雷克萨斯的Lexus CT200h科技内饰

閫氬父鎴戜滑姣旇緝鍏虫敞渚挎惡寮忕殑鏁扮爜娑堣垂鍝侊紝浣嗙幇鍦ㄦ暟鐮佷骇鍝佸凡缁忚秺鏉ヨ秺澶氳瀺鍏ュ埌鍚勪釜鍦版柟锛岃€屾苯杞︽槸鍏稿瀷浠h〃銆傞浄鍏嬭惃鏂渶鏂板彂甯冪殑Lexus CT200h姹借溅鍐呴グ锛岀粰浜嗘垜浠竴涓柊绛旀锛岃繖閮ㄦ苯杞﹀唴鏈変竴涓?瀵哥殑娑叉櫠鏄剧ず灞忥紝鐙湁鐨勮Е鎽告帶鍒跺櫒锛岀被浼奸紶鏍囷紝浣犵殑椋熸寚鍙互鎺у埗绉诲姩锛涙苯杞﹀惎鍔ㄤ篃鏄寜涓€涓挳瀹炵幇锛屽彉閫熷櫒涔熸槸閫氳繃鐢靛瓙瀹屾垚锛屾暣涓华琛ㄧ洏绉戞妧鎰熷崄瓒筹紱涓嬩釜鏈堝嵆灏嗚繋鏉ユ棩鍐呯摝杞﹀睍锛屽埌鏃跺€欓攣瀹?a href="http://cn.autoblog.com">Autoblog缁欏ぇ瀹跺甫鏉ユ洿澶氱簿褰╂姤閬撱€?br />

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