

2010-03-04 15:43:30 阅读17 评论0 字号:

室内灯      residential lamp / light

枝状大吊灯  chandeliers

吊灯        pendant lamp / light

半吊灯     half pendant lamp / light

台灯       table lamp / light

壁灯       wall lamp / light

孙光辉     Jacky Sun

落地灯     floor lamp / light

吸顶灯     ceiling lamp / light

水晶灯     crystal lamp / light

木灯       wooden lamp / light

宫灯       palace lamp / light

仿水晶灯   imitated crystal lamp / light

低压灯     low voltage lamp / light

工艺灯     artificial lamp / light

石艺灯     marble lamp / light

羊皮灯     parchment lamp / light

镜前灯     mirror front lamp / light

镜画灯     picture lamp / light

吊线灯     track / line lamp / light

格栅灯     grille lamp / light

水珠灯     water pearl lamp / light

导轨灯     track lamp / light

柱灯       pillar lamp / light

蒂凡尼灯   tiffany lamp / light

风水灯     water fountain lamp / light

户外灯     outdoor lamp / light

路灯       street lamp / light

筒灯       down lamp / light

投光射灯   spot lamp / light

翻译整理   Translated by

孙光辉     Jacky Sun

庭院灯     garden lamp / light

草坪灯     lawn lamp / light

草地灯     lawn lamp / light

防水灯     water proof lamp / Under water lamp

柱头灯     water jet lamp / light

水底灯     underwater lamp / light

户外壁灯   outdoor wall lamp / light

组合灯     assembled lamp / light

太阳能灯   solar lamp / light

彩灯       holiday lamp / light

彩虹灯     rainbow lamp / light

烟花灯        firework lamp / light



烟花灯        firework lamp / light

节日灯        holiday lamp / light

圣诞灯        Christmas lamp / light

椰树灯        coconut lamp / light

卤素灯        Halide Lamps / Halogen Lamps

白炽灯泡        incandescent light bulbs

组合开关        integral switch

专业照明        illumination

舞台灯        stage lamp

应急灯        emergency lamp / light

嵌灯/嵌入灯/埋地灯   recessed light / lamp

车灯          car lamp

车头灯        head lamp

孙光辉        Jacky Sun

投光灯        spot light / lamp

走线灯        light linear

泛光灯        flood light / lamp

景观灯        landscape light / lamp

电子感应灯    electronic senor light / lamp

灭蚊灯        mosquito killer lamp

光源         light

灯泡         bulb

节能灯       energy saving lamp

孙光辉       Jacky Sun

节能灯(紧凑型荧光灯)  Compact Fluorescent Lamp

荧光灯       fluorescent light /lamp

荧光灯支架   fluorescent light fixtures

电筒         flashlight/torch light / lamp

灯杯         lamp cup

金卤灯       metal halide/halogen lamp

溴钨灯       Bromine tungsten lamp

汞灯         mercury lamp

钠灯         Sodium lamp

卤钨灯       Halogen tungsten lamp

碘钨灯       iodine tungsten lamp

氖灯/霓虹灯   neon lamp

孙光辉翻译    Translated by Jacky Sun

石英灯        quartz lamp

倍尔诺照明    Banner lighting company

卤素灯        halogen lamp

灯饰配件      light fittings

灯罩          lamp shade

灯头/灯座     lamp holder

灯头/灯座     lamp base

灯盘          lamp house

压克力配件    acrylic fitting

塑胶配件      plastic fitting



陶瓷配件      ceramic fitting

五金配件      hardware fitting

玻璃配件      glass fitting

荧光灯        fluorescent light /lamp

孙光辉        Jacky Sun / Jacky Frost

节能灯        Compact Fluorescent Lamp (2U 3U 4U)

荧光灯支架    Fluorescent Light and Fixtures

节能灯        Energy Saving Lamp

电子镇流器    Electronic Ballasts

压铸件        die-casting fitting

开关          switch

电线          electric wire / power cored

插针/插头     Pin (plug)

插座          socket

电感镇流器    Inductive / magnetic ballast

电子镇流器    electronic ballast

适配器        adapter

孙光辉        Jacky Sun

变压器        transformer

启辉器        starter

整流器        commutator

感应器        sensor

调光器        dimmer

端子台        termianl

汞灯          Mercury Lamps

其他词汇      Others

荧光灯管      Linear fluorescent light tube

荧光灯支架    Fluorescent light fixtures

三基色        tri-phosphor

三基色稀土荧光粉  tri-phosphor Fluorescent Powder

三基色灯管        tri-phosphor tube light

三基色发光二极管  tri-phosphor LEDS

孙光辉搜集整理    Arranged by Jacky Sun

伪彩色LED显示屏   pseudo-color LED panel

全彩色LED显示屏   all-color LED panel

光及辐射                Light and radiation

光通量(单位为:流明lm)  Luminous flux , Φ

光强度                  luminous intensity, I

光强度单位:坎德拉      candela, cd

照度                    Illuminance, E

照度单位:勒克斯        Lux, lx

辉度                    Luminance, L

辉度单位:坎德拉每平方米   cd/㎡

色温                    Co1or Temperature

色温单位:{jd1}温度   Kelvin, K

光色                 Light color

演色性               Color rendering

平均演色性指数      general color rendering index, (Ra)

灯具效率            Luminaire efficiency

不可见光           Invisible Light

光谱              Spectrum

白炽灯泡          Incandescent bulb

气体放电灯        Gas discharge lamp

发光二极管        LED

荧光灯        fluorescent light /lamp

孙光辉        Jacky Sun / Jacky Frost

节能灯        Compact Fluorescent Lamp (2U 3U 4U)

荧光灯支架    Fluorescent Light and Fixtures

节能灯        Energy Saving Lamp



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