
阀的维修    1通则   (1)必须先查明球阀上、下游管道确已卸除压力后,才能进行拆卸分解操作。   (2)分解及再装配时必须小心防止损伤零件的密封面,特别是非金属零件,取出O型圈时宜使用专用工具。   (3)装配时法兰上的螺栓必须对称、逐步、均匀地拧紧。   (4)清洗剂应与球阀中的橡胶件、塑料件、金属件及工作介质(例如燃气)等均相容。工作介质为燃气时,可用汽油(GB484-89)清洗金属零件。非金属零件用纯净水或酒精清洗。   (5)分解下来的单个零件可以用浸洗方式清洗。尚留有未分解下来的非金属件的金属件可采用干净的细洁的浸渍有清洗剂的绸布(为避免纤维脱落粘附在零件上)擦洗。清洗时须去除一切粘附在壁面上的油脂、污垢、积胶、灰尘等。   (6)非金属零件清洗后应立即从清洗剂中取出,不得长时间浸泡。   (7)清洗后需待被洗壁面清洗剂挥发后(可用未浸清洗剂的绸布擦)进行装配,但不得长时间搁置,否则会生锈、被灰尘污染。   (8)新零件在装配前也需清洗干净。   (9)使用润滑脂润滑。润滑脂应与球阀金属材料、橡胶件、塑料件及工作介质均相容。工作介质为燃气时,可用例如特221润滑脂。在密封件安装槽的表面上涂一薄层润滑脂,在橡胶密封件上涂一薄层润滑脂,阀杆的密封面及摩擦面上涂一薄层润滑脂。   (10)装配时应不允许有金属碎屑、纤维、油脂(规定使用的除外)灰尘及其它杂质、异物等污染、粘附或停留在零件表面上或进入内腔。   2在线维修   阀杆填料40或45,O型密封圈56、112以及外部零件等的更换可在管线上进行而不需将阀从管线上拆下。分解顺序按不同驱动装置   分述如下:   2.1带手柄的球阀──填料45的更换   (1)关闭球阀上、下游的截断阀。放气卸除球阀前后管道中的压力。   (2)使球阀处于全闭状态。   (3)拧掉螺母52,拆下垫圈75、扳手头74及手柄47。   (4)拧掉螺母48,拆下弹簧垫圈49、阀杆限位器66和填料压盖50。   (5)取出填料45。   (6)检查拆下的零件,如有损伤予以修复或更换,将各零件清洗干净。   (7)擦洗并润滑填料函密封面。   (8)装入新填料45。   (9)按分解的逆顺序依次装上填料压盖50、阀杆限位器66、弹簧垫圈49,用螺母48固紧上述零件。   (10)再装上扳手头74及手柄47,装上垫圈75,用螺母52固紧。   (11)操作手柄检查球阀的开启关闭灵活性。   (12)气密性试验。   2.2带齿轮箱的球阀──填料45的更换   (1)关闭球阀上、下游的截断阀。放气卸除球阀前后管路中的压力。   (2)使球阀处于全闭状态。   (3)拧掉螺钉10,拆下齿轮箱。   (4)拧掉螺钉15,拆下驱动器法兰34。   (5)拧掉螺母48,拆下弹簧垫圈49及填料压盖50,取出填料45。   (6)检查拆下的零件,如有损伤,予以修复或更换,将各零件清洗干净。   (7)清洗并润滑填料函密封面。   (8)装入新填料45。   (9)按分解的逆顺序依次装上填料压盖50、弹簧垫圈49,用螺母48固紧上述零件。再装上驱动器法兰34用螺钉15固紧。   (10)装上齿轮箱,用螺钉10固紧。   (11)操作齿轮箱检查球阀的启闭灵活性。   (12)气密性试验。   2.3带气动驱动器的球阀──填料40及O型圈56、112的更换   (1)关闭球阀上、下游的截断阀。放气卸除球阀前后管路中的压力。   (2)使球阀处于全闭状态。拆除气动管线。   (3)拧掉螺钉35将驱动器及驱动器法兰一起拆下。   (4)取下阀杆上的键11,拧掉螺钉15,拆下填料压盖33,取出填料40。   (5)从填料压盖中取出O型圈56及112。   (6)检查拆下的零件,如有损伤予以修复或更换,将各零件清洗干净。   (7)清洗并润滑填料函密封面及O型圈安装槽。  (8)装入新填料40,装入新O型圈56及112。   (9)装上填料压盖33,用螺钉15固紧,装上键11。   (10)将驱动器法兰及驱动器一起装上,用螺钉35固紧。   (11)接上气动管线,操作驱动器检查阀的开启关闭灵活性。   (12)气密性试验。   3线下维修──阀座2的更换,O型圈6、密封垫片39的更换。   阀座、球、阀杆、阀内部各密封件的更换及修理需预先将球阀从管线上拆下才能进行。   3.1两件对分式球阀   (1)关闭球阀上、下游的截断阀,放气卸除球阀前后管路中的压力。   (2)关闭球阀,使处于全闭状态。如是气动装置驱动的,拆除气动管线。   (3)将阀从管线上拆下,翻转放置使阀体接体26向上。   (4)拧掉螺母8,拆下阀体接体26。   (5)拆下阀座2及O型圈63。   (6)从阀体接体26上拆下O型圈6及密封垫片39。   (7)取出球3。   (8)拆下另一端的阀座2及O型圈63。  (9)检查阀体(1),球3及阀体接体26,如有损伤予以修复,将零件清洗干净。   (10)润滑阀座安装面及各密封安装槽。   (11)将新的O型圈6,密封垫片39装入阀体接体的安装槽中。   (12)预先将O型圈63装入阀座2中,将阀座2装入阀体1及阀体接体26中。   (13)将球3装入阀体1中,必须使阀杆4配入球上的槽中。   (14)将阀体接体26装上阀体1,用螺母8固紧。   (15)装上气动管线(气动驱动器驱动的球阀),操作驱动装置检查阀的启闭灵活性。   (16)气密性试验。   (17)装上管线,按管线要求进xx密性试验。 3.2三件式球阀   (1)关闭球阀上、下游的截断阀,放气卸除球阀前后管路中的压力。   (2)关闭球阀使处于全闭状态。   (3)将阀从管线上拆下,翻转放置使一端的阀体接体26向上。   (4)拧掉螺母8,拆下阀体接体26。   (5)拆下阀座2、弹簧20、O型圈17。   (6)从阀体接体26上拆下O型圈6及密封垫片39。   (7)取出球3。   (8)翻转使另一端阀体接体26向上,按(4)~(6)顺序将另一端的各零件拆下。   (9)检查阀体1、球3、阀体接体26,如有损伤予以修复。将零件清洗干净。   (10)润滑阀座安装面及各密封安装槽,将新的O型圈6、密封垫片39装入阀体接体26的安装槽中。   (11)将新O型圈17装入新阀座2中,将弹簧20放在相关位置上。  (12)先将球3装入阀体1中,必须使阀杆4配入球3的槽中。   将阀杆4旋转90º将阀开启。将阀座2套在球上,然后将阀体接体26套到螺柱7上,并使阀体接体26插入阀体1,而阀座2恰好插入阀体接体26中。   (13)用(12)的方法装入另一端的阀座2及阀体接体26。   (14)拧紧螺母8。   (15)操作驱动装置检查阀的启闭灵活性。   (16)气密性试验。   (17)装上管线,按管线要求进xx密性试验。    4线下维修──球阀的全面分解,O型圈21及止推垫片31的更换。   (1)按2.3节拆下球阀进行分解。   (2)按2.2节进行分解。   (3)拆下阀杆4,取出止推垫片31及O型圈21。   (4)检查各零件,如有损伤予以修复,将各零件清洗干净。   (5)润滑各密封面,阀杆上涂一薄层润滑脂。   (6)装上新的O型圈21及止推垫片31,装上阀杆。   (7)按2.2节进行装配。   (8)按2.3节进行装配。   (9)操作驱动装置检查阀的启闭灵活性。   (10)气密性试验。   (11)装上管线,按管线要求进xx密性试验。    5气密性试验   5.1对拆下的球阀进行的气密性试验。   (1)将阀处于半开状态。将球两端部用带管接头的法兰盖密封。   (2)向一端引入试验介质,试验介质为清洁的氮气或空气。另一端管接头堵住。逐渐增压至5.6bar后关闭进气阀停止进气。   (3)将阀从管线上拆下,翻转放置使一端的阀体接体26向上。   (4)拧掉螺母8,拆下阀体接体26。   (5)拆下阀座2、弹簧20、O型圈17。   (6)从阀体接体26上拆下O型圈6及密封垫片39。   (7)取出球3。   (8)翻转使另一端阀体接体26向上,按(4)~(6)顺序将另一端的各零件拆下。   (9)检查阀体1、球3、阀体接体26,如有损伤予以修复。将零件清洗干净。   (10)润滑阀座安装面及各密封安装槽,将新的O型圈6、密封垫片39装入阀体接体26的安装槽中。   (11)将新O型圈17装入新阀座2中,将弹簧20放在相关位置上。   (12)先将球3装入阀体1中,必须使阀杆4配入球3的槽中。   将阀杆4旋转90º将阀开启。将阀座2套在球上,然后将阀体接体26套到螺柱7上,并使阀体接体26插入阀体1,而阀座2恰好插入阀体接体26中。   (13)用(12)的方法装入另一端的阀座2及阀体接体26。   (14)拧紧螺母8。   (15)操作驱动装置检查阀的启闭灵活性。   (16)气密性试验。   (17)装上管线,按管线要求进xx密性试验。    

“ Valve Maintenance Manual”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国球阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Valve repair 1 General (1) must first identify the valve on the upstream and downstream pipeline pressure has indeed removable only after the demolition operation decomposition. (2) to decompose and re-assembly components must be careful to prevent damage the sealing surface, in particular non-metallic parts, remove the O-ring when you wish to use special tools. (3) bolts on the flange assembly to be symmetrical, gradually and evenly tightened. (4) The cleaning agent should be with the ball in the rubber parts, plastic parts, metal parts and the working fluid (eg gas-fired) and others compatible. Working medium for the gas, the ailable gas (GB484-89) cleaning metal parts. Non-metallic parts with pure water or alcohol wash. (5) Decomposition down the individual parts can be cleaned using immersion method. Still did not break down the left non-metallic parts can be used to clean metal parts impregnating famed for silk washing agent (to prevent adhesion of fiber off the part above) scrub. To be cleaned to remove all the adhesive on the walls of the grease, dirt, rubber product, dust and so on. (6) non-metallic parts should be cleaned immediately removed from the cleaning agent may not be a long soak. (7) After cleaning the wall needed to be washed after volatile cleaning agent (cleaning agent can be used without dipping silk rub) for assembly, but not a long time on hold, otherwise they will rust, dust pollution. (8) before the new parts in the assembly also need clean water. (9) The use of grease lubrication. Grease should be the ball of metal materials, rubber parts, plastic parts and working media are compatible with. When the working fluid for the gas can be used such as those 221 grease. Seals installed in the groove painted a thin layer on the surface of grease, in the rubber seal coated a thin layer grease, valve stem sealing surface and the friction surface coating a thin layer of grease. (10) should be allowed fitted with metal debris, fibers, oils and fats (except the requirement to use) dust and other impurities, foreign matter such as pollution, adhesion or remain in part on the surface or enter the city. 2-line maintenance Stem packing 40 or 45, O-ring 56,112 and external components such as pipe replacement can be carried out without removing the valve from the pipeline. Decomposition of the order according to different drive Are as follows: 2.1 ─ ─ ball with a handle replacement filler 45 (1) Close the valve on the upstream and downstream cut-off valve. Removable ball deflated before and after the pipeline pressure. (2) to enable the ball in a full-closed state. (3) twist off nut 52, remove the washers 75, wrench head 74 and handle 47. (4) twist off nut 48, remove the spring washer 49, stem stopper 66 and the packing gland 50. (5) Remove the filler 45. (6) Check the removed parts, if any damage to be repaired or replaced for each of the components in clean water. (7) scrub and lubricated stuffing box sealing surface. (8) into a new packing 45. (9) by decomposition of the inverse order of 50 loaded packing gland, stem stopper 66, spring washers 49, nut 48 fixed tight with the above-mentioned components. (10) and then loaded wrench head 74 and handle 47, mounted on the washer 75, with nut 52 solid tight. (11) operating handle check valve in the open off the flexibility. (12) gas-tight test. 2.2 gear box with a ball valve replacement of 45 ─ ─ filler (1) Close the valve on the upstream and downstream cut-off valve. Removable valve deflated the pressure before and after the pipeline. (2) to enable the ball in a full-closed state. (3) screw off screw 10, remove the gear box. (4) screw out screw 15, remove the drive flange 34. (5), twist off nut 48, remove the spring washer 49 and packing gland 50, remove the packing 45. (6) Check the removed parts, if any damage, be repaired or replaced for each of the components in clean water. (7) Cleaning and lubricating stuffing box sealing surface. (8) into a new packing 45. (9) by decomposition of the inverse order of loaded gland packing 50, spring washers 49, nut 48 fixed tight with the above-mentioned components. And then loaded on the drive flange 34 by screws 15 solid tight. (10) mounted on the gear box, with screws 10 solid tight. (11) operation of the hoist gear box check valve flexibility. (12) gas-tight test. 2.3 The ball valve with pneumatic drives ─ ─ filler 40 and O-ring replacement 56,112 (1) Close the valve on the upstream and downstream cut-off valve. Removable valve deflated the pressure before and after the pipeline. (2) to enable the ball in a full-closed state. Removal of pneumatic pipeline. (3) twist off the drive screws 35 and removed along with the drive flange. (4) Remove the valve stem on the key 11, screw off screw 15, remove the packing gland 33, remove the packing 40. (5) remove from the packing gland O-ring 56 and 112. (6) Check the removed parts, if any damage to be repaired or replaced for each of the components in clean water. (7) Cleaning and lubricating stuffing box sealing surface and O-ring installation groove. (8) into a new filler 40, into the new O-rings 56 and 112. (9) fitted with packing gland 33, with 15 solid screws tight, and put on button 11. (10) drive flange and the drive, installed together with a screw 35 solid tight. (11) connected to the pneumatic pipeline, the operation check valve opening drive off the flexibility. (12) gas-tight test. 3 line maintenance ─ ─ seat 2 replacement, O-ring 6, the replacement of gasket 39. Valve seat, ball, stem, valve's internal seal replacement and repair of the need to pre-ball removed from the pipeline to proceed. 3.1 The two pairs of fractional ball valve (1) Close the valve on the upstream and downstream cut-off valve, removable valve deflated the pressure around the pipe. (2) Close the valve, so that in a fully closed state. The case of pneumatic device drivers, the removal of pneumatic pipeline. (3) remove the valve from the pipeline, flip then placed so that valve body 26 upward. (4) twist off nut 8, then remove the valve body 26. (5) remove the valve seat 2 and O-ring 63. (6) from the valve body 26 then remove the O-ring on the 6 and the sealing gasket 39. (7) Remove the ball 3. (8) removed the other side of the seat 2 and O-ring 63. (9) Check valve (1), the ball 3 and the valve body 26 then and, if damage to be repaired, the part in clean water. (10) lubricate the valve seat and the installation of a seal installation groove. (11) will be the new O-ring 6, sealing gasket 39 into valve body then the installation of slot. (12) to pre-O-ring 63 into the valve seat 2, seat 2 into the valve body 1 and valve body 26 in the next. (13) ball valve 3 into 1, the stem must be made with four goals on the tank. (14) to valve body 26 mounted on the body then one, with eight solid tight nut. (15) fitted with pneumatic pipelines (pneumatic drive-driven ball valve), the operation of hoist drive check valve flexibility. (16) gas-tight test. (17) mounted on the pipeline, according to the requirements of air tightness test pipeline. 3.2 three-piece ball valve (1) Close the valve on the upstream and downstream cut-off valve, removable valve deflated the pressure around the pipe. (2) Close the valve so that in a full-closed state. (3) remove the valve from the pipeline, flip then placed so that one end of the valve body 26 upward. (4) twist off nut 8, then remove the valve body 26. (5) removed the valve seat 2, spring 20, O-ring 17. (6) from the valve body 26 then remove the O-ring on the 6 and the sealing gasket 39. (7) Remove the ball 3. (8) Flip to other side of the valve body 26 pick up, according to (4) ~ (6) in order to remove the other side of the parts. (9) check valve 1, the ball 3, valve body 26 then and, if damage to be repaired. The part in clean water. (10) lubricate the valve seat and the installation of a sealed tank, the new O-ring 6, sealing gasket 39 into valve body 26, then the installation of slot. (11) will be the new O-ring 17 into the new seat 2, the spring 20 on the relevant position. (12) the first ball valve 3 into one, it is essential to stem the slot 4 with three goals. Rotate 90 º the stem 4 to open the valve. Will seat two sets of the ball, and then body then to the stud body 26 sets of 7 on the body 26 and to then insert a valve body 1, while the two happen to insert a valve seat body 26 in the next. (13) with (12) method into the other side of the seat 2 and valve body 26 then. (14) tighten the nut 8. (15) operation of the hoist drive check valve flexibility. (16) gas-tight test. (17) mounted on the pipeline, according to the requirements of air tightness test pipeline. 4 line valve repair ─ ─ overall decomposition, O-ring 21 and thrust washer 31 to replace. (1) by 2.3 removed the ball to break it down. (2) by 2.2 to decompose. (3) removed the valve stem 4, remove the thrust washer 31 and O-ring 21. (4) Check all parts to repair any damage for each of the components in clean water. (5) The lubrication of the sealing surface, a thin layer of grease coated stem. (6) fitted with a new O-ring 21 and thrust washer 31, mounted on the stem. (7) according to Section 2.2 for assembly. (8) according to Section 2.3 for assembly. (9) operation of the hoist drive check valve flexibility. (10) gas-tight test. (11) mounted on the pipeline, according to the requirements of air tightness test pipeline. 5 air tightness test 5.1 removed the ball valve for gas-tight test. (1) valve in a half-open state. Ministry of the ball at both ends of the flange is ailable with a pipe joints sealed cover. (2) to one end of the introduction of test medium, test medium is clean nitrogen or air. Other end of the tube connector block. Supercharger 5.6bar gradually to close the intake valve after the cessation of intake. (3) remove the valve from the pipeline, flip then placed so that one end of the valve body 26 upward. (4) twist off nut 8, then remove the valve body 26. (5) removed the valve seat 2, spring 20, O-ring 17. (6) from the valve body 26 then remove the O-ring on the 6 and the sealing gasket 39. (7) Remove the ball 3. (8) Flip to other side of the valve body 26 pick up, according to (4) ~ (6) in order to remove the other side of the parts. (9) check valve 1, the ball 3, valve body 26 then and, if damage to be repaired. The part in clean water. (10) lubricate the valve seat and the installation of a sealed tank, the new O-ring 6, sealing gasket 39 into valve body 26, then the installation of slot. (11) will be the new O-ring 17 into the new seat 2, the spring 20 on the relevant position. (12) the first ball valve 3 into one, it is essential to stem the slot 4 with three goals. Rotate 90 º the stem 4 to open the valve. Will seat two sets of the ball, and then body then to the stud body 26 sets of 7 on the body 26 and to then insert a valve body 1, while the two happen to insert a valve seat body 26 in the next. (13) with (12) method into the other side of the seat 2 and valve body 26 then. (14) tighten the nut 8. (15) operation of the hoist drive check valve flexibility. (16) gas-tight test. (17) mounted on the pipeline, according to the requirements of air tightness test pipeline.


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