Aion New Mystery View | 广告发布区- AVR-ARM开发网论坛- Powered by ...
Aion New Mystery View

Hi ! Friends ! Welcome to our website! Are you finding some cheap , like aion cd ley, . Or specially some . Are you worried about your game time because you have a little of time to your game. Our website cam help you. So come here. Next is a piece of news &nbsp,;

NCsoft community team member post a twitter which the community is stirred up following. What does the tweet infer? Do you hav some ideas ?maybe you can guess an tell us. It is sure thay that the tweet hints that something cool is going to be released next week. On Nov.24th ,, they will be shwing a glim that express the future of aion with actual gameplay.

It is a surprising and attracting news. What is kind of video it could be, the flying Spiritmaster pets ,new instance, mew features or new quest . It is full of charming things. Patch1.5.1has sorted many common gripes people ahd with aion. Maybe it still need something. but what is it.

Do you have your own opinions ? Maybe you can share with us.
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