With regard to the issue broth « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

delicious broth is delicious, but cooked for a long time after the change is foam, a little bite is not bad, how can the broth to eat into the mouth maintain crisp feel?

cooked off again after the oil on the list

trouble you please look at the furnace control, there is a place a little soda. OK

tofu trick

let dry spicy broth
Ganguo soft Douhua the dry spicy broth, and soul-stirring feeling, it may make a lot of girls love-hate relationship - love is the taste buds in the Under the full stimulus spicy pleasure, hate is dry and hot is a hotbed of acne are, with the Road Douhua broth, you can rest assured that strategy! Dish to make at the end of Fushun Douhua will be separated from the broth with the wok, transfer the heat from the cooked tofu and soup, hot flashes of the problems will not easily solved. Meanwhile, the broth taste tofu is also contaminated with light, becomes crisp up, it appears that things have to change the habits of tofu a function of it, such as irritability, anxiety and so on, of course, also help to develop a simple diet .
peculiarities: the entrance of the dry and hot broth is not Ganguo taste.

pig intestines of the different locations have different taste ah. As if the large intestine is the most common cooking, soup, or stir-fries can be, intestinal head Stewed meat is very thick so all the. There is another called “milk gut,” is a crisp fried out.

crispy pig intestine, “milk gut” because the crisp refreshing, therefore called crispy intestines, the most in recent years, the common people delicious food on the table. Pakistan Cloth chefs accompanied by the crispy intestines Qu Xing, Xie greasy, aroma, which provides color and Weixin dry Reinwardtia incense and hemp made of prickly ash cooked vegetables, its dishes shiny reddish brown color, crisp texture refreshing, spicy Wasabi Mon, Xianxian mellow, slightly sweet back. The unique local flavor, food and praise those who are all tut. Infants commonly known as brittle-intestinal intestine. Because it tastes very crisp, refreshing named. In recent years, it is in Guangzhou. Fuzhou. Changsha. Chengdu. Chongqing and other places are very popular with consumers. It is rich in vitamins, nutrition is very , and can be stir-fried. hot pot. braised. fresh brine and so on. restaurants, hotels must have the dishes. Spicy crisp


raw materials:

crisp clean intestines 200 grams, Pickle 100 grams, 100 grams of foam ginger, garlic and sliced (to taste)豆瓣amount, a little pepper, a little cooking wine, salt. MSG. Chicken amount .


vegetable oil into the pot roast (heat) into the pre-prepared豆瓣. bubble ginger. bubble pepper. garlic. pepper fried flavor of Health, another into the crispy intestines, saute 5 to 6 minutes plus cooking wine. salt. MSG. chicken, clean wok can be.

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intestine hot pot

brittle materials:

intestine 500 grams, 50 grams of celery, ginger 10 grams, 20 grams garlic, onions 10 grams; dried pepper 20 grams, 10 grams of Ciba pepper, Sichuan bean paste 10 grams, 5 grams of sweet sauce, Guilin chili sauce 1 10 grams, 10 grams of salt, MSG 5 grams, 10 grams of cooking wine, soy sauce 10 grams, 10 grams of marked oil;

system of law:

1, colon cleaned to off around the oil quality, clean water into the drift to the bloody, Zhancheng strip, with wine, salt, ginger, onion marinated tasty guitar.

2, pot under the Absolute, till the Bacheng heat, stir-fry cooked under the intestines quickly clean wok stand.

3, left bottom oil pan, the pot saute garlic, dried chilli into the festival, Ciba pepper, bean paste, sweet sauce, saute Guilin chili sauce, etc. out of oil, add MSG, salt, into the intestines Stir-fry the next few , celery decorations, tasty that is installed in the clean wok and serve hot pot simmered within the micro-cook can be eaten.

features: crisp fragrant lured in, spicy alcohol, nutrient-rich, can make up wasting spleen and stomach. Production


1, the intestines should be raging fire anxious speculation, now cook, now eat in order to crisp fragrant.

2, using rapeseed oil in order to remove the intestines taste, by smell.


Mexico crisp egg roll
out pans, when heated on the stove, topped with a little sesame oil, in the bottom of the pot Ma Yun, the cake blank is entered, a little heat, (the package said 15 seconds) upside down, playing on an egg in the pie stalls Yun, Zaifan fried noodles will be a fried egg, you can pan the.

will be flat cake with a fried egg on the plate, the cast Mexican hot sauce, put your favorite eating Crispy intestine (today is the 10000 Witkey eating out of the corn crisp new advance into the microwave for 40 seconds later cut into pieces) of the cake roll, accompanied by yogurt is delicious breakfast.


tile intestinal

brittle materials : Pig Health intestine (ie, spend intestinal) 500 grams, 50 grams of red lanterns Pickle, soak radishes 25 grams, 25 grams of bubble lettuce, ginger 10 grams, 10 grams of garlic.

Seasoning: salt l0 grams, 15 grams of monosodium glutamate, Hunan jade and vinegar 20 grams, Lung l0 grams of soy sauce, oyster sauce 10 grams, sesame oil l0 g, wet powder 25 grams (ie, soda), 25 grams of salad oil, water, starch 50 grams

system of law:

1, Ji cleaned pig intestines of Health took a knife with wet pink pickled 2 hours or so, soak with water and then washed with water and put it into boiling water Cheuk-water (over about fish out immediately ) stand-by.

2, ginger, garlic slices, soak radishes, lettuce cut 4 cm long bubble of stand-by. 3, bottom oil burning Liucheng hot pot place, put ginger, garlic slice incense fire speeding down into the foam radish, Pickle, bubble lettuce, put flowers intestines, salt, MSG, oyster sauce, soy sauce, dragon and phoenix, jade, and vinegar turn fry 10 seconds, hooked thin qian, poured sesame oil, in the meantime will be tile Heat, covered with a layer of tin foil, will pan into the tile on the Health and intestinal characteristics: color clear, crisp flowers intestine.

kale and cauliflower 60 1 / 3 72


类别: 餐饮食品





  让燥辣柔和 豆花肥肠


脆肠为猪的“乳肠”,因脆嫩爽口,故名脆肠,最近几年来人们餐桌上常见的美味佳肴。巴国布衣厨师们把脆肠配以去腥、解腻、增香、提色的干海椒和味辛香而麻的花椒烹制而成菜后,其菜色泽棕红发亮,质地脆嫩爽口,麻辣味浓,咸鲜醇香,略带回甜。乡土风味独特,食者无不啧啧称赞。 儿肠俗称脆肠.因吃在嘴里非常脆,爽口而得名.近年来它在广州.福州.长沙.成都.重庆等地非常受广大消费者的欢迎.它含有丰富的维生素,营养非常好,可爆炒.烫火锅.红烧.鲜卤等.饭馆酒店必备之菜品。





























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