污染的饮用水,或管道维修及保养? « City life wiki 城市百科































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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005念11乐26日11时40日电






Contamination of drinking water, or pipeline maintenance and repairs?

Harbin Municipal People’s Government on the municipal water supply pipe network facilities in the urban area to conduct a comprehensive overhaul of the provisional suspension will affect

urban units and residents in order to ensure production of safe domestic water, municipal government decided to urban municipal water supply pipe network facilities for overhaul and temporarily stop the water supply, the relevant matters relating to notice are as follows:

one, since at 12 o’clock on November 22, 2005 onwards, the urban municipal water supply pipe network facilities for the overhaul and temporarily stop the water, maintenance, and the cutoff time of 4 days (to restore the water supply a date to be Notice), please in the urban areas of the organs, enterprises, individual business operators, residents and business units do a good job of water supply production and living water reserves, and ensure normal production and living.

2, since the release date of this notice in all the urban area, bathing, car washing industry must immediately stop use of water.

3, city business, prices, and public security departments should strengthen market supervision and law and order management, maintenance, market and social order

1, a few days before this incident and the Jilin Petrochemical Company in an explosion of benzene in the end there is no relationship Jilin is the upper reaches of the Songhua River, Harbin’s water supply from the Songhua River呀?
2, is now home of the people of Harbin have stored water, but now the targets of the water stored whether the reference request? Whether it can directly reference it?
3, today, the size of the city’s shopping malls, supermarkets, pure water is only one night, was swept away, water prices soaring, or is the original retail price of more than 3 times, will it really appears water supply a difficult situation? attendant there are other commodity prices.
4, purified water prices means the Government can enforce norms, traders raise prices to combat illegal acts, the Government is how to solve it?
5, in the next few days, the lives of the people of Harbin water how to solve it?

1, based on your description of the situation, should be the reason of pollution of drinking water because the pipeline repairs are generally ahead of plan, early notification, and no large areas of all of the necessary repairs, even if a large area All maintenance, just a few days time, both human and management aspects are not keep up.
2, in general, if the indicators of drinking water quality standards to limit harmful levels of time, municipal (water company) will advance to take appropriate preventive and remedial measures, such as the current measure does not exclude that this behavior results .
3, according to informed, water is a certain amount of water is stopped, and when people use of water stress, and drinking water all that time did not rule out the possibility of a difficult situation arise.
4, bottled water, water prices are set by the market to regulate supply and demand, and not included in the price control, there is no big price hikes, the wrongful act, unless the government intervention in the free market, then naturally a different matter.
5, specifically how to solve the future, in addition to members of the public to make full of reserve water outside of work is to try to save water, attention to the guidance in this area and measures, do not play inexplicable panic.

1. nothing to do with

Harbin current water management system is the main supply route from the water company responsible for the management, households pipeline by the property unit is responsible for the management. Secondary water supply trunk main is to transport over the water through secondary pressure, and then sent to people’s homes
water containers, according to disinfect tap water in Harbin, Sun, general manager of the company’s introduction of secondary contamination of water supplies is mainly due to water tanks and pipelines can not clear brush and water tank room from time to time mismanagement. There are a number of property units will be
sewage pipes and water pipes connected to the secondary water supply facilities exist around the sources of pollution, secondary water supply facilities and other reasons the design process unreasonable. -Home ownership units in the current pipeline are responsible for the management, their understanding of water quality problems is not enough room on the management of water tanks not in place. The past, many residential water tanks are not stamped, so to Jiuji contaminated water has resulted in many opportunities.
summer, some children went to go wash water tank. Worse still has been found in the water tank animal’s body. There are residential buildings, water tanks set up with room and boiler room, plus water tanks are not sealed, so that the residents quality of drinking water is difficult protection. Property rights but also for the regular clearing brush unit of insufficient attention to the problem, leading to water tanks memory impurities and accumulated a lot of mud, which causes water pollution.

2. should not drink directly from the

chlorination of tap water not already do, why is not safe?
the face of the worsening water pollution, water plant in a manner that is adding a lot more than the standard chlorine (bleach) to disinfect sterilization. While chlorine can kill all bacteria in the water, but once it combines with organic matter in water, a result of the role of chlorine or bleaching powder, producing a large number of chlorinated organic compounds (such as chloroform, dibromo-chloromethane), hazard human health. Chlorinated organic compounds in animal tests the system has been identified as carcinogens.

3. you can refer to government documents

City, the problem of aging water pipes serious leakage rate of 23%, nearly 150 km of pipe network Puppet extended service period. Secondary water supply problem is also very serious, there are 1350 kilometers pipeline households lost by leaking a serious problem. Water funding gap remains very wide.

responses: to speed up Majiagou, He Jia Gou’s transformation efforts to inject the Songhua River water, the water so that the two live together, it will not only become a city of a scene, but also to the city to increase humidity and to upgrade a small climate, improve the to play a role in the city’s taste. Proposed for the riverside set up a wind generator to mention water into two rivers, which is the landscape also brings practical. Ash may wish to consider the introduction of water into the river or Lalin Ma Gou He can be argued. For instance, in Omaha Mopanshan project has entered the line as long as the increase in a thin pipes in the vicinity of the Lalin River into the cited Majiagou can (as long as the introduction of the high end of Majiagou higher than either), can save a lot of expenses . In short, the more solutions than problems.
Mopanshan Reservoir water into the city, due to good water quality reasons, is likely to lead city’s food and beverage industry, large-scale development, the relevant departments should be considered and prepared in advance. Therefore, we must continue to use the original Songhua River water is divided into categories of drinking water and non-potable water supply. This volume of 170-180 million cubic meters of water just enough to Harbin after the development of urban water.

4. government documents

whether this year’s market prices significantly lower than last year, related to the economic stability and social stability, but also test the effectiveness of our rectifying the size of the main indicator. All levels of government primarily responsible comrades should personally attend to a strict responsibility system, and to control the prices, the completion of the task, as an important performance evaluation. To strictly enforce financial discipline, and perseverance to do a good job prices, tax inspection. Prices, industry and commerce, taxation, auditing and supervision departments should work closely together to resolutely investigate and deal with violations of law. Pairs of major cases, regardless of which department is involved, which people have to be thoroughly investigated. From start to finish to do a good job screening and reorganization of various companies, after review and acceptance should not retain the company must be resolutely removed; problems reported by the masses, we should continue to investigate and deal with; for all reservations company, to be re-registered to operate in accordance with law; in the future to form a new company, approval procedures must be strictly enforced to prevent the side clean-up, while bulging. To further strengthen market management, establish a sound price management system. We must ensure the provision of goods and commodities, the national franchise, regularly publish the wholesale and retail prices; where the national uniform pricing of goods, any units and individuals are not allowed to arbitrarily raise prices; where the implementation of national guidance prices of goods, to strictly implement the provisions of the floating band of the country and a variety of slip; the introduction of “dual track” means of production, unplanned part of the implementation of price-cap; right price liberalization of key commodities, price increases implemented reporting system; all business units to implement all clearly marked and accept their supervision; right system poor sales of counterfeit goods, Daomaidaomai, big price hikes and other illegal activities, we must resolutely crack down. To greatly increase the effective supply arrangements for market supply. Industrial enterprises and rural areas, should actively explore the potential to greatly increase the market for industrial and agricultural production of merchantability. Commercial departments should vigorously organized and supply of goods, improving transport and throughput adjustment, ensure the basic necessities continue to stall, not out of stock. In particular, state-owned business to the state accountable to the people to fully play a leading role in actively stabilize market prices. We must strengthen the individual’s education and management of commercial vendors to operate in accordance with law.

price if you are suspicious, can go to the local Price Bureau to report

5. can only give you some news

Harbin City, according to an authoritative department predicted, due to the size of the low water level in rivers, reservoirs, embankments water in small, Harbin water drought situation is very serious. Last year, in June, Harbin Municipal People’s Congress Urban Environment Committee to examine the city’s implementation of “Harbin City Water Regulations,” when the implementation of the delegates suggested that car washing, bathing, infrastructure, water, burglary serious, must be severely punished.

end of last year, Harbin City, the city adjusted the price of water: residents 1.8 yuan per cubic meter of water, special water, including car washing water, 7 yuan per cubic meter. With the price of water increased the gap between those who are blinded by greed, misappropriation of illegal residents in the phenomenon of water become especially rampant. Until recently, Harbin Water Supply Inspection Department has seized more than 300 dealt with “black car washing point.”

is the source of water pollution,

contamination of drinking water

I am more familiar with the water supply, in my opinion is as follows:
according to The information you provide so-called overhaul is just an excuse, the industry knows that the city’s water supply system without water maintenance is a big thing, there must be at least several months of preparation time, can not be hasty decision within a few days , not to inform the public only one day in advance. Certainly unexpected events forced the city without water.
accident there are two possibilities, one source of water pollution, the second is the key equipment failures, such as power outages, mains burst, if it is the key equipment failures, can notice the public to obtain public understanding, which is understandable that the public . Water users are also consumers, do have a right to know.
Conclusion: The water pollution, in order to maintain the image of leaders distorting the facts.

should be drinking water pollution, if it is the city’s pipeline maintenance Bu Zhiyu district without water so long呀

polluted drinking water, the city government said the pipeline repairs yes Huyou people. I’m liable.

the latest news reports is the Jilin Petrochemical Company of benzene exploded, causing serious exceeded the Songhua River benzene, organic matter, affecting water quality in the Songhua River, Harbin’s water supply because of taken from the Songhua River, so for four days without water.

1, is the reason of pollution of drinking water has been reported
2,3,4,5 trust the Government, no problem.

on the first floor are spreading rumors. This is indeed Kyrgyzstan petrochemical pollution caused by an explosion, such a big thing of the Central all know, and Harbin municipal government would dare to lie.

of pollution ah

is water pollution. The incident

Harbin is not caused by benzene poisoning of drinking water is now 11 o’clock tomorrow to resume the water supply

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005 Nian 11 Yue 26 Ri 11:40 Xinhua

HARBIN, November 26 Xinhua Party secretary Du Yuxin, Harbin, 25, said that according to plan , Harbin 27 around 11 pm the night of the water supply will resume.

Du Yuxin, said the city is now imperative to restore the water supply in Harbin have been drawn up to restore the water supply program, organized by the Ministry of Construction, complementing well-known experts, and now is stepping up the implementation.

He said that supply of activated carbon required for the project has been fully implemented, are being gradually arrive. Harbin water three plants live more than 1,000 armed police officers and soldiers, the PLA soldiers and cadres and workers day and night raids. Harbin City mayor to the public that made a solemn promise: to ensure the schedule of water supply, to ensure that people drink safe water.

Du Yuxin said that so far does not appear because it was mistakenly drinking the polluted water, benzene poisoning problems arise. Since the disruption of water supply, the Government immediately launched a public health emergency prevention mechanisms, public health departments to enhance the water quality testing and to take the necessary disinfection measures on the public with drinking water safety education. At the same time, it sp…

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