I am a motorcycle gt125-5c Friends is invited to the Friends of ...

I just bought a gt125-5c blue, I am a novice so not used to riding. I would like to ask you heroes: I sometimes hang a file, hand clutch pinch injury to start car will not be, ah, here we have traffic lights there is more often seen in front of the road when the red light pinch on the hand-off taxiway to the stop line, and then in the low back, I do not know that my car will have any impact on ah! ! !

should be encountered in normal circumstances when the red light in front, back to slow down the oil, while deceleration退档edge to the stop line when a file in Office, and then back to neutral
The purpose of this operation pinch-off is to avoid sliding to increase clutch wear accelerated aging, but also avoid the gap when the braking effect of slip
If it is not good pinch-off taxiway, new Fortunately that point a long time will find a little back effort compared to a file, the clutch can not be completely open, that is, the signs of clutch wear, need to adjust the motorcycle
not if you have a clutch to protect the kind of start, I suggest you do not pinch off at startup (the premise is to start when in the neutral position) the same reason is to avoid the clutch when starting in cold wear

file I sometimes hang a hand clutch pinch will not be injured to start car ah? will not be affected.
often seen in front of the road when the red light pinch on the hand-off taxiway to the stop line, and then change back to low-grade, I do not know that my car will have any impact on ah! ! ! It is not affected.2008-02-29


路上经常是看到前面红灯时就手捏离合滑行到停车线,然后在变回低档,不知到这会对我的车车有什么影响啊!!! 也不会有影响.2008-02-29

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