
瀛﹁€呮潹鏅竻 鍙戣〃浜?010-3-3 10:38:59
锛? 鈹? 娴忚锛?6      

鎶婂叕娲炬垚鍔熺殑涓€浣嶅悓瀛﹀崥瀹腑鐨勪竴绡囨棩蹇楄创涓婃潵锛屽唴瀹瑰涓嬨€傚悓鏃舵垜涔熸妸鎴戜互鍓嶇殑閭€璇蜂俊鎵弿浣滀负妯$増锛屽彲璁块棶鎴戝彟澶栦竴绡囨棩蹇楋紙锛夈€?br />
鏈€杩戝緢澶氫汉鍦ㄥ繖鐫€鐢宠鍑哄浗锛屼篃鏈変笉灏戞湅鍙嬮棶鎴戞€庝箞缁欒€佸鐢ㄨ嫳鏂囪〃杩伴個璇峰嚱鐨勮姹傘€傛垜鎶婁互鍓嶅啓缁欏甯堢殑淇¤创浜嗕笂鏉ャ€傚笇鏈涜兘甯殑涓婁綘浠€傚唴瀹逛粎渚涘弬鑰冿紝鍏蜂綋浜嬮」璇疯嚜宸辨妸鎻°€?br />
閭€璇峰嚱鐨勫叿浣撹姹傦紙2008锛?br />
1锛庝娇鐢ㄧ暀瀛﹂櫌鏍′笓鐢ㄤ俊绾?br />


4锛庣暀瀛︾殑璧锋鏃堕棿鍜岀暀瀛︽湡闄?br />



8锛庡鏂硅礋璐d汉鐨勮仈绯绘柟寮忓強鍙戦個璇蜂汉鐨勭瀛?br />
9锛庡鐢宠涓撻」濂栧閲戦」鐩紝闇€瑕佸鏂瑰湪閭€璇蜂俊涓槑纭帹鑽愭剰瑙併€?br />

鎴戝綋鏃剁粰瀵煎笀鍐欑殑閭€璇疯璇存槑锛?br />

Dear Prof.*** :


Applicant should also be demanded to submit invitation letter to China Scholarship Council (CSC). If possible, I sincerely want to obtain invitation letter from you and I’ll be very appreciate about it. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question. According to the proposition of CSC, the invitation letter should contain following items.

a. Use special letter paper of host institution

b. b. Contain basic information of applicant, such as name, birth date and domestic institution

c. Indicate the station of applicant in host institution. Applicant could apply for J-1 with the station (I am visiting scholar?)

d. Indicate duration of study abroad

e. Indicate study topic and host supervisor of applicant

f. Indicate tuition of study (Exchanging student should be free of tuition)

g. Indicate intellectual rights of applicant’s work. (For the convention of my school, the intellectual rights should be shared by domestic institution and host institution. The applicant should be the first author of his/her work, the domestic institution should be the first unit and host supervisor should be corresponding author.)

h. Indicate English level of applicant meeting demands of Ph.D. study

i. Corresponding address and signature of the host supervisor

I’m sorry to disturb you so much and thank you again for your kindness.

Best wishes,

Sincerely yours,


鐢ㄦ埛鍚嶏細 蹇呭~
楠岃瘉鐮?/span>锛?input name="Right_content1$txtvalidate" type="text" id="Right_content1_txtvalidate" onfocus="javascript:document.getElementById('Image1').src='blogCode1.aspx?f=13&'+Math.random();document.getElementById('Image1').style.display=''" /> 鍒锋柊 
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