4000 people to the average price of a Dayton house prices soared ...

yesterday at 9 pm, nearly 4000 buyers gathered in the Tongzhou District, Beijing马驹桥a nearby district, waiting for放号. Was informed that because of their dissatisfaction with the sudden price increases and that its unfair to draw in the draw conducted soon after the number, some home buyers to the platform led to throwing bottles of mineral water to stop pumping its ceremony. Tongzhou police arrived at the scene to maintain order, and ordered the developer to halt all transactions.

buyers dissatisfied with soaring housing prices

yesterday 11:00, the incident, the district sales offices glass doors closed, the positive and the side exit hands of the security hand-linked to form a wall of 100 meters, dozens of people holding plate, try to burst into the wall. Sales offices next to the greenhouses and temporary structures stage放号also residues of the morning when the audio, balloons, fliers.

buyers, according to Miss Song introduced in March, she paid a deposit of 20,000, got a VIP card, then the sales price is promised Miss 5500 yuan / sq m, up to more than 6200 yuan . 8 o’clock yesterday morning, she received the sales department sent the SMS, the content of the “September 22 plot Yao World Open, 50-120 square meters apartment hardcover average 6980 yuan.”

several buyers said they were delivered in March from the deposit, but soaring prices, from 5500 yuan of March until August of 6300 yuan. “This is not why the price of fraud. “A home buyers said.

stopped pumping water bottles flying ceremony No.

At noon yesterday, more than 60-year-old Mr. Zhang is still unwilling to sit in front of sales offices away from glass go with him quietly坐在台阶上are dozens of home buyers.

“No. pumping injustice.” For the放号, paid a deposit of 20,000 yuan, Mr. Zhang and other buyers are unhappy.

According to Mr. Zhang, the deposit is divided into 50 yuan and 2 million, had sales Miss commitment to pay a deposit of 20,000 yuan priority选号. Yesterday morning’s opening ceremony is to draw a large glass bottles in the day of the signing of the subscription book buyers, a total of 800. May be out of 50 yuan and 20,000 yuan deposit deposit number plate did not, as promised before the separated, but to participate in “draw.” Those selected will be able to enter the subscription sales offices to sign the book.

Mr. Zhang said that not yell No. 100, a number of buyers began restless, and some threw water bottles to the table. Subsequently, the pump stopped No. ceremony. Some buyers try to burst into the sales offices to sign the subscription book, the scene chaotic.

civilian police to maintain order at the scene

yesterday at 10 pm, one after another rushed to the scene of Tongzhou Public Security Subbureau police stopped the developers of all transactions, and security with their sales offices to keep the glass door so as to prevent any emotional buyers stormed the sales offices.

until 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon, the crowd has not yet cleared, Tongzhou Public Security Bureau of the police at the scene to persuade buyers to go back, and other developers have another solution.

yesterday, the reporter has been developer phone call, but no one answered. As of 9 pm last night, there are still hundreds of buyers in the sales stranded at the scene. Sales offices responsible person on the phone, Mr. Zhao said that at present, is still confusion at the scene. As to the timing of its pumping again, he said that can not be disclosed.

Chinese version:4000人一到 均价顿涨780 房价飙升让购房者抓狂
















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