
    An•G 融合国际{zx1}多元化的流行元素,以简约大气的设计,舒适优雅的裙体结构,精良的细节制作,呈现现代都市的新时尚气质。


    An•G 首推的环保概念婚纱,运用xx材质、手工缝制、环保包装等现代理念为您的婚礼打造绿色健康的独特感受!





An . G wedding dress, Integration of a wide range of the latest international fashion elements,showing a new fashion in modern urban temperament.
Debuts a environment friendly idea of using natural materials, all dresses are finished by hand-sewn and green packaging .Our target is help you to prepare the most beautiful and comfortable dresses for your wedding ceremony.




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