哪个牌子的钙片比较好? | 养生十万个为什么






Which brand of calcium is better?

Best answer

Cui Lay An Liniu of calcium and magnesium tablets, calcium and magnesium ratio of 2:1, absorb well, my wife pregnant up to now has been eating it. After all, people have 75 years history.

Other Answers (Total 1)

Calcium, I recommend that you use liquid calcium capsules, absorption rate is high, and no side effects. Does not cause constipation. Perennial relatives of my family to take Hearts K of liquid calcium capsules. Their products taste good, works well. And their home production of liquid calcium capsules, which added vitamin D, you can promote each other to absorb. Calcium and vitamin supplements can also both AD, can also Bunao, promote the development of the brain and optic nerve oh.

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