太矿成功研制世界{zd0}排量斜轴液压泵- gemobeng的日志- 网易博客


2010-02-21 13:37:11 阅读9 评论0 字号:

听起来有点不可思议,一项高新技术产品,竟让"老外"退出了国内市场。然而,这却是千真万确的事。这项高新技术产品就是由太原矿山机器集团公司研制的"高压大排量斜轴式轴向柱塞泵"。日前,它通过了国家知识产权局为期一年的审核公示,正式获得了国家实用型专利证书。 该泵是世界上{zd0}排量的斜轴式液压泵,{zd0}排量高达1000毫升/转,额定压力达32兆帕,广泛应用于冶金、矿山、锻压、起重、运输等各类机械的液压系统中。它结构紧凑、重量轻、压力高、流量范围大、输出功率大、操作方便、使用寿命长,大大减少了液压系统中泵的数量,不仅填补了我国在特大排量液压泵领域的空白,而且达到世界先进水平。 过去,在特大排量液压泵领域,xx技术一直由世界巨头德国力士乐公司所垄断,其价格相当于一辆奔驰轿车的价钱。面对没有自主品牌产品处处受制于人的现状,太矿集团奋发图强、潜心攻关,终于研制出这种世界{zd0}排量的斜轴式液压泵,其售价只有进口设备的十分之一。因此,产品一经推出,立即广受欢迎,"洋"设备只好一再降价,{zh1}无奈地退出了国内市场。目前,该产品国内市场占有率高达95%以上。

“ Mine too successfully developed the world's largest hydraulic pump displacement inclined ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

It sounds a bit weird, a high-tech products, has allowed "foreigners" out of the domestic market. However, this is true thing. The high-tech product is developed by Taiyuan mining machinery group's "high-pressure large displacement helical-axis axial piston pump." Recently, it adopted the State Intellectual Property Office a one-year audit publicity, formally received the national utility model patent certificate. The pump is the world's largest oblique axis displacement hydraulic pump, the largest displacement of up to 1000 ml / switch, rated pressure up to 32 MPa, is widely used in metallurgy, mining, forging, lifting, transportation and other types of machinery and hydraulic system. It is compact, light weight, high pressure, flow range, output power, easy operation, long service life, greatly reducing the number of pumps in the hydraulic system, not only filled our country in large gaps in the field of displacement hydraulic pump, and the reached the world advanced level. In the past, large areas of displacement hydraulic pump, high-end technology has been by the world's giant German Rexroth monopoly, its price is equivalent to the price of a Mercedes-Benz sedan. No own brand products everywhere in the face of the status quo be controlled by others, too Mining Group make the effort and research with great concentration, and finally developed the world's largest oblique axis displacement hydraulic pump, which cost only one-tenth of imported equipment. Therefore, the product, once introduced, immediately popular, "foreign" equipment had to cut prices again and again, finally reluctantly withdrew from the domestic market. At present, the product of domestic market share as high as 95%.

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