吃花生养颜美容吗» 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网











花生、赤小豆、大枣各60克,加水煮成汤。一日数次服食。本方三种食物中含丰富的维生素 B1,又有补益脾胃作用,适用于xx病、脾虚浮肿、食少乏力、便溏腹泻、精神倦怠等。





Skincare do eat peanuts

To beautiful, we must make efforts on the food Oh, look at the outside beauty, each has its own beauty recipes do! So what, come take a look at the recommended peanut Xiaobian for your recipe!

Peanut Beauty Effects:

Chinese medicine believes that peanut nature, sweet; Rupi and Lung. Can be Xingpi and stomach, lungs and phlegm, nourish stressed gas, Qingyan cough. Pairs of malnutrition, eat less frail, dry cough with little phlegm, hemoptysis, epistaxis teeth bleed at the nose, skin purpura, maternal milk and a small stool dry knot disease have therapeutic effects.

Peanut fill pulp:

Peanuts, sweet almond, soybeans each 15 grams. The peanut, sweet almond, soy beans into pot, add water, soaked 4 hours later, with the refiner ground into a thick paste, and then double-layer gauze leaching slurry can be poured into the casserole in the cooked. These three kinds of foods can also taste research to fine, temporary use when you add Shuizhu Shu. Daily l agent, can be divided into inferior early morning or early evening when you drink. There spleen Yiwei, Qi and blood, lungs and cough, laxative Hua Chang function. Apply to the spleen and stomach weakness, blood deficiency Shenpi fatigue, loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation particularly appropriate where those who drink can be used for routine health care in the elderly.

Peanuts, sweet apricot Mud:

Peanuts, sweet almond 15 grams each, honey appropriate. The peanut, sweet almond smashed into a pulpy. Fu Fa: take 10 grams each, add honey, boiled water. Before breakfast, after dinner consumption. Can enhance the strength of lungs and cough. Applicable to chronic cough shortness of breath, dry cough with little phlegm person.

Peanut Chixiaodou soup:

Peanuts, Chixiaodou, jujube 60 grams each, plus boiled Cheng Tang. Several times on the 1st take. The side three kinds of foods rich in vitamins B1, there are replenishing spleen role for beriberi, swollen spleen, eat less fatigue, diarrhea, loose stools, mental fatigue and so on.

Peanut red jujube soup:

Peanuts 120 grams, jujube 30 grams, plus Shuijianbi. Can also be chewed peanuts, served with jujube Jiantang delivery. Clinical experience has demonstrated that peanuts and jujube with benefits available to Spleen blood, stop bleeding. Less blood to the spleen, anemia, thrombocytopenia purpura, hemophilia and other bleeding have a certain effect.

Peanut Beauty Tips:

Easy to damp moldy peanuts, resulting in highly carcinogenic toxin aflatoxin. Should be stored in cool, dry place for good. Found deterioration of peanut should be timely and clear, do not eat.


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