

2010-02-24 11:23:21 阅读6 评论0 字号:




 The life-saving drawing pin
Bruno is an Italian man. One day, he walked in the storm to the school where he held a position. The moment he reached the gate of the school, an accident happened: he was struck by the lightning! Bruno instantly lost conscience and fell to the ground. Several minutes later, he was found and sent to the hospital. After the incident, Bruno recollected: "I saw a strong light, then felt the electricity flowing all through my body. It was terrifying!"
When he was at the hospical, the doctor found that there was no mark of lightning strike whatsoever on Bruno's body despite a shock (stopped breath) and a few scratches. It was incredible. Everyone looked at the doctor, confused, hoping for an answer. The doctor, equally confused, carefully checked Bruno from top to bottom all over again, and finally found a drawing pin stuck at the bottom of one of Bruno's shoe. The doctor suddenly knew the answer. He took out the drawing pin, held it up in front of everyone, and explaind: "It's this drawing pin that saved Bruno's life. When he was struck by lightning, this drawing pin simply conduct the electricity out of his body. This is why Bruno was not hurt badly."
Bruno luckily survived a lightning struck, and what saved him was a tiny drawing pin that no one would ever pay attention to!
A tiny drawing could save someone from a lightning struck. This made me think about the rules for people to get along: do not simply deny a person's role and value; never underestimate the "nobodies" near you. At critical times, they could save your life, or furthermore, change your fate. 

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