我如何Dunlan牛肉? « City life wiki 城市百科



炉:调味料的砂锅与盖子上,翻开打开盖子的锅炖发现,为了扑灭血腥味挥发而定。 20分钟,然后密封覆盖,而不是一个小火慢在约三小时开放Dunshu,纹理轩烂的牛肉,汤美鲜,香。使用高压锅炖牛肉,效果好,只要你在名单上了主人。开国,消防破灭后5分钟,扣上安全阀,取代了大火发生后20分钟,然后20分钟。














How do I Dunlan beef?

pieces of beef stew I was now Yingying, how should I do? Stew of 2 hours. Ask!

1 “beef stew recipe
beef stew, you should use hot water, not use cold water, because hot water can make the rapid freezing of beef surface protein, preventing the loss of amino acids in meat to keep meat fresh and delicious .
stir boiled, steamed 20 minutes, opened the lid to remove the odor, and then stamped in favor of Wei Huo, so that an oil slick on the soup to maintain a certain temperature, in order to play Braised role.
in the cooking process, salt should be placed no later than, the water should be one to add a little, if we find the water too little water should be added.
stew the day before the first wipe the surface with the mustard on the meat about, stewed meat with cold water before the wash, so that faster is not only cooked, but meat is tender.
a small amount of tea with gauze wrap and placed in the same furnace with beef stew, meat, cooked not only faster, but also taste fragrance.
add some wine or vinegar (by 1 kg of beef, put 2-3 tablespoons of wine or 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar ratio) stew beef, make the meat more Ruannen.
put in meat or a few slices of radish a few hawthorn, and even if beef cooked quickly, and can dispel odor.

2 “Qiao beef stew
Some think that” beef stew, delicious bad to do. ” In fact, not difficult, it was summed up as: “soup to a wide choice of meat is the right path, rendering less salt in miso; condiments number one burgeons, the furnace proper Meat bad.” Choice of meat most people love to buy some of the sites do have bright red pork beef stew. In fact, more suited to the sensation in this category. If used stewed food, their meat is fat tight hair firewood. Suitable for beef stew to eat a lot of parts, such as sinew, backs, bow mouth, chest, outer ridge, etc., accounting for 70% of all beef parts. These parts are reinforced with leather, Feishou and white, on the surface may seem not pretty, not customers welcome, but if you do it properly, then the meat leavening mature, both Xuan and rotten, delicious taste buds. After the meat selected, the first block washed to remove surface dirt afloat; wipe, cut into walnut pieces, soak in water for about half an hour to remove the impurities in the Wu Xue, remove and reserve, but avoid using hot water or boiled water tight meat, or meat getting old and difficult to Dunlan.
tone soup: Tim pot enough warm water (as you have not seen meat prevail kinds of open-pan), put amount of miso, commonly known as “rendering” (500 grams of meat, 50 grams of paste can), stir with chopsticks to open, this residue sink to the bottom when the sauce, miso foam float, fishing net fence with Russia foam residue removed to ensure that instead of mixed colored broth. Can not be transferred soup soy sauce, because soy sauce contains bitter taste of sugar color, add soup Zhuhou, will also slightly bitter broth, stewed meat out of the shade. Tang first to add a little water should not be half-way Tim water. If the soup is not enough, only heating water or boiled water, do not add cold water half-way, or else the meat Kaiguo encountered cold water, it is easy meat shrinkage changes the surface of tight, heat inside the transmission is not easy, meat will become the hard and skin, bad chew pharynx. Tom, after a good tune, came alive again in salt.
leak: to cut a good wash beef pot release, came alive again in condiments. General condiments are clove, cinnamon, sweet licorice, pepper, aniseed, fennel; or pepper, aniseed, cinnamon. Whatever the seasoning, onion, ginger, garlic is essential. You can also add some orange peel. If 2.5 kg of meat subject, its use can be used pepper seasoning 20, 4 ~ 5 aniseed, cinnamon 3 ~ 4, spring onions 3 to 4 inches long paragraphs. Jiang a incision (not cut), garlic, 4 ~ 5. The pot together these condiments can be prickly ash, aniseed, cinnamon gauze into the pockets can be used in conjunction 2 ~ 3 times.
the furnace: seasoning wok that is covered with lid, depending on when you flip open the lid to the pot stew uncovered in order to put out the smell of blood volatile. 20 minutes and then sealed cover instead of slow fire a small open in about three hours Dunshu, texture Xuan rotten beef, soup beauty of fresh, fragrant. Using the pressure cooker beef stew, and the results well, as long as the master You’ve got on the list. Kaiguo that fire after the deflated 5 minutes, fasten safety valve, has replaced 20 minutes after the fire, and then for 20 minutes.
Old cook Beef: If you buy beef are more in the pot the first day, to the beef on a coated layer of dry mustard, cook the meat when the first clean and then rinse the pot. Such processing of beef, cooked not only easy, but also meat become tender. Cook some wine or vinegar when you came alive again will be cooked faster. Cook beef, the first sewing a gauze bag, put a small amount of leaves, the bag tied up and put it into pot, together with the beef stew, beef cooked so fast, taste, fragrance. Boiled cattle (sheep) meat, put 23 shelled walnuts and or a few hawthorn, not only cooked quickly, but also to the smell of mutton flavor. Braised beef, add a small amount of potherb mustard, make meat tasty.

3 “Ginger may tenderizing beef
Jiang is not only a seasoning, but also beef tenderization. If you find some old hard beef can be washed in fresh ginger cut into small pieces, broken up, and then put gauze in extrusion ginger ginger, ginger juice mix to cut wire or piece of beef, stirring evenly , so that the surface of beef pieces evenly coated with ginger, place 1 hour at room temperature about can be cooked as needed. Method has been applied tender of tender beef palatability, aroma rich, nor the spicy ginger flavor.

4 “beef stew beef should Sulan skills
Dunlan can stewed meat to the pot when you add a few slices of hawthorn pieces, and then slowly simmered with slow fire, it will give the beef Sulan and delicious. In addition, the boiled beef, they should boil the water first, and then further Guo Lifang beef. This will not only be able to preserve the nutritional content of meat, and taste are particularly tasty.

Dunlan beef is not easy, but the method has been applied can easily Dunlan Beef: The beef cuts clean, put the same amount of beer, soaked 3-4 hours, into the pressure cooker , the put away spices, ginger, aniseed, sugar, soy sauce, do not add water, with slow Huodun 20 minutes can be eaten.

beef stew, you should use hot water, not use cold water, because hot water can make the rapid freezing of beef surface protein, preventing the loss of amino acids in meat to keep meat fresh and delicious.

stir boiled, steamed 20 minutes, opened the lid to remove the odor, and then stamped in favor of Wei Huo, so that an oil slick on the soup to maintain a certain temperature, in order to play Braised role.

in the cooking process, salt should be placed no later than, the water should be one to add a little, if we find the water too little water should be added.

stew the day before the first wipe the surface with the mustard on the meat about, stewed meat with cold water before the wash, so that faster is not only cooked, but a small amount of tea
fresh meat with gauze wrap and put it into the furnace with beef with the stew, cooked meat is not only faster, but also taste fragrance.

add some wine or vinegar (by 1 kg of beef, put 2-3 tablespoons of wine or 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar ratio) stew beef, make the meat more Ruannen.

put in meat or a few slices of radish a few hawthorn, and even if beef cooked quickly, and can dispel odor.

points with gauze bag of tea, attention should be tightly enclosed pocket and put the pot of beef stew with heating, beef easily rotten.

beef stew The more rotten the more flavored, how can we beef fast Dunlan it? The answer is that the key lies in the Dao Gong. Beef relatively dense fibrous tissue, so when you chew bite tenacity few relatively large. If the documented on-board pad a soft cloth will be cut into strips of beef on the cloth on the beat again with the knife blade carefully beef, undermine its fibrous tissue, and then cut into pieces and stew, then is not only easy to bad, but tastes more good.

can go to the market to buy beef and flour, add some time to stew, it is easy to stewing.

is easy to add a little beer, rotten

Apart from installing a variety of condiments, the uniform with the knife blade flapping is one way.05-11-24

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