怎样才华{zh0}的钙呀? « Live in China 混在中国





不同年龄段,对钙的需求是不同的。母乳喂养的新生儿,2 - 3岁食用牛奶或奶粉并不需要额外的幼儿钙。宝宝4年后,在一个快速增长期,日本,需要800毫克的钙平均除了通过饮食中钙,钙的金额可以。孕妇和哺乳期妇女,或前和绝经后妇女需要1200毫克的钙每日(Meiri)平均,特别是绝经后妇女,雌xx在体内急剧下降,造成巨大损失的钙,膳食钙不能满足需要,应该是钙。此外,男性更年期10年后,比一般妇女,也可能造成巨大损失的钙,也需要钙。
















How can the best calcium呀?

how can the best calcium呀?

Calcium is an important element of the human body needs. Many of the stages of a person s life require calcium. How to calcium more scientific? With this issue, we interviewed 301 hospital room BAO Shan-fen trace element nutrition researcher.

different ages, the demand for calcium is not the same as

BAO Shan-fen said that China s need for calcium for adults is 800 mg day. Three meals a day in the diet, can provide 400-500 mg of calcium if you add milk, all kinds of dairy products, soy products such as food, the general day to meet calcium needs.

different ages, the demand for calcium is different. Breast-fed newborns, 2-3-year-old eating milk or milk formula does not require additional calcium for child care. Children 4 years later, in a rapid growth period, Japan and need to an average of 800 milligrams of calcium, in addition to calcium obtained through the diet, the amount of calcium can be. Pregnant and lactating women, or both before and after menopause women need 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily average, especially in menopausal women, estrogen sharp decline in the body, causing huge loss of calcium, dietary calcium can not meet the need, should be calcium. In addition, the male menopause 10 years later than women in general, can also cause huge loss of calcium, also need calcium.

different forms of calcium, absorption rates are basically the same

calcium in the form of a wide range. Before people buy calcium would certainly wonder what the best forms of calcium do? Common inorganic calcium compounds, calcium and organic sub-calcium. Inorganic calcium mainly calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium lactate, calcium gluconate and other classes of organic calcium. They are made into tablets, capsules, effervescent tablets, oral liquid, chewable tablets and other forms. Choice, apart from according to their own preferences, we should also consider what kind of supplements best for them.

BAO Shan-fen that gastric acid secretion in normal or high side of the adult, you can choose calcium carbonate; If you have stomach disorders, such as atrophic gastritis, gastric acid secretion due to small, you can choose organic calcium. Children can choose to calcium lactate, or grape.

BAO Shan-fen also tells us that a large number of experiments show that calcium absorption and calcium in the form of no direct relation. Different products in the same conditions, the calcium absorption rate is essentially the same, in the strict animal experiments to achieve over 90%. Human calcium absorption rate of 30% -60% range. The factors that affect calcium absorption are the following:

a rapid period of growth and development of young people, on the calcium requirements for large, high absorption rate than the elderly;

2, supplementary volume of the greater absorption rate of calcium The lower the dose usually not more than one 500 mg;

in the diet, the various components, such as spinach in the oxalic acid, persimmon tannin in the coarse grains in the phytic acid composition, will affect the absorption of calcium; with phosphorus in cola drinks, alcohol, and rich in phytic acid, tannic acid such as wheat bran can reduce calcium absorption.

4, an appropriate amount of vitamin D, an appropriate amount of protein will help calcium absorption. Excessive amount of vitamin D and protein can reduce calcium absorption.

cheapest calcium carbonate, the calcium is not low

BAO Shan-fen said the choice of calcium can not be based on price, because calcium is not the price the more expensive the better. Calcium carbonate is the cheapest and most commonly used compounds, its high calcium content, or about 40%. Of calcium citrate than calcium carbonate, calcium is low, about 20%, it may need to take tablets two times more in order to achieve the recommended intake.

in the choice of calcium, you should carefully read the notes on the packaging. Of different calcium supplements contain different doses of calcium. In order to improve absorption, it is best taken in small doses several times a day carve calcium. Time to take a lot of calcium, will reduce the effective absorption of calcium.

food calcium is the best

BAO Shan-fen said, the saying goes, drugs make up less Sibu In fact, around us, the high calcium content of food everywhere. Natural food, milk hectogram calcium 100-120 mg of calcium per bag commercially available milk is about 240-280 mg, and could easily be absorbed by the body, is the best source of calcium. If a child drank 250 做爱 of milk and a cup of yogurt, you can add 400-500 mg of calcium, and then supplemented with calcium-rich vegetables, soy products and so on, basically to meet calcium needs.

beans, fish and shrimp, hazelnuts, peanuts and other dried fruits, seaweed, edible fungus, mushroom, sesame, and many green vegetables are good sources of calcium. Tofu at the point the process of adding some brine electrolytes, so that protein precipitation, such as the Southern tofu add gypsum or calcium sulfate in the North tofu added that the magnesium salt brine, the calcium is very useful.

in their daily cooking process, but also attention to reducing the loss of calcium. Such as food of the insurance storage; milk, not stirred during heating so as to avoid the loss of calcium; vegetables should be washed before cutting, should not be cut too broken, stir-fries to more water, cooking time should not be too long; spinach contain oxalic acid more of vegetables, should be first boiled with hot water to dissolve to the oxalic acid

calcium, but a big problem, the best of complementary approaches, or Sibu, Eat high calcium foods, such as milk is a very good choice, but will not necessarily eat more absorbed ah, so eating there is also a degree, not eating Mei Wan ah!

drugs make up less Sibu, I suggest you bone soup, or drink, so that calcium can be very good is also very safe no side effects.

add tofu stew bone soup, a perfect match. eat when calcium clothes VD, helps calcium absorption.04-12-15

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