手术前为什么要做艾滋病检测- 刘君- 职业日志- 价值中国网:网络就是 ...



2010年03月01日 09:26:23  中国柯桥网   




来源: 绍兴县报  作者: 县疾控中心 徐峰  编辑: 吴达峰 
2010年03月01日09:26:23  中國柯橋網




來源: 紹興縣報作者: 縣疾控中心徐峰編輯: 吳達峰

Why do HIV testing before surgery
March 1, 2010 09:26:23 China Keqiao Network
HIV testing before surgery is the so-called "four preoperative examination," one of the Objective To determine whether a patient diagnosed with or are infected with this disease. However, many patients or their families are often difficult to understand, I have come to surgery, why give me to do HIV testing then? Here to explain to Members.

Iatrogenic blood-borne HIV transmission is one of the ways. Blood-borne infection of HIV is the most direct means, such as importation of virus-contaminated blood, especially the "window period" of blood (ie blood donors have been infected, but is yet to come Xian stages of antibody blood, can not be present detection means to detect); use of contaminated and not subject to strict sterilization of medical devices, including syringes, acupuncture needles, dental instruments, equipment delivery obstetrics and gynecology, as well as surgical knives and scissors, pliers and so on. In addition, in doing endoscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy, etc. involved in examination and treatment, there are infected with HIV and other viruses possibilities. Thus, in clinical treatment, preoperative examination can help doctors four different patients for different treatment.

In accordance with the medical management system, in patients with HIV infection, its treatment of the arrangements as well as used equipment, goods and the handling of metabolites are different from normal patients. In the hospital, patients suffering from infectious diseases can not live in the same room with an ordinary patient, surgery should also arrange to special infection in the operating room. To bring these types of pathogens in patients with medical equipment, to go through a special sterilization procedures, such as using a separate sterile package, in addition to the disinfection process in general but also on many occasions outside the disinfection and associated indicator tests.

Off iatrogenic infection, not only for patients but also for job protection, health care workers is also of great significance. According to statistics, medical sharps injuries every year by the ratio of as high as 11% ~ 24% of them were caused by sharp injury infection, AIDS accounted for 3.2%. Meanwhile, the medical staff every day contact with patients of various diseases, as well as in patients with body fluids, blood, secretions, the suffering will increase the chance of infection. Therefore, preoperative examination of the four patients, if we find positive patients, you can alert medical staff extra attention.

Preoperative four checks help to reduce medical disputes, and a blood transfusion or surgery the patient was found infected with AIDS, is caused by blood transfusion and iatrogenic infection, or patients receiving treatment or hospitalization prior to infection, which requires the patient before surgery or blood transfusion before the check data comparison. If checked, responsibility is like divided; If there is no investigation, it is difficult are clear.
Source: Shaoxing County, reported Author: County CDC Xu Editor: Wu Dafeng


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:200    更新时间:2010-3-1    文章录入:nnb ]


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