

2010-02-26 14:55:45 阅读9 评论0 字号:

[摘 要] 利用热泵将空气或空调水中的热能转化为生活热水所需的热能的技术在发达国家已得到很好的应用,本文就热泵的构造、工作原理加以介绍,并给出在工程中的应用实例。   [关键词] 热泵 热交换 生活热水 空调机      1 前言   为保护自然环境,提高人民生活水平,开发和利用绿色能源(无污染的xx能源,如太阳能、地热等)应是建筑热水学科积极推广的新技术。本文所讨论的就是通过热泵利用空气或空调水中的热能作为生活热水热源的技术。   2 热泵的工作原理   热泵工作是利用“空调”的原理,将空气或水中的热能转移出去,但与空调机不同的是不是将热量排放到室外而是转移至水中,达到加热水的目的,同时制造冷气(或冷水),除去空气中多余的水份。热泵运行过程中提供的热量比其从空气或水中获得的热量要大,这是由于热泵的空压机也将电能转换为热能输出,无燃油或燃气加热设备的污染问题。热泵的开发应用在美国已有二十几年的历史,在超过5万个系统上应用。在香港的应用也有十多年的历史,在多个系统中使用。在深圳近几年也得到应用。根据获取能量来源的不同,热泵可分为水-水系列、气-水系列等类型。图1是以空气为能量来源的热泵的结构及工作过程。图中冷媒气化后经压缩机加压后经三通阀门输送至池水热交换器(此种类型的热泵一般用于游泳池池水的加热及空气的xx),高温气态冷媒经池水冷却而液化后再流至收集器。液态冷媒经膨胀阀在低压的蒸发盘管内蒸发,冷媒蒸发时吸收大量热能而将外间流经之空气冷却,冷媒气化后又再被压缩机加压后流经三通阀门输送至池水热交换器。如此动作循环不断制冷或制热。图2为以空调冷冻水为能量来源的热泵的结构及工作过程。空调冷冻水进入蒸发热交换器,液态冷媒在低压的蒸发盘管内蒸发,吸收冷冻水热能而将冷冻水温降低。气化后的冷媒经压缩机加压后回到冷凝热交换器,在冷凝盘管内液化将热量放出,加热生活用水。   3 工程应用实例   图3为水-水系列热泵工作的系统图。表1为水-水系列热泵的参数。图4为水-水系列热泵的外观。在蒸发热交换器一侧,冷冻水回水经循环水泵后进入热泵,每一次循环可使水温降低4℃。在蒸发热交换器侧,热水也是经循环水泵后进入热泵,每一次循环可使水温提高5℃。当热水水箱水温达到65℃时,压缩机停止工作。为提高热泵的效率,将{dy}个热水水箱作为预热水箱,热泵只提供基本的热负荷。第二个带有加热元件的热水水箱作为水的{zh1}加热手段。第二个热水水箱的容积应按整个建筑所需的热量计算,以备热泵或空调系统检修。图5为香港黄金海岸酒店(Gold Coast Hotel)热水系统图。此酒店为五星级酒店,原设计采有燃油热水锅炉,后根据香港环保部门及电力部门的要求采用热泵及容积式电加热器联合供热。本酒店生活热水共选用热泵四台,其中每二中串联安装,并利用原来的热交换器(3个供客房、2个供厨房)作为第二级的热水储罐。按酒店总的需热量共选用5台容积式电热水器。由于受地下设备间空间的限制,4台热泵总的制热量不能满足总的需求量,供水高峰期间需要有2~3台的电热水器投入运行。酒店已着手进行二期工作的改造,再安装四台气—水系列的热泵,用于游泳池池水的加热及空气的xx,并补充生活热水热泵的不足部分。   4 结论   热泵作为一种无污染的新型环保设备,在发达国家及地区已得到普遍的应用,我国已加入WTO并成功申办2008年奥运会,绿色奥运、科技奥运作为我们的基本方针已得到国际奥委会的认可。在未来7年的建设中,热泵在热水系统及空调系统上将会得到普遍的应用。

“ Preparation of heat pump for domestic hot water”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

[Abstract] the use of the air or air-conditioning heat pump heat into the water needed to heat domestic hot water technology in developed countries has been a very good application, this article on the heat pump structure, working principle should be introduced and given in the project The application example. [Key words] domestic hot water heat pump air conditioning heat exchanger 1 Introduction To protect the natural environment, improve people's living standards, development and use of green energy (clean natural energy sources such as solar, geothermal, etc.) should be actively promoted the construction of new water technology disciplines. Discussed in this article is through the use of air or air-conditioning heat pump water heat hot water as the heat source technology. 2 heat pump works Heat pump is the use of "air conditioning" in principle, the heat transfer of air or water out, but with a different air-conditioning is not emitted into the outdoor heat transferred to the water, but to achieve the purpose of heating water, while air-conditioner (or cold water ), remove excess moisture in the air. Heat pump to provide heat during operation than the air or water obtained from the heat should be large, this is because the heat pump compressor will also be converted to heat energy output, no oil or gas heating equipment pollution problems. Development and application of heat pump in the United States has been 20 years of history, in the more than 50,000 applications on the system. Application in Hong Kong also has 10 years of history, in the use of multiple systems. In Shenzhen in recent years has also been applied. According to the different access to energy sources, heat pumps can be divided into water - water series, gas - water, the type series. Figure 1 is a heat pump air as the energy source of the structure and working process. The figure after vaporization of refrigerant through the compressor pressure valve after the transfer to the pool water through the three heat exchanger (this type of heat pump are generally used for swimming pool water heating and air dehumidification), high temperature gaseous refrigerant through the cooling water liquefaction and then flows to the collector. Of liquid refrigerant through the expansion valve in the low pressure evaporator coil inside the evaporator, refrigerant evaporates but will absorb large amounts of heat flows through the outside air cooling, refrigerant compressor pressurized gasification then no longer be transported to the valve after the water flowing through the three heat switch. Such a move continuously cooling or heating cycle. Figure 2 shows to air-conditioning chilled water source heat pump the energy structure and working process. Air-conditioning chilled water into the evaporating heat exchanger, the liquid refrigerant in the evaporator coil inside the low-pressure evaporator, absorbing heat and chilled water chilled water temperature will be lower. After gasification pressure refrigerant through the compressor and returned to condensing heat exchanger in the condensing coil to heat released within the liquid, heating domestic water. 3 examples of engineering application Figure 3 for water - water heat pumps work in series of system maps. Table 1 for water - Water Series heat pump parameters. Figure 4 for water - water heat pumps Series appearance. In the evaporation heat exchanger side of the chilled water return water entered the pump through the circulating pump, and each time cycle the water temperature can reduce the 4 ℃. In the evaporation side heat exchanger, hot water circulating pump is also entered through the heat pump, every cycle can increase the water temperature 5 ℃. When the hot water tank temperature reached 65 ℃, the compressor stops working. To improve the efficiency of heat pumps, hot water tank will be the first one as a warm-water tank, heat pump only provides the basic thermal loads. The second hot water tank with a heating element as a means of heating water in the final. The second volume of hot water tanks should be required to heat the whole building basis, to prepare for heat pump or air-conditioning system maintenance. Figure 5 for the Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel (Gold Coast Hotel) hot water system maps. This hotel is a five-star hotel, originally designed to adopt a fuel hot water boiler, the latter under the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department and the requirements of the power sector capacity using heat pump and heating-type electric heater bands. The hotel hot water heat pumps use a total of four sets, each of which two in the series to install and use the original heat exchanger (3 for the rooms, two for the kitchen) as the second-level water storage tank. The total calories required by hotel use 5 sets of a total volume of type electric water heater. Due to space constraints underground equipment room, 4 total heat capacity heat pump can not meet the total demand during the peak water needs 2 ~ 3 units to the water heater into operation. Hotel has embarked on the transformation of the work of two, and then install the four gas - water heat pump series for swimming pool water heating and air dehumidification, and added enough hot water heat pump parts. 4 Conclusion Pump as a pollution-free new environmental protection equipment, in developed countries and the region has been generally applied, our country has joined WTO and successful bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games, Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics as part of our basic principle has been the International Olympic Committee recognition. In the next 7 years in the building, heat pump hot water system and air-conditioning in the system will be universal application.

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