大沙头a residential households occurred on New Year's Eve bombings ...

day before 21:45 about a sudden “bang!” bang as firecrackers sound like an explosion, the front of the television to watch the Spring Festival is the Festival Miss Deng family was shocked. Then, a hot water sprayed onto Miss Deng’s wife - Miss Deng was 5 minutes before you plug in the power, under charge of the “health electrothermal bag” in the charge occurred during the explosion.

It has been living in a district大沙头Miss Deng said that the sudden explosion of the heating pads is the same day evening to spend 15 yuan, from Shahe commercial street, a shop to buy her daughter back to review homework When used in Hand. The reporter learned from the heating pads for the packaging to see: Products from Jieyang of a factory production, packaging and no contact telephone and detailed site, not to mention the national compulsory 3C certification mark.

reporter visited the city a number of small commodity markets, heating equipment, a shop owner told reporters that the heating pads may be an explosion if the product the ratio of oil and water do not, the proportion of water many times, there may be heating gas pocket. The industry is to remind the public that the current state of household electric heater product certification system has not yet implemented, the manufacturer of the safety requirements are more fuzzy, so consumers should go to the regular shopping malls to buy such products, select the certification and inspection report of a full range of brand.

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