You've started a business and picked out the perfect name and logo. How can you make sure that nobody else steals your thunder? The answer is simple - register your business name and/or logo as a trademark.

A trademark is a unique name, phrase, word, logo, symbol, design, image, or combination of these items that is used to identify a business, individual, or other legal entity. The trademark can be used to identify the business itself and/or the business' products and services. In this way, a trademark can be used to protect a business from its competitors.

It is important that an extensive trademark search be done before registering a trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office. After such a search is performed, you can rest assured that your desired trademark is not already in use. Once you have registered your trademark, you will have exclusive rights to that name and/or symbol. If another company uses your registered trademark, you can file suit to keep them from infringing on your protected name or logo. This will ensure that your brand name and company name remains exclusive.

There are a number of companies that can help guide you through the legal hoops involved in registering a trademark. Not only can they help you file the appropriate paperwork, but some services explain the process in a way that enables you to make informed business decisions about the name and/or logo you want to register.


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