

一、 数码直喷布介绍:
     1. 使用方法:用热升华墨水直接将图案喷绘到数码直喷布上,待墨水干后将喷绘好的数码布在专用的执升华加热机加热到230度左右,墨水被充分还原,色彩会变得更加鲜艳、逼真。
     2. 使用数码直喷布制作旗帜、横幅、打印花样的优点:
         1) 环保 传统的丝网印花在印花后需将印完花的布放在蒸煮锅中加热褪浆、固色,会有污水排放。 传统的转移印花会有色浆的调制, 废色浆的排放等对环境的污染,数码直喷在喷印过程中不用水,不用调制色浆,无废染液色浆的排放并噪音小;
       2) 快速方便 传统的丝网印花和转移印花印前准备工作很多, 需制丝网版或印花到转移纸
上,前期工作多、 时间长、成本高。数码直喷只要将图案输入喷绘机电脑立即可以喷印,当场可以拿
         3) 图案没有限制 丝网印刷一般几套色,不能写真,数码直喷可以任何图案、照片;
         4) 既可以小批量也可以大生产 由于没有前期工作的成本,所以小批量也可以生产,成本和大批量生产一样;
         5) 节省人力操作流程短,不需要象传统印花要很多工人,一个人即可以完成整个印花过程;
         6) 工作环境好传统的印花生产工作环境脏,数码直喷可以在空调房里进行,工作环境很好;
         7) 总体成本低于传统印花 。
    3. 使用数码喷绘机型号:喷绘机 写真机,使用墨水:热升华墨水(推荐),水溶性墨水,溶剂性墨水
    4. 使用墨水:热升华墨水(属于水性墨水、分散染料)
digital injection cloth is one of the textile fabric which is finished with chemical procession, it is main used for being printed pictures by digital printing machine.
1.using methods: using the dye-sublimation ink inkjet your designs on the digital injection cloth, and using the dye-sublimation heating machine heating up to 230when the ink is dry, when the ink restore as before fully, the color of the picture will be become more bright and lifelike.

2.the advantage of using the digital injection cloth making flag ,banner streamer, printing designs.
1. Environment protection: compared to the traditional printing, it doesn’t need water and modulate color paste, so there is no sewage emission. 2.quick and convenient : you can printed the designs on the fabric directly and take the final article in time. 3.you can print any pictures, no restriction. 4.shorten the making procession and saving human resources. 5.the total cost is cheaper than traditional printing.
3. The model of digital printing machine: air brushing machine; Pictorials machine; inkjet printer.

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