Red power electric vehicles « China tour log 中国旅游日志

my side electric vehicles 350W motor 20AH battery.
Road will also be able to go to work every day there are three kilometers. read a lot on the Internet’s answer to red, and some salt so that every day on the 70 % in the red,
to sell electric cars told me to use half of the red, I now head a halo.
want to have to understand this, and to an appropriate charge of my program.

lead acid battery is different from the other secondary batteries, it no memory effect, so, no matter what the battery state of charge can be recharged directly.
as a result of the more shallow depth of discharge, which will be a significant increase in cycles. Therefore, according to this theory, the hard charging on cycle life is useful, but the market on a large number of the charger in terms of circulation, due to the level of price and technical factors such as the impact of the high failure rate exists charger, poor reliability precision and low defects. Therefore, sometimes the impact of ground instead of the battery charge life. Rechargeable battery short, although the reduced number of charge cycles, but the discharge cells as a result of differences between the Federation may have been caused by some single-cell discharge, had put the battery charge acceptance will be greatly reduced, caused by charging less than the failure, the other End re-released as a result of electric charging, the charger longer heavy, easily damaged charger. So, to sum up, I think the battery out of the 50-70% of electricity a charger is a more reasonable and beneficial use of the battery.

battery electric vehicles are the best assurance of adequate reserves, it is proposed charging every day.2008-02-26



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