了解不锈钢阀芯水龙头究竟有些什么优点- 中国截止阀网的日志- 网易博客


2010-02-23 11:20:25 阅读6 评论0 字号:

从传统的橡胶阀芯水龙头,到如今十分普及的陶瓷阀芯龙头,从密水性与使用方便轻快的角度说,是一次质的飞跃,对洁具龙头制造行业来说是一次革命。然而,陶瓷阀芯龙头{zd0}缺陷在于其太娇贵,对水质要求较高,水中杂质与水管中的氧化物,都对陶瓷阀芯产生致命的威胁,严重时,这种影响会导致整个龙头的报废,使用户蒙受损失。  目前市场上开始出现一种不锈钢阀芯的水龙头,比较知名的品牌有美国得尔塔与柯美科两种。这些不锈钢阀芯水龙头的制作与设计,是以寿命、灵敏度与可修复为出发点。它们{zd0}的优点是对水质要求不高,且其阀芯可拆开清洗,(在水质严重恶化地区,可重复清洗)而且这种拆装无需专业人士与专用工具,十分方便。

“ understand the stainless steel valve core faucet So, what advantages ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国减压阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

From the traditional rubber valve core faucet, to the now very popular Taocifaxin leading water-based and easy to use light from a close point of view, is a qualitative leap in right sanitary ware manufacturing industry is leading a revolution. However, the biggest drawback is its leading Taocifaxin too precious, to require a higher water quality, water impurities and water in the oxides, are all Taocifaxin lethal threat, a serious, this impact will cause the entire faucet of scrapped, allowing users to suffer. Currently on the market began to emerge of a spool of stainless steel taps, more well-known brands such as Delta and United States were two kinds of Konica Minolta Division. These stainless steel valve core faucet production and design, based on life, sensitivity and repairable as a starting point. Their biggest advantage is less demanding of water quality, and its spool to open the cleaning (in the serious deterioration in water quality in the region, can be repeated washing) and that such professionals and disassembly without special tools, is very convenient.

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