在市场上出售的安全毯觉得很安全的电线睡觉,很容易冲击? « City life ...





























On the market to sell the security blanket do feel very safe sleeping on wire, easy to shock?

do the market to sell the security blanket, feeling sleep in the wire is very secure, easy to shock?

regular manufacturers

electric blanket is safe for home use under the blanket a lot of experience has shown that blanket of insecurity, there are two main factors: One is caused due to improper use of electric blanket overheating caused by sparks fight, pull arc burn accidents; one is due to poor insulation blanket or insulation damage caused by electric shock accident.

home use electric blanket to ensure the safety and extend the service life of electric blanket to prevent and avoid the use of blanket of insecurity that occur during, please note the following issues:

1, the use of electric blanket, you should read the use of brochures, in strict accordance with manual operation.

2, using the power supply voltage and frequency with the electric blanket on the calibration of the same rated voltage and frequency.

3, folded blanket shall be strictly prohibited to use. The process of using the electric blanket, electric blanket should always check whether the set of balls, pleated phenomenon, and if so, should be shared between folds flat after use.

4, blanket not shared with other heat sources.

5, such as using warm-type blanket should be the absolute prohibition of the use of electricity throughout the night, when a user on the bed, should power off.

6, babies and life can not take care of themselves to not use the blanket alone, should be accompanied by someone to use.

7, do not place a blanket sharp hard objects, but do not blanket a prominent sharp metal objects or other hard objects to use.

how to use the blanket of science?
first use should be noted that the blanket power of time should not be too long, generally about 1 hour before going to bed ohmic heating, turn off the power when falling asleep, try not to overnight use, especially children; Second, the blanket Do not direct contact with the human body, preferably in the top layer of blankets or bed linens shop, do not fold the use of the hotline or easy to burn the insulation surface, causing leakage, accident injury.

blanket Luangai to court disaster

winter, a number of beds and the room temperature low elderly, children, women who would buy and use the blanket. Blanket really easy to use, fast heat up, temperature adjustable characteristics, however, the following should not use the blanket to these populations.

patients who suffer from bronchitis, respiratory diseases, bronchitis, emphysema and asthma, if they often use electric blanket could easily cause a throat sore throat, hoarseness, coughing incessantly, thus exacerbating illness.

cardio-cerebral vascular disease patients had high blood cholesterol, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and cerebral thrombosis and other diseases should note that due to a mechanical heating blanket, can destroy the body’s balancing mechanism to facilitate blood pressure easier for myocardial infarction and stroke onset, it should cause a high degree of vigilance.

hemorrhagic disease since the use of electric blanket can accelerate blood circulation, blood vessels expand, thereby increasing bleeding. So, bleeding, tuberculosis, hemoptysis, ulcer bleeding and stroke patients are unfit for use.

inflammation and physical persons who suffer from allergic stomatitis, chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, oral ulcers and skin itching, rashes and other diseases are not suitable for use, so as to avoid exacerbations.

newborns, infants and young children in this group because of poor temperature regulation, electric blanket is easy to produce high temperature, dehydration after use due to dehydration caused by hot embolism, severe cases can be life-threatening. At the same time, neonatal, infant organs is relatively weak, electromagnetic waves generated by the use of electric blanket will hinder their growth and development.

men of childbearing age because of the heat generated by electric blanket will affect the testes to produce sperm function, so the newlyweds want their children not to use prenatal and postnatal care. Pregnant women after the blanket power will produce electromagnetic fields, can be a direct impact on pregnant women, the normal development of the fetus, severe cases can lead to miscarriage or fetal malformation.

taboo crowd

If you belong to the following situations, it is best not to use electric blanket, so as not to affect health.

infants and young children, pregnant women, men, child-bearing age, hemorrhagic diseases, respiratory diseases in patients with

experts advise: Although electric blanket can be warm, but the use of time should not be too long, usually 1 hour before bed, ohmic heating, switching off sleep power for the good, and can not be in direct contact with the human body. People who frequently use the blanket, sooner or later should be suitably increased drinking water. In addition, pregnant women, infants and young children best not to use; while suffering from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and allergies, mouth ulcers, pharyngitis, etc. as also patients unfit for use.

This is your wrong, after the hot, turn off the electric blanket. is best to sleep before the heat is good, in sleep, so there is no radiation on the human body and side effects. and safe.

a security mark should be no problem

sleep, unplug the power

manufacturers is the formal security guarantees.
best was stuck for ten minutes before bedtime, and so warm when you sleep, and if the long-term sleep blanket on the skin is not good, easy to make the skin becomes dry! It is therefore proposed to use the time you still should not be too long05-10-20

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