



The Design of Numerical Control Direct
Current Power

Abstract: With the development of the times, digital electronic technology has been popular in all of our lives, work, research, and all fields. This paper introduces a NC DC power supply, the power consists of analogue power supply, display circuit, control circuit, digital-to-analog converter and circuit amplifier. Accurately, analog power supplies voltage for chip power, the digital tube and amplifier; display circuit displays the output voltage. NC DC current source can reduce output error that caused by components aging, with functions of the maximum output current is up to 2A, the maximum output voltage is 30 V, current and voltage are stepping to 0.1 adjustment, output current signal can be shown directly. ATmega8 hardware circuit is the core of control, taking advantage of the closed-loop control principle and feedback circuit, so that the whole constitute a closed-loop circuit. In terms of software it mainly uses the PID algorithm to achieve the precise control of output current. The system has good features of high reliability, small size, simple operation and friendly man-machine interface.

Key word: Numerical Control,Direct Current,ATmega8


第1章 绪  论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题研究方法 2
第2章 方案与元件的选择及设计基础知识 3
2.1 方案设计与论证 3
2.2 单片机的选择 5
2.2.1 Mega8-8L简介 5
2.2.2 引脚说明 6
2.3 液晶显示屏(1602)显示的选择及串口实现原理 7
2.3.1 液晶显示屏(1602)简要说明 7
2.4 电流驱动管的选择 8
2.5 运算器的选择 9
2.5.1 LM358M简介 9
2.5.2 NE5532AP简介 9
2.6 设计基础知识 10
2.6.1 相位修正PWM模式 10
2.6.2 模数转换器 12
2.6.3 ADC 输入通道 14
2.6.4 ADC 基准电压源 14
2.6.5 模拟输入电路 15
第3章 电路原理和硬件实现 16
3.1 电路原理框图 16
3.2  各部分电路图实现分析 16
3.2.1  MCU 17
3.2.2  MCU电源模板 18
3.2.3  显示模板 19
3.2.4  电源输出模板 20
第4章 程序设计 22
4.1 主流程框图 22
4.2  主程序框图 23
4.3  程序运行原理 23
4.3.1 上电MCU初始化 23
4.3.2 液晶显示屏(1602)的运行 24
4.3.3 主程序 26
4.3.4 按键扫描 26
4.3.5 AD转换 26
第5章  系统调试 27
5.1 软件测试 27
5.2 系统整体调试 27
5.2.1 电压测试 27
5.2.2 电流测试 28
5.3 ADC 精度分析 29
结论 30
参考文献 33
致谢 34
附录 设计全程序 35

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