤ骇 鑽e▉ 鐟為簰 鐟為簾
S 鍙岀幆 钀ㄥ崥 鏂反椴?鍙岄緳 涓夎彵 涓栫埖 鏂煰杈?鏇欏厜
W 娌冨皵娌?浜旇彵
X 鏂伴泤閫?鐜颁唬 闆經鍏?闆搧榫?
Y 澶╂触涓€姹?鑻辫彶灏艰开
Z 涓叴 涓崕 浼楁嘲
濂旈┌姹借溅骞垮憡 鍒涙剰鏃犳瀬闄?


Peek At The Mercedes-Benz GLK 350

There are certain vehicle that tell us in one glimpse that they are common and not the greatest car that we would love to be viewed driving inside of. However, there are other vehicles that exude an atmosphere of splendor and the moment you look at it you recognize it is the car that you wish to be in. One of these vehicles is the all new Mercedes GLK 350.

This is the first premium compact crossover SUV that Mercedes has ever produced. Though the GLK 350 might be a bit boxy it does not let us down in any way. The platform for this car was developed on the standard C-class sedan.

Why did Mercedes decide to produce an SUV? "We needed a car like the GLK 350," sales representative Mark Leonard said. "It's designed to go head-to-head with the BMW X3 and it is doing a fantastic job."

The model was debuted earlier this year and is planned to be a 2010 model version. It has already gathered much attention because of its unusual design and the price that Mercedes-Benz has given it. Many people were expecting them to choose a high number - but were astonished when the company set it at a low $33,900. This will definitely聽 be in the running for the low-cost SUV on the market and may be able to flyover the X3 in price alone.

The GLK is built with a 3.5 liter V6 engine and connected with a seven speed automatic transmission. Together the two work in harmony and provide a smooth but powerful drive. It is easier then ever to speed up the car and it can touch 60 MPH in only 6.9 seconds.

If you want to pick out the premium package you will be given a panorama sunroof, power liftgate, media upgrade package, heated seats in the front, and memory settings for mirrors, steering wheel, and the driver's seat. You will also receive numerous of the more preferred characteristics that include power assist, dual zone automatic climate control, eight CD sound system, and a trip computer. also added the standard safety features to each model.

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10(-)锛氶搩鏈⊿UZUKI銆?36涓囪締 (-1%)

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