What are sugar-free food sub-categories? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

what types of sugar-free food sub?

in accordance with international standards, sugar-free foods that contain sucrose (cane sugar and beet sugar) and starch sugar (glucose, maltose, fructose) and sweet foods, from maltitol, sorbitol, wood sugar alcohols, etc. to make sugar substitutes. Recently, the China Quality Association reminds consumers Miles: No sugar sugar-free food does not mean that the food, because there was no sugar foods may contain other simple sugars (glucose, etc.) or double sugar (maltose, etc.).

There is now pursuing the non-
just eat, but to pay attention to health. Low-fat, low sugar diet is the formation of a new consumer trend. Some enterprises have to see this opportunity to intervene after the introduction of a variety of sugar-free foods. However, some consumers reflects the buying is fake sugar-free foods. Taking a factory production of cereals, for example, its packaging big bag marked “sugar-free” and that they are listed in the list of ingredients in the maltose.

sugar-free food is the name for some food manufacturers, mainly in the processing do not add sugar, but many foods themselves contain sugar, such as the number of grains is the main component of food carbohydrates, it is ultimately in the human body should be broken down into glucose, as well as lotus root starch, milk sugar, also. Thus, even sugar-free foods, also can not go eat sparingly, otherwise, can cause hyperglycemia. In the selection and consumption of sugar-free foods, not only depends on whether marked as “sugar-free food” words, but also pay attention to see list of ingredients, for the marked “sugar free” foods, should be to see whether they contain glucose, maltose, white sugar, etc., taking into account whether or sugary food itself. In addition, should beware of some small plants to keep sweet with saccharin, etc., because of excessive consumption of saccharin will affect health.

staple food categories: refers to the market a large number of sugar-free cakes, biscuits, cakes, cereals such as rice and flour type products, consumption of some of the day when the normal diabetic diet sugar-free foods by subtracting the share of staple food volume.

drinks, cold drinks category: If no Ribes drinks, sugar-free yogurt, sugar-free ice cream, sugar-free soft drinks, sugar-free fruit juices. Similarly, consumption of sugar-free yogurt or ice cream to milk products, included in the daily calorie intake of total calories, and the exchange of other dairy products in the diet the amount of drinking.

dairy products: The main focus on sugar-free chocolate milk powder and butter, its methods should be eating dairy products with the same general terms, the total daily intake of total calories should be 10% ~ 15%.

fruit sugar: such as various throat sugar, crystal sugar, good and special sugar sweeteners are made from a variety of flavors can be adjusted to add in life. Subject to Note: Due to very few calories, when hypoglycemia when the patients do not complement these candies, but should be consumed immediately, or that the staple food of ordinary sweets.

sugar-free gum: the daily consumption of mouth odor can be removed, more important is to maintain dental health, prevention and control tooth decay and tooth loss.

cooking sugar: The main ingredient is aspartame, protein and sugar products, is harmless to human body of high sweetness and low-heat energy sweeteners.

Chinese:无糖食品分哪些种类 ?

类别: 餐饮食品

无糖食品分哪些种类 ?










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