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她在被拒绝进入Albert Park区一家酒店时被激怒。


Footage of drunk police officer caught on film

FOOTAGE of a drunk police officer hurling abuse at bouncers after she was knocked back at a Melbourne hotel threatens to bring the force into disrepute.
The video footage shows the off-duty officer slurring her words and threatening bouncers, before flashing her badge - the ultimate act of stupidity. It comes as alcohol-fuelled violence is peaking on the streets.
The officer blew up after she was refused entry to Hotel Nest in Albert Park.
She takes aim at security staff, telling them: "Listen, I'm a police officer, OK."
The bouncer replies that she "should know better".
"I'm not going to get in a bloody fight," she insists.
"I'm here to f------ boogie."
The bouncers try to defuse the situation, explaining they cannot let in drunk people because they would be fined.
"If you breathalyse me I am under 0.05. I can guarantee it," she maintains. When she realises that they will not budge, her temper flares.
"Are you in fear of me?" she demands. "Are you in fear of me? You're not in fear of me. I'm not assaulting you. You're a f------ idiot."
But it's taken to another level when the off-duty officer flashes her badge at the bouncer's camera.
One veteran officer said the member risked a charge of bringing the force into disrepute, regarded as serious misconduct.
"If you do that, you can be for the high-jump," he said.
The officer said producing the badge, nicknamed Freddy by members of the force, was a major mistake.
"Had she not done that (produced her badge), it might have all blown over," he said.
Video of the incident has been handed to Victoria Police, who will conduct an ethical standards investigation.
"The conduct depicted in the footage aired by A Current Affair is in no way acceptable," a force spokesman said.
"The Victoria Police ethical standards department will be conducting an investigation."