调节阀的安装及提高寿命方法- 中国闸阀网的日志- 网易博客


2010-02-22 14:04:34 阅读5 评论0 字号:

  调节阀安装过程中应注意以下问题: (1)调节阀在安装之前,必须仔细地xx阀门在储存期间所累积的灰尘,在安装过程中也要保持清洁。因为灰尘杂质会使阀座和内件损坏。为了保护清洁,通常可在当天未焊的开口法兰端部装上盖板。 (2)调节阀安装时,阀体上的箭头应与介质流向一致。 (3)调节阀是精密构件,如果它们受到管道变形的应力,将破坏正常的工作。因此,法兰与管道安装应垂直并且位置准确以避免管道的变形。并且,管道要适当支撑,以防止它在阀门重量作用下发生弯曲变形。 (4)调节阀在与管道焊接时必须特别小心。若调节阀与管道焊接时注意不够,未能xx应力,则会产生变形。焊接时,必须严格避免焊渣飞溅入阀门内,焊渣的存在有损阀门的性能,如果飞溅直接溅在阀芯上,轻则直接影响调节阀的动作,重则损坏阀芯和阀座。 (5)管道在试压和吹除时,调节阀应拆下,用相应的直管段相连以防止焊渣、铁削等杂物卡在阀芯与阀座之间。拆下的调节阀开口法兰端部应用塑料布包扎牢固。 1)大开度工作延长寿命法 让调节阀一开始就尽量在{zd0}开度上工作,如90%。这样,汽蚀、冲蚀等破坏发生在阀芯头部上。随着阀芯破坏,流量增加,相应阀再关一点,这样不断破坏,逐步关闭,使整个阀芯全部充分利用.同时,大开度工作节流间隙大,冲蚀减弱,这比一开始就让阀在中间开度和小开度上工作提高寿命1~5倍以上。如某化工厂采用此法,阀的使用寿命提高了2倍。 2)减小S增大工作开度提高寿命法 阀后设孔板节流消耗压降;关闭管路上串联的手动阀,至调节阀获得较理想的工作开度为止。对一开始阀选大处于小开度工作时,采用此法十分简单、方便、有效。 3)缩小口径增大工作开度提高寿命法 通过把调节阀的口径减小来增大工作开度,具体办法有:①换一台小一档口径的阀,如DN32换成DN25;②阀体不变更,更换小阀座直径的阀芯阀座。如某化工厂大修时将节流件dgl0更换为dg8,寿命提高了1倍。 4)转移破坏位置提高寿命法 把破坏严重的地方转移到次要位置,以保护阀芯阀座的密封面和节流面。 5)增长节流通道提高寿命法 增长节流通道最简单的就是加厚阀座,使阀座孔增长,形成更长的节流通道。 6)改变流向提高寿命法 流开型向着开方向流,汽蚀、冲蚀主要作用在密封面上,使阀芯根部和阀芯阀座密封面很快遭受破坏;流闭型向着闭方向流,汽蚀、冲蚀作用在节流之后,阀座密封面以下,保护了密封面和阀芯根部,延长了寿命。 7)改用特殊材料提高寿命法 为抗汽蚀(破坏形状如蜂窝状小点)和冲刷(流线型的小沟),可改用耐汽蚀和冲刷的特殊材料来制造节流件。 8)改变调节阀结构提高寿命法 采取改变阀结构或选用具有更长寿命的阀的办法来达到提高寿命的目的,如选用多级式阀,反汽蚀阀、耐腐蚀阀等。

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Regulating valve during the installation process should pay attention to the following questions: (1) The regulating valve is installed, you must carefully remove the valve in the dust accumulated during storage, during the installation process should be kept clean. Because the seat and inner dust impurities would be damaged. In order to protect clean, usually the same day the opening is not welded flange end fitted cover. (2) regulating valve installed, the arrow on the valve body should be in line with the medium flow. (3) The regulating valve is a precision component, if they are pipe deformation stress, will undermine the normal work. Therefore, the flange and pipe installation in the vertical and the location accuracy in order to avoid deformation of the pipe. Also, pipelines should be appropriate support to prevent it from occurring in the valves under the weight of deformation. (4) control valve with the pipe welding must be especially careful. If the regulating valve and pipe welding, when insufficient attention was paid not to eliminate stress, will be deformation. Welding, welding slag must be strictly avoided flying into the valve, the presence of welding slag detrimental to valve performance, if the splash splashing directly on the spool, ranging from a direct impact on regulating valve action, then the damaged valve core and valve re - Block. (5) Pipeline pressure and blowing the trial except when the regulating valve should be removed, with the corresponding straight pipe connected to prevent the welding slag, iron and other debris cut cards in between the spool and the valve seat. Remove the control valve open flange end use of plastic sheeting firmly bandaged. 1) Large opening to extend the life of the work of the Law Make a start control valve opening as far as working on the largest, such as 90%. In this way, cavitation, erosion and other damage was done in the head on the spool. With the valve core damage, traffic increased, the corresponding valve and then a little off, so continue to disrupt, and gradually shut down, so that the whole spool fully used. At the same time, the work of cutting large opening gap large erosion weakened, more than a beginning let valve opening in the middle and the small opening to work on to improve life of 1 to 5 times. If a chemical plant using this method, the service life of valve 2-fold increase. 2) reduce the increase in job openings S and increased life expectancy method Consumption of meta-plate throttle valve pressure drop; off road series of the manual control valve to control valve to obtain a more ideal job opening up. The beginning of a major election in a small valve opening work, the use of this method is very simple, convenient and effective. 3) The increase in the work of narrowing the aperture opening and increased life expectancy method By reducing the valve to increase the caliber of the work of opening the specific measures are: ① replace it a file of small-caliber valve, such as the DN32 replaced by DN25; ② body does not change, the replacement of small diameter of the spool valve seat valve seat. If a chemical plant overhaul will be cutting pieces of dgl0 replacement dg8, increasing life expectancy by one-fold. 4) The location of the transfer of damage and increased life expectancy method Severely damaged areas to move to a secondary position, to protect the spool valve seat sealing surface and cutting surface. 5) increased by cutting channels and increased life expectancy method Growth is the most simple throttling channel thicker seat, so that valve seat hole growth, the formation of a longer throttle channel. 6) a change in the flow and increased life expectancy method Flow toward the opening direction of open-type flow, cavitation, erosion a major role in the sealing surface, so that spool and the spool valve seat sealing surface of the roots will soon be destroyed; flow towards the closed orientation of a closed-type flow, cavitation, erosion effect In the throttle, the valve seat sealing surface below the sealing surface and the valve core to protect the roots, the prolongation of life. 7) The use of special materials, and increased life expectancy method For anti-cavitation (such as the destruction of shape, honeycomb-like dots) and washed (streamlined minor groove), can switch to cavitation and erosion-resistant special materials to create cutting pieces. 8) a change in control valve structures and increased life expectancy method Taken to change the valve structure or use a longer valve life means to achieve the purpose of improving life expectancy, such as the choice of multi-stage valve, anti-cavitation valve, corrosion-resistant valve.

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