Crispy rice noodles in Guilin « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

how to do?

Guilin rice noodle prestigious, not only in clear, sweet rice flour produced by the Li River water itself, smoothness flexibility, but also in brine, sauces and side dishes of Chinese juniper. Among them, no less than a dozen side dishes alone:
Lu Cai (halogen good deep-fried meat, the oil slightly to Ganxiang ductile-brittle) of beef, cattle, pigs chew bar meat (arch mouth parts), ox tongue, beef sticks paste (pancreatic area), tripe, pig stomach, horse, pigtail Festival (the large intestine area), homemade sausages (with sausages majority, with smoky flavor) and so on.

had to mention the other side dishes is the pork and boil, production has to go through several procedures:
will be good with skin on a variety of spices marinated pork before adding after a moment’s cooked, then honey, slurry oil Seasoning special treatment such as pork skin, and finally into the oil with the first down in the fire will be deep-fried skin.

then fires four deep-fried until crisp outside within the fragrance, skin color golden yellow when the fish out, cut into thin one, not to mention the taste is crisp pork skin, lean meat melt trace of the original tasteless Qingqing incense, fertilizer Containing a taste of the meat that is not greasy, the color alone was already the coveted: a golden pork skin, shiny white, as the multi-layer sandwiched Feishou require varying thickness of fat, multi-layered to keep of the original color of the slightest visible tender lean pork, How can we help people to faint echocardiography?

halide brine is the meat after the soup together with dozens of Chinese herbs, spices derived from the brine evaporation process. Were mostly spices, as the taste may be, there are deep-fried soybean vesicles (now many of flour shops are replaced by peanuts), green onion, coriander, Guilin acid (sour pepper, sour radish, Suan Sun, sauerkraut, sour beans, etc., the most common for the acid-beans), broken health pepper, red pepper oil, old garlic, vinegar, etc.; while the risk is to use rice noodles into the colander fitted with hot water, the constant stirring with chopsticks open, into a bowl, a bowl of hot rice noodles, covered with a layer of brine Lay, a golden light boil, add some crispy soya beans or peanuts, scatter points, green onion, parsley, topped with mature oil, brine, finally heard the dull “black” soon as old garlic crashed into the bowl, came, fragrance lovers, delicious, pleasant. So sweet is the brine Lucaiganxiang and Guilin rice noodle characteristics.


类别: 餐饮食品





卤水则是肉类卤后的汤加上数十种中药、香料熬制所得的卤水。调料则多视口味而定,有油炸水泡黄豆(现许多粉店以花生仁代之)、葱花、香菜、桂林酸(酸辣椒、酸萝卜、酸笋、酸菜、酸豆角等,最常见的为酸豆角)、碎生辣椒、红椒油、老蒜蓉、白醋等等;而冒米粉就是用漏勺装上米粉放入热开水中,不停用筷子搅开,装入碗中,一碗热腾腾的米粉,铺上一层卤莱、一片金色光亮锅烧,加些酥脆的黄豆或花生米,撒点葱花、香菜 ,淋上熟油、卤水,{zh1}听到沉闷的“啪”一声,老蒜蓉应声入碗,端上来香气四溢,鲜美可人。所以,卤菜甘香和卤水鲜甜才是桂林米粉的特色。

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