Plates are black, blue, yellow …… What is the difference between ...

plates are black, blue, yellow …… What is the difference between them right?

Large civilian vehicle, the license for the red end of white. ○
small civilian car, the license for the blue white, green or white at the end. ○ Public
Special Purpose Vehicle, the license for the white and red “GA”, black. ○
dedicated police car, the license for the white and red “WJ”, black. ○
military vehicle, the license for the white, red Chinese characters: “A, B, C … …” black. ○
foreign embassy vehicle, license for black, white and hollow, “the” word mark. ○
consulates of foreign cars, at the end of the license for the ink, white and hollow, “from” word mark. ○
other foreign cars, the license for the black white. ○
trade license for the blue white, the figure before the “test” word mark. ○ learning
vehicle license plate for the blue white, digital before “learning” word mark. ○
temporary license for the red white, digital pre-”temporary” word. ○
premium car with a license for the black and white. ○
vehicle “moving certificate” for the white red. ○ civilian vehicle license
there are two lines on the top line is in small provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and made the names of license and regulatory authorities, code-named, numbered from 01-99. ○
civilian car number, usually five figures, that is, from 00001-99999. ○
number more than 100,000, then use A, B, C, etc. in lieu of letters of the alphabet.
1: civilian vehicle license there are two lines on the top line is in small provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and made the names of license and regulatory authorities, code-named, numbered from 01-99.
2: vehicle license for the white background of the license, location (1) has always been red, the location (2) is the red should be the first trailer, the trailer is a black tail, position (3) is black. As for the specific five-digit division of the contents of a confidential! Yellow font “guard” is a security license, circulation of small, mostly for the country, the Central Political Bureau, Central Military Commission, a dedicated vehicle to clear the way, white is the common security card, number more.

2:军车牌照整个牌照为白底,位置(1)始终是红字,位置(2)是红字则应挂车头,是黑字则挂车尾,位置(3)是黑字。 至于5位数字的具体划分,属于机密内容了 !黄色字体“警备”牌是一级警备,发行量不多,多数用于国家、中央政治局、军委专用开道车,白色的是普通警备牌,数量多些。

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