草莓有什么美容功效? » 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网




先说草莓的吃法,不少人喜欢拿草莓来做水果沙拉。但我个人更建议直接食用原味的草莓,因为草莓本身味道的层次就很丰富,而且混合在别的水果和沙拉酱里特别容易破坏草莓的口感。相同分量里的草莓果肉中含糖、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、钙、磷、铁等,其中维生素C 的含量比梨、苹果、葡萄等高出7-10倍,磷和铁等人体所必须的矿物质元素也比上述水果高3-5倍。草霉含有少量的胡萝卜素,是合成维生素A的重要物质,具有明目等作用。草莓还含有一定的膳食纤维,有帮助消化、通畅大便之功效。它的{zd0}优点是食用时无任何禁忌,吃多了既不会受“凉”也不会上火。
























What is beauty strawberry effect?

DIY Skin Care What is the election, strawberry fruit to become the new darling beauty Oh! Strawberry has the beauty, the role of disinfection and convergence is superb, can enhance skin elasticity, with whitening and moisturizing moisturizing effect. In addition, the strawberry better suited to oily skin, has to oil, cleansing the role of the strawberry can be used as cosmetics Fumian Ji Zhi. Make love long acne ease the symptoms of sebum secretion of the skin is also very strong and effective.

How to eat strawberries is more beauty
Let me talk about strawberry eat, many people do like to get strawberry fruit salad. But I also suggested that direct consumption of the strawberry flavor, because the level of strawberry flavor is very rich in itself, but also mixing in other fruits and salad dressings where are particularly vulnerable to damage strawberries taste. The same quantity inside the strawberry pulp sugar, protein, fat, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., in which vitamin C content than pears, apples, grapes 7-10 times higher, phosphorus and iron necessary for the body mineral elements are also 3-5 times higher than that of fruit. Grass mold containing a small amount of carotene, vitamin A, the synthesis of important material, with eyesight and so on. Strawberries also contain a certain degree of dietary fiber, help digestion, smooth stool of the effect. Its biggest advantage is that when you eat without any taboos, eating more will neither be “cool” is not at the fire.

Strawberry Skin Care DIY
In addition to direct consumption, the winter strawberry is an ideal material for beauty. Teach two strokes and is very simple, once you can try.

First. Strawberry bright teeth
Strawberries can be a bright, white teeth, and wipe out the stains teeth and in Chifeng, because it contains malic acid which there is convergence effect, to remove tooth stains and tartar can effectively help to restore melanin to assist in whitening. At home may wish to try to strawberry Daocheng paste, then add a little baking powder. Like it, like squeezing toothpaste on the toothbrush, the toothbrush will use its “smear” in the teeth, the “fixed” for about 5 minutes, then rinse.

Second. Strawberry milk beauty
Strawberries have the moisture and promote skin metabolism effect. Strawberry juice using both whitening, moisturizing skin, a more gentle convergence of the role of skin allergies are especially applicable. 50 grams of strawberries will be broken up in order to double-layer gauze filters, juice mixed with milk, the juice will mix evenly coated on the face and make massage, 15 minutes, wash with water.

Strawberry milk Beauty France:

Strawberry Wrinkle Moisturizing Body Lotion: both moisture, clean skin, a more modest role and anti-crease function convergence.

Ingredients: 50 grams of strawberries, 1 cup milk.

Will be mashed strawberries with double-layer gauze filtration, the juice mixed with milk. Mixed evenly, it will be strawberry milk apply on the skin massage. Keep milk on the skin for 15 minutes, has clean water in clean water.

Strawberry Gloss Mask

Strawberry is rich in vitamins, long-term use of this facial mask will help your skin the natural luster and delicate smooth.

Ingredients: 50 grams of strawberries, olive oil a little.

The strawberry slices, and then stir well smashed. Add a few drops of olive oil. Deposited on the surface about 10 minutes, wash with warm water can be.

Strawberry Nutrition Skin Method

This mask can be nutritional skin, reduce skin pigmentation.

Method 1:

Material: Strawberry moderate

System Method: Wash the prepared strawberries, mash or cut in half.

Usage: Fuyu face, neck and other exposed parts. Or directly with the cut in the face of repeated smear strawberry 25 minutes after the wash.

Method 2:

Material: Strawberry 4, flour 1 tsp, a little yogurt, honey 1 tsp

System of law:

1, Strawberry washed with water to clean, squeeze juice.

2, the flour and yogurt mixture into the strawberry juice and honey Stir well.

3. Attaining a 10-15 minutes, wash can be.


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