Nothing to good food on the eyes? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food


1. Has a role in improving the vision of food
protect eyesight, prevent eye disease, many aspects need to start, in which attention to nutrition, to improve the eyesight also be helpful. In their daily diet, with foods to improve the visual effect:
(1) of food rich in vitamin A, vitamin A is closely related with normal vision. If vitamin A is inadequate, then the regeneration of rhodopsin slow and incomplete, prolonged dark adaptation, night blindness caused by severe. If the diet of vitamin A or less, there will be a continuing lack of dry eye, the disease can be further developed to soften the cornea and corneal ulcers, corneal folds, and also appeared Bitot spots. The best food sources of vitamin A is a variety of animal liver, cod liver oil, eggs, eggs, etc.; carrots, spinach, amaranth, alfalfa, red heart sweet potatoes, pumpkins, green peppers and other vegetables, vitamin A contained in the original in vivo converted into vitamin A.
(2) of food rich in vitamin C, vitamin C can weaken the light and oxygen to the eye lens damage, and thus delay the occurrence of cataracts. Foods containing vitamin c, bell pepper, tomato, lemon, kiwi fruit, hawthorn and other fresh vegetables and fruit.
(3) Calcium, calcium and eye constitutes a related, calcium deficiency can cause myopia. The growth of young people is at the peak of the requirements relative increase in calcium, if not attention to calcium supplement will not only affect bone development, but also make the developing eye wall - to reduce the flexibility of the sclera, the lens inside the pressure rise, resulted in the anteroposterior diameter of the eye caused by short-sighted elongated. Calcium and more food, mainly milk and its products, shellfish (shrimp), bone meal, beans and soy products, egg yolk, and dark green vegetables.
(4) chromium, chromium prone to myopia and lack of chromium can activate the insulin, so insulin to maximize the biological effects, such as the chromium content of less than human, and it will happen barrier function of insulin that regulates blood sugar, plasma osmotic pressure increased, resulting in lens of the eye, the Housing osmotic pressure increased and the refraction of water increases, and thus induce myopia. Chromium exists in more than brown rice, wheat bran into animal liver, grape juice, nuts are also relatively rich in content.
(5) zinc, zinc deficiency can lead to visual impairment, zinc in the body mainly in the bones and blood. Epidermis cornea, iris, retina and lens are also contained zinc, zinc and vitamin A in the eye involved in the generation of that) and transport, the maintenance of retinal pigment epithelium of normal tissue status, and maintain normal visual function. Zinc foods more oysters, meat, liver, eggs, peanuts, wheat, beans, grains and so on.
(6) pearl, pearl containing more than 95% of the calcium carbonate and a small amount of magnesium oxide, alumina and other minerals, and contains a variety of amino acids, such as leucine, methionine, alanine, glycine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, etc., pearls of sweet salty cold, with pearl powder with borneol, amber and so dubbed the “pearl powder” point the eye can inhibit the formation of cataracts.

(7), and seaweed, kelp, inter alia also contain iodine 1 / 3 of mannitol, dried kelp surface of a thick layer of “white frost”, which is the kelp in the mannitol, mannitol diuresis, reduce intraocular pressure, used to treat acute glaucoma have a good effect. Other categories, such as wakame seaweed also contains mannitol, can also be used as a treatment of acute glaucoma supplementary food.
2. Help to improve the vision of health food diet can be increased through nutrition, to improve the vision, so we should be more intake of these foods, such as in the daily diet, based on the use of appropriate visual function has improved the health foods, may play a Good role of adjuvant therapy. The choice of health food products are:?
(1) vitamin A-rich foods, such as the Chinese wolfberry kind of product.
(2) rich in proteins, peptides, certain amino acids, such as taurine, nucleic acid and so on.
(3) contains cassia seed, chrysanthemum, hawthorn, pearl powder, health tea, powder or capsules.
$ Reference: Chinese Medicine Net Guide Xunyi


类别: 餐饮食品



2.有助于改善视力的保健食品 通过饮食可以增加营养,改善视力,所以我们应多摄入上述食物,如能在日常膳食的基础上,选用适当的具有改善视力功能的保健食品,则可起到良好的辅助xx的作用。可选用的保健食品有: 
$ 参考资料:中国寻医导药网

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